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Best 350.00 gun ever?

Guest CK1

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Just passed 5000 rounds through my main Steyr M9-A1 (i picked up another 9 and a .40 once i was convinced...).

NO ISSUES WHATSOEVER! (no ftf's, no fte's, no stovepipes, no jams, nothing... pull the trigger, it goes bang, that's all).

...and 1000* of those rounds where steel cased Wolf!

*(ok a little less than 1k do to wolf being crap and about 3-5 out of 100 in my case were defective loads...)

if anyone knows of more gun for 350.00 please let me know!

while i like the low price, Steyr is not going to import these again until CDNN sells out their stock @ 350.00 per pistol (it's meant to be about the same price as a glock, so there's no way it's worth importing until they can sell it at a number that generates a profit...).

...and the other side of the coin is that until they start importing again, i most likely won't be able to get my hands on the hard to find version in .357sig, or the even rarer, harder to come by S-A1 compacts... and they've already got the plans together for a version in .45 for the american market when they re-import...

so help me out and buy a few, or at least point any of your finacially challenged friends towards 'em... i can't by 'em all :koolaid:

here's a build comparo i found from "smores" on mdshooters.com (he already took some of the same pis i would've):

Glock v. Steyr - note the dust cover on the Steyr. I have noticed the dust cover on a lot of Glocks tends to be "bent" upwards toward the muzzle, giving the rail a warped appearance. On my 17 I can actually bend the front edge a little bit without much effort. The polymer on the Steyr is much more solid and doesn't bend at all.


Slide rails. Notice the dinky little stamped steel slide rails on the Glock, silver in color. I know this thing is durable, but come on! Compare to the Steyr, the slide rails are both about 2x longer than the Glock's rails. Also, note where the polymer frame has 2 rectangular sections before the front slide rails - the steel starts there, and goes all the way back to the back strap of the pistol. The entire thing is a thick sub-assembly of milled steel.


Another view of the slide rails/steel sub-assembly:


Also, notice how the Steyr has the slide rails cut at 45* angles:


Steyr sights - line up the white triangle between the 2 white slashes:


Glock sights - drop the ball in the bucket:


Difference in grip pattern:


Note how the recoil springs are both captured, using plastic guide rods, with a flat spring. Also, the barrels are very similar:


Front of slide:


Slide markings on Glock:


Slide markings on Steyr:


Top profile (also w/ CZ-75B) - note the notch in the barrel hood to allow for inspection of the chamber.


Top profile from the rear. Note the LCI on the back of the Steyr slide below the sight. It is flush now, since the chamber is empty:


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Not sure why it would be compared to a Glock for.(?)

Looks more like a Hi Point then a Glock to me!


Slide rails. Notice the dinky little stamped steel slide rails on the Glock, silver in color. I know this thing is durable, but come on! Compare to the Steyr, the slide rails are both about 2x longer than the Glock's rails.

Now I dont drink the Glock-Aid,but maybe because they use better/stronger materials :koolaid: Edited by strickj
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Not sure why it would be compared to a Glock for.(?)

Looks more like a Hi Point then a Glock to me!

what's your prescription, i know a good optometrist...:koolaid:

the pics are to show how it's very well built and similar in function to a glock, nothing against glock's, in fact i'm a glock owner... that said, i do prefer the steyrs.

Edited by CK1
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Guest waffenldr

Hey as long as you like em who cares what anybody thinks. Guns are like women. They cost alot and will let you down sometime or another.

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Guest Metal

Ok I as a Steyr owner feel I have some input on this...

Yes after we talked I went back and redid the BT tune up stuff and now my trigger feels like the RIA Tactical I love so much...

If you are looking for bang for buck I have to go RIA.. They do have the best customer support out there.. I mean I complained about a bad ambi safety on a forum and with in a hour got a pm asking for my address and the 3 days later I had a new one in the mailbox..That is gonna be hard to beat...

My RIA CS took the place of my Steyr as my EDC after the first 500 flawless rounds.. Never had any failure with it to this day I can't say that of the Steyr..

The simple fact that I can call and order any part I want is enough for me to like them. Unlike Steyr where you will be lucky if they deem you worthy of one of few parts left in the US...

Now I don't want to sound like I dislike Steyr compared to a Glock it wins hands down. I do really like mine and will carry it often..

Now for the best $350 pistol I have to say my RIA CS model....

Sorry :koolaid:


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Guest 70below

Not to discount that they are a fine weapon, or to doubt your methods, but I don't think its fair to say that it went bang ever time, if 3-5 out of 100 Wolf didn't. It may have been the ammo, but it could have been the pistol too. I've heard of people say they're had problems with wolf, but I've not seen it. Every one I've dropped the hammer on has went bang. I've not shot thousands upon thousands of them, and probably never will, but I wouldn't suspect the ammo first thing if I did. They do seem like a good pistol, and well made. I don't care for the depth of the frame/slide towards the barrel end, a little too bulky there for me.

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Not sure why it would be compared to a Glock for.(?)

Looks more like a Hi Point then a Glock to me!


Now I dont drink the Glock-Aid,but maybe because they use better/stronger materials :koolaid:

Hi Point, I don't think so. Steyr handguns are incredibly well made guns, Hi Point on the other hand are not I have owned both I gave the two Hi points away (for a VERY LOW price $50.00 for both) the day I got them to an older gentleman on a fixed income who thought they were so nice, a 40 cal and a 45 both the biggest pieces of **** I have ever held in my hands, I have had 2 steyr models a .40 and .9 mil I kept them for several years and regret selling them, for $350.00 I think they are without doubt the best handgun ever manufactured, if I could find any for that price I would get one of each caliber :eek:

Edited by willis68
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Not to discount that they are a fine weapon, or to doubt your methods, but I don't think its fair to say that it went bang ever time, if 3-5 out of 100 Wolf didn't. It may have been the ammo, but it could have been the pistol too. I've heard of people say they're had problems with wolf, but I've not seen it. Every one I've dropped the hammer on has went bang. I've not shot thousands upon thousands of them, and probably never will, but I wouldn't suspect the ammo first thing if I did. They do seem like a good pistol, and well made. I don't care for the depth of the frame/slide towards the barrel end, a little too bulky there for me.

my local range/pawn shop has a gunsmith's shop inside... after about the third time i dropped in w/ my steyr and a handful of squibs/duds after shooting, after examining the pistol and checking out the rounds he said something to the effect of "geez, i don't load this bad even when i'm drunk... guns fine man, that batch of ammo sure ain't though"

(you canc heck out my post in the ammo section "wolf ammo rules" it was worse than just squibs... really bad batch)

the gun has been 100% flawless.

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Hi Point, I don't think so. Steyr handguns are incredibly well made guns, Hi Point on the other hand are not I have owned both I gave the two Hi points away (for a VERY LOW price $50.00 for both) the day I got them to an older gentleman on a fixed income who thought they were so nice, a 40 cal and a 45 both the biggest pieces of **** I have ever held in my hands, I have had 2 steyr models a .40 and .9 mil I kept them for several years and regret selling them, for $350.00 I think they are without doubt the best handgun ever manufactured, if I could find any for that price I would get one of each caliber :popcorn:

you can find them here:


M9-A1 or M40-A1 $359.00 (they went up 9 bucks:poop: and now they only give you 1 mag which is lame... still a hell of a deal though:D) EDIT: sorry, didn't notice METAL beat me to the punch!

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Guest Metal

Well at least Steyr is selling mags again...

I do recommend this pistol to folks it's just hard around here to get people to use/buy online.. Gotts to hold it in my hands kinda thing. Yes even after shooting mine :popcorn:

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found a couple youtube videos that show some of the things the gun does really well.

pay attention to the muzzle rise/flip, the guns have the lowest bore axis you can get, double taps are very very fun.


and check out how easy they are to field strip (even easier than a glock), and by the way this kid is kind of slow at it!

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