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Shooting FMJ reloads in a Glock 9mm??

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After about 15yrs of no shooting, i have the fever again :hyper:... WHAT TIMING though. Now i may not have any ammo to spare for shooting :)

I'm pretty freaked out by the whole "kB!" thing with Glocks, and what can happen (mostly with reloads). Supposedly less likely in the 9's i think.... Is it a gamble buying reloads from a range? I don't think they would be making the loads very hot (intentionally), but don't know how closely they monitor their brass and stuff :)

Specifically - I'm thinking of the RangeUSA reloads in a Glock 26.

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  Ninja9 said:
After about 15yrs of no shooting, i have the fever again :D... WHAT TIMING though. Now i may not have any ammo to spare for shooting :love:

I'm pretty freaked out by the whole "kB!" thing with Glocks, and what can happen (mostly with reloads). Supposedly less likely in the 9's i think.... Is it a gamble buying reloads from a range? I don't think they would be making the loads very hot (intentionally), but don't know how closely they monitor their brass and stuff ;)

Specifically - I'm thinking of the RangeUSA reloads in a Glock 26.

I have been inactive in shooting for a while too and getting back in.

I have a Glock 19 and not familiar with the "kB" thing. Can you help me out and explain?

Also - have you noticed that there is another Gun Show scheduled for this weekend (3/21 - 3/22) at the AgriCenter in Germantown? I am planning to go and see if I can get some ammo and other goodies there.

  • Administrator

This has been discussed at length here in the past. I'd search for key words:

+glock +reloads +unsupported +chamber

The quick and dirty version is that if I were going to shoot reloads through a Glock, I'd either shoot my own reloads or I'd want them to be factory reloads from someone like Georgia Arms where they do strict quality control, and I'd want it to be a 9mm model Glock.

I wouldn't run reloads from some random stranger or vendor through a .40SW or a .45ACP Glock since the unsupported section of the chamber is a little more pronounced than it is in the 9mm versions.

But seriously, search for it. It's been discussed a lot.


For the record, I've probably shot more than 10k reloads through my Glock 22 and 27 in the last year, zero problems.


I've shot many thousands of rounds of my personal reloads in my 19.

I've also shot reloads from reputable manufactures without a problem.

As already suggested, I would not shoot a 3rd party's reloads.

I've recently pulled out my Dillon 550 to start cranking out 9mm rounds.

Until relatively recently, you could purchase 9mm for less or about the same as you could reload them, if you factored in your time and energy.

Situations change...

I'm just happy to have the gear to start up again. ;)

Have you considered getting into reloading?


Thanks, guys.. Will definitely run that search like i should have in the first place :-\

pragmaticpreparedness-- I reloaded 10mm for a while on a Dillon Square Deal-B i think it was called. Unfortunately i sold it after trading off my Delta Elite.... Sounds like it would be smart to look into reloading 9's now though.


I have put about 2,500 rounds thru a Glock 23 and close to the same thru a Glock 27. All reloads and not one problem.

I don't think you would have a problem but I don't like to shoot other folks reloads.


That's good to here ;)

I was kinda hoping to here that the bulk reloads typically found at ranges were of "good enough" quality to trust in Glock 9's. But it is sounding more and more like i would need to load my own.

I'm really not looking forward to chasing brass and all again. It was fun and interesting at times, but for me it became more of a pain than it was worth. Will probably change my tune if price/availability don't improve soon though.

Thanks again, guys!

  Ninja9 said:
That's good to here ;)

I was kinda hoping to here that the bulk reloads typically found at ranges were of "good enough" quality to trust in Glock 9's. But it is sounding more and more like i would need to load my own.

Just to clarify my earlier post - none of the thousands and thousands of reloads I've shot were my own hand loads - they were bought in bulk at the range. Never a problem aside from a rare bad primer (misfire).


fmj 9mm reloads are ok in your glock. the "kb" thing with reloads is with the glock 40 cals. if you shoot cast bullets in any glock i would use an after market barrel. but fmj are ok in factory barrels. i have shot many reloads in the glock 9mm, 40 cal, and 45 acp. but these were my reloads. i don't buy and/or shoot anybody else reloads.

  • Administrator

Perhaps the most important question to ask before buying and shooting a range's bulk reloads is simply "Who reloaded these?"

If the answer is that they came from someone like Atlanta Arms or Georgia Arms, then you can have a reasonable amount of confidence that some quality control was in place and that you aren't likely to have squibs or overcharged rounds.

If the answer is "Bubba Joe Jim Bob, our resident reloader" then I would politely decline the purchase and stick to running factory ammo or my own reloads.

Granted, even the big factories can crank out some turds every once in a few hundred thousand rounds, but the odds are increasingly in your favor since they do enact quality control standards. And whatever you decide to shoot, pay attention to what your gun and your hands are telling you. If the rounds don't feel right for some reason, stop shooting them.


I appreciate you guys' additional info and addendum :D

I'll be sure to ask about the reloads at the range. Decisions, decisions....

btw: Spent all morning at the dept of safety.... Just filled out my app online, and bout to run out the door now to get printed at Range USA :)

  Ninja9 said:
I appreciate you guys' additional info and addendum :D

I'll be sure to ask about the reloads at the range. Decisions, decisions....

btw: Spent all morning at the dept of safety.... Just filled out my app online, and bout to run out the door now to get printed at Range USA :)

The bulk reloads from RangeUSA are what I shoot in my Glocks.

  crimsonaudio said:
The bulk reloads from RangeUSA are what I shoot in my Glocks.

Cool deal, man. Your experience with their .40 loads is pretty convincing :) I think i will probably start shooting their stuff as well.

I asked them about it while i was in there. Sounded like good stuff, and from what sounded like a legit re-manufacturing outfit.

This was my first time in there. I didn't shoot, but was really impressed by what i saw of the place and their people.

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