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Colt AR 15


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Hey Folks,

I don`t post very often most of the time I just lurk.

I am not sure this is even the correct place for this question,but here goes.

I recently acquired a Colt AR 15 thats about five years old but has never fired,could anyone give me an idea of whats its worth.It is in like new condition.

Gun info:

Colt AR15

20 inch barrell

5.56/.223 caliber---.233 stamped on reciever,5.56 stamped on barrel.

Model #Mt6601c.

I know next to nothing about AR rifles.


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Based on a simple search of the model number, the prices I found were on average of $1,200. Some a little more, some a little less.

That being said, I'm no expert.

And based on the craziness (inflated prices), you could probably get a few hundred bucks more.

Edited by TripleDigitRide
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could anyone give me an idea of whats its worth.

Do a quick search on GB of the ones that have actually sold and you will see that the highest that have actually sold are a couple at $1400. Some auctions at $1400 have closed without even getting a bid.

One at $1599 has been listed 55 times and is still for sale. :shake:

A couple of others (that sold) went for $1125, $1270.

Why would someone pay $1400 on GB for used when they can buy it new with a warranty for $1299? Who knows, but that happens a lot. ;)


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The 6601 was selling at $1100. till late last yr. since then if you can find one,

a good price now is $1300.-$1400. Does it have a bay. lug?

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:rolleyes:I don't know why all these other guys are telling you all this bs...but the truth is that gun aint worth anything and is actually dangerous to own..it could explode or something....now, as your only REAL friend on here I would be willing to do you a personal favor and remove it for you to my house...just to help you out, you know. I know, I know, I do too much for my friends....but that's just the kind of guy I am. LOL..(Kidding, in case you don't know).:screwy:

Edited by barewoolf
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Looks like the OPs questions have been answered, but I will add that I purchased the same rifle from an individual for 700 bucks about 30 days ago.

They are great rifles, but because they arent the more modern A3 configuration, demand less in the secondary market.

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