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Best Rifle related product of the century hands down, got one? post it!


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The days of getting yelled at for hiding under the clean bed sheets, while聽 praying that the launch wouldn't happen, or would fail! No more scanning the floor with flashlights and magnets, or having to buy a whole kit to get TWO tiny items.....No more screaming at everyone to be quiet while the most feared precise operation took place:

Those magpull boys are something else, I know its been out but just had to pay it forward! Enjoy!! 馃檪

The Enhanced Ejection Port Cover is a drop-in upgrade designed to provide an improved installation process, physical strength, and corrosion resistance over the standard USGI ejection port cover. Traditional stamped-steel ejection ports are malleable, prone to corrosion, and require tools to install. The Enhanced Ejection Port Cover snaps into place easily without having to remove your hand guard or barrel nut, wind any loose springs, or adjust small e-clips. Constructed of impact-resistant injection molded polymer, it is corrosion resistant and will not bend or deform from impacts. CHANGE MY MIND!


Edited by Dustbuster
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1 hour ago, TripleGGG said:

Attaches to end of barrel with magnet. Quick and easy to use.聽


Wheeler has one similar to what's posted, and is a gods send IMO.聽 Gets you on paper very quickly unless those action screw holes were NOT drilled in a straight line.聽 LOL

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