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Uvalde incompetence

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25 minutes ago, Erik88 said:

I should have known. No way in hell am I wading through that morass of bull####. 

Reddit is full of the worst people on the internet. If it was up to me I’d ban links to it as a matter of general policy. I treat Reddit links like someone having pronouns in their bio. It’s just a giant neon sign that says “nothing of value is to be found in the words written here.”

Edited by Chucktshoes
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2 hours ago, Chucktshoes said:

I should have known. No way in hell am I wading through that morass of bull####. 

Reddit is full of the worst people on the internet. If it was up to me I’d ban links to it as a matter of general policy. I treat Reddit links like someone having pronouns in their bio. It’s just a giant neon sign that says “nothing of value is to be found in the words written here.”

That's fair but some of the points in that post appear to check out. It says a lot that US Border Patrol agents had to do what local law enforcement was unwilling to do. I thought we learned from Columbine that you cannot wait to enter. 


This video seems to show the scene as parents begged local cops to go in. 


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14 hours ago, Links2k said:

That’s a cute answer, but what about the mentally ill homeless and those without insurance?

First, I don't care what your opinion is of my factual answer. The abortion euphemistically referred to as ObamaCare was supposed to settle that, right? You can blame your formerly liberal Supreme Court for putting the kibosh on compulsory commitment and the closure of asylums.

Edited by E4 No More
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3 hours ago, Chucktshoes said:

 “nothing of value is to be found in the words written here.”

Now sir, I take issue with this statement! Without input from Reddit I would’ve never completed Red Dead Redemption 2!!!



PS joke

Edited by JD_Shellnut
comic relief
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1 hour ago, Erik88 said:

I thought we learned from Columbine that you cannot wait to enter. 

Sir, I beg of you to please give this some more thought. Granted, this is a forum of gun owners, for gun owners, by gun owners, but don’t make the mistake of equating the carrying of a firearm with the possessing of the internal fortitude to actually use one to end the life of another human being. It’s very easy for us to sit here, while in relative comfort and safety, and criticize these officers for their actions (or inactions), is it not? This is always a temptation for most of us, but I pose the question “how can we be certain that we’d do any better?” Do you want to know how to tell the difference between a veteran of the military versus a vet that has been in combat? A man who has been in combat will never second guess a man’s actions once the bullets start to snap, not from his armchair, anyhow. I attest to you right now that until one experiences such an encounter, there is absolutely no way to know how one might react! With God as my witness, I will say that a man whom everyone counted on as being a leader became a quivering baby, and some others that I would’ve bet my life would be the first to call for mama while sucking their thumbs actually transitioned into absolute animals! Is this logical? Not at all but on my very life I can attest to the reality of it.

Please, sir, know that I respect your opinions whether or not I agree with you or not. I’ll go a step further and encourage you to speak out from your heart no matter what people like me have to say. I see how you get knocked around a bit on here for having a bit of different perspective than the status quo and that’s a very, very good thing in any conversation. I applaud you for it…doesn’t mean I have to agree though, same for you.

Fact is, fellers, there is nothing that can be done, ever, to prevent this type of thing when the perpetrator is determined. I know there are some people on here that have worked in jails and prisons…I’m sure they all have stories about the resourcefulness of the determined criminal mind. The sad truth is that these incidents begin in the home….the family, or sadly, the lack thereof. There is an attack on family, morals, community, and God that is being hurled at as all from myriad fronts, but it is the corrupt news media that is the spearhead. Until they are held accountable (you know, the concept that all the rest of us are guided by) for what they are knowingly and maliciously doing to the people of this country, it can only get worse! Propagating lies, fear, anger, and division to the masses, and for what? Ratings? Greed? Entertainment? It is pure, unadulterated EVIL. There is only one WAY to overcome evil.

Edited by JD_Shellnut
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There is no argument on the face of this earth that can justify law enforcement standing by outside for 40 minutes to an hour+ while a monster murders children inside. 

As Krystal Ball (who I do not agree with on much at all) states in this segment (paraphrasing) “if the oath to protect and serve is for anything at all, is it not for this moment?” 

To those officers who stood by while children were being slaughtered inside, I will judge them as the cowards they are. They might as well be accessories to the atrocity inside. 

Anyone who wears a badge needs to have the knowledge that they are willing and capable of taking action in a situation like this. If they are not, then they are nothing more than a thief stealing from the taxpayers while being unwilling or unable to do the very basest level of what they have pledged to do for their community. 

I don’t know how I would react in that situation it is very true. What I do know is that if I stood by and let children be slaughtered like that, I would eat my own bullet before the week was out because I would know that I do not deserve to draw breath any longer. 


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I am not familiar with the commentators in the video, but there is some armchair QBing and assumptions being made.  I just heard part of a press conference and it was revealed that supposedly most of the shooting was at the beginning and it apparently became a quasi-hostage negotiation.  Also, there was no armed officer in the school when the shooting started, which contradicts what we were told initially.  The shooter entered the school through an unlocked door.  I wasn’t there and don’t know what officers did or should have done, but I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt until a lot more facts are available.  

Edited by deerslayer
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1 hour ago, gregintenn said:

It is my understanding that a border control agent actually neutralized the shooter. Is that correct? If so, it damned sure wasn’t HIS job.

When I was with the Sheriff's Dept. we did active shooter training each year, sometimes within our Dept, sometimes with other depts. We trained & were told, the first one or more on the scene to enter immediately & neutralize the threat. This came about after Columbine, where officers waited outside for SWAT to arrive. That's been the standard since. It hasn't always been followed.

So, if the BP officer was first, as reported, it was his job, regardless of jurisdiction.

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16 hours ago, Daniel said:

Read that comment....

I’m seeing the same things reported. Cops wouldn’t go in, but also kept parents from attempting to rescue the kids. 

Things are so jacked up right now. Just got off the phone with my son, and he said he doesn’t want to bring children into this world. 😢

Edited by Links2k
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1 hour ago, Grunt67 said:

So, if the BP officer was first, as reported, it was his job, regardless of jurisdiction.

I'm actually hearing the opposite. The CPB agent went in AFTER local police failed to.  I'm sure more details will come out in the following days. This is reminding me of the Parkland shooting though. 

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1 hour ago, Grunt67 said:

When I was with the Sheriff's Dept. we did active shooter training each year, sometimes within our Dept, sometimes with other depts. We trained & were told, the first one or more on the scene to enter immediately & neutralize the threat. This came about after Columbine, where officers waited outside for SWAT to arrive. That's been the standard since. It hasn't always been followed.

So, if the BP officer was first, as reported, it was his job, regardless of jurisdiction.

Training is one thing, doing it is another.

Would you go in and challenge the threat?

This story changes more and more by the hour but didn’t the BP officer have a child in that school...that was killed?

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6 minutes ago, Erik88 said:

I'm actually hearing the opposite. The CPB agent went in AFTER local police failed to.  I'm sure more details will come out in the following days. This is reminding me of the Parkland shooting though. 

I’m currently watching news reports that say the same. I’m wondering how many here would have risked being shot by the cops to attempt to save just one child. I couldn’t face living if I didn’t at least try. 

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10 hours ago, JD_Shellnut said:

Sir, I beg of you to please give this some more thought. Granted, this is a forum of gun owners, for gun owners, by gun owners, but don’t make the mistake of equating the carrying of a firearm with the possessing of the internal fortitude to actually use one to end the life of another human being. It’s very easy for us to sit here, while in relative comfort and safety, and criticize these officers for their actions (or inactions), is it not? This is always a temptation for most of us, but I pose the question “how can we be certain that we’d do any better?” Do you want to know how to tell the difference between a veteran of the military versus a vet that has been in combat? A man who has been in combat will never second guess a man’s actions once the bullets start to snap, not from his armchair, anyhow. I attest to you right now that until one experiences such an encounter, there is absolutely no way to know how one might react! With God as my witness, I will say that a man whom everyone counted on as being a leader became a quivering baby, and some others that I would’ve bet my life would be the first to call for mama while sucking their thumbs actually transitioned into absolute animals! Is this logical? Not at all but on my very life I can attest to the reality of it.

Please, sir, know that I respect your opinions whether or not I agree with you or not. I’ll go a step further and encourage you to speak out from your heart no matter what people like me have to say. I see how you get knocked around a bit on here for having a bit of different perspective than the status quo and that’s a very, very good thing in any conversation. I applaud you for it…doesn’t mean I have to agree though, same for you.

Fact is, fellers, there is nothing that can be done, ever, to prevent this type of thing when the perpetrator is determined. I know there are some people on here that have worked in jails and prisons…I’m sure they all have stories about the resourcefulness of the determined criminal mind. The sad truth is that these incidents begin in the home….the family, or sadly, the lack thereof. There is an attack on family, morals, community, and God that is being hurled at as all from myriad fronts, but it is the corrupt news media that is the spearhead. Until they are held accountable (you know, the concept that all the rest of us are guided by) for what they are knowingly and maliciously doing to the people of this country, it can only get worse! Propagating lies, fear, anger, and division to the masses, and for what? Ratings? Greed? Entertainment? It is pure, unadulterated EVIL. There is only one WAY to overcome evil.

Well, I know how I reacted.  It was to return fire.

Side question, why doesn't this happen in countries without Christianity as their "foundation."

Edited by Daniel
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6 hours ago, Chucktshoes said:


There is no argument on the face of this earth that can justify law enforcement standing by outside for 40 minutes to an hour+ while a monster murders children inside. 

As Krystal Ball (who I do not agree with on much at all) states in this segment (paraphrasing) “if the oath to protect and serve is for anything at all, is it not for this moment?” 

To those officers who stood by while children were being slaughtered inside, I will judge them as the cowards they are. They might as well be accessories to the atrocity inside. 

Anyone who wears a badge needs to have the knowledge that they are willing and capable of taking action in a situation like this. If they are not, then they are nothing more than a thief stealing from the taxpayers while being unwilling or unable to do the very basest level of what they have pledged to do for their community. 

I don’t know how I would react in that situation it is very true. What I do know is that if I stood by and let children be slaughtered like that, I would eat my own bullet before the week was out because I would know that I do not deserve to draw breath any longer. 


The officer sitting in this thumbnail... His daughter was killed.  He and his wife had stopped by that school that morning as she received her honor roll certificate and a citizenship award.  I cant even imagine how they felt.  He works for the SD but doesnt appear armed so not sure in what capacity.

Edited by Daniel
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30 minutes ago, Garufa said:

Training is one thing, doing it is another.

Would you go in and challenge the threat?

This story changes more and more by the hour but didn’t the BP officer have a child in that school...that was killed?

Certainly. That's my duty. I took it seriously.

I served in combat in 'Nam. Nothing new.

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