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HCP wait times

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I made the call for my brother, who's at Fort Bragg right now, today. They said that they had issued on 3/10 and should expect it to be here on the 26 or 27th.

WTF??? Anybody heard anything new about the mailing times of these things.

Mine only took three days from issue to receipt. And my best friend got his within a week just a few weeks ago.

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Guest KWW67

Friend of mine is two weeks from 90 days and still nothing. AND he had a national security clearance! They are very sporatic up there....

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Guest archerdr1
Friend of mine is two weeks from 90 days and still nothing. AND he had a national security clearance! They are very sporatic up there....

I knew someone with national security clearance, it took him a while to get his HCP and to get a gun too. He said he thinks it takes them longer to actually run his Background Check. Not sure

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I took my test the 15th of Jan. Got finger printed a couple days later. I still haven't seen it. So, I made the call, 7 to 14 days. Funny how that works. I say wait 2 weeks then call, you will have it in 7 to 14 days if you do that. I bet it is all the people making calls jumping ahead of others that is causing the wait times to be as long as they are, lol.

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I assume all the previous posts referred to a new permit. I renewed my permit for the 4th time on January 22nd. Still don't have it. Does it do any good to call, or do they just give you a "canned" answer? I'm beginning to think that the brouhaha in the Memphis Commercial Appeal is causing them to hold it to see if I do anything that might disqualify me for a permit.

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Guest Tn.Mitch
I took my test the 15th of Jan. Got finger printed a couple days later. I still haven't seen it. So, I made the call, 7 to 14 days. Funny how that works. I say wait 2 weeks then call, you will have it in 7 to 14 days if you do that. I bet it is all the people making calls jumping ahead of others that is causing the wait times to be as long as they are, lol.

its funny how people dont believe the calls helps and that they really tell everyone that callls.that its 7 to 14 days a way.The first time I called it had been 3 weeks exactly,she said it was still being processed on or how every they state it,....then 8 day later I called back,which would make it 31 days from, sending it in,and she said.after looking it up,it has been isuued and will be in the mail between 7 and 14 days,and it was .....39 days it took overall,if I hadnt called,IMO Iwould still be waiting because some other guy called and put me futher back in the pille of acccaplcants.

Thats just my take on it....:rolleyes:

Edited by Tn.Mitch
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I was going to call at around the 30 day mark, but I got busy and just forgot about it and later when I remembered I figured it would be here soon (that was about 2 weeks ago). When it still didn't show up I made the call just to see if everything was copacetic. That is when I got the "7 to 14".

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Guest Rem_700

I called this past friday at 14 days and they told me to call back this coming Friday that they was still waiting on 1 of my BC to come in and that they should have it by then..

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I called today at 14 days and was told my app hasn't even arrived yet.

Curious you mention that..

There was a week's discrepancy between the time I submitted mine and when they indicated they received it. (Completed app on 26th, printed same day, they said received on the 6th...)

My thoughts:

If they're not sending the apps from the DOS offices to Nashville via USPS, then they may be using couriers / other. If so, I can see them cutting back on the frequency of runs to save some $$.

And, when it's received in the Nashville office, it may get stamped with the date they received it, but it may not go in system until it actually starts to be processed. So, you call to check, they may have the physical app, but not see it as received yet in the computer.

But, I don't know on either score.

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Guest kcnative

Even so, I thought it was odd that two weeks later they still haven't "received" it. Maybe you're right though...maybe it's sitting in a stack somewhere waiting to get filed/processed.

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Guest Rem_700
I called today at 14 days and was told my app hasn't even arrived yet.

That is odd,i'd be on the horn with someone finding out where in the heck its at!I called at 14 days and already had 2 of the background checks back.Waiting on one more.

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