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Guest burninbarns

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Guest sling
There are plenty of places to shoot cheap. Go to the Stones River range on the weekends, it's only $5.50. If you can't spend $5.50 and $20 for ammo b/c your GIRLFRIEND says so, you need to call 911, b/c your penis has fallen off.

Gun City near downtown Nashville = $15

Uselton's Non-Member = $20

Guns and Leather = $15(?)

Having your meat and two re-attached = Priceless

I really wasnt wanting to go here... but you pretty much summed up exactly what i was thinking. ;)

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I seriously can't believe I read a post like this....GF you say? That chick better be a great cook and the best nekkid woman you have ever seen, and then make 6 figures on top of that. Dude......go get yer boys outta her purse and head to the range....seriously.

And..like Todd and Mike said....I too have a great wife...12 years here and she is the one that bought me the weapons!!

Edited by Angus
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Guest burninbarns

First I guess I should clarify, by GF i mean Fiance thats 5 mos pregnant.

Second, I was kinda hopin for a "Hey, i got a farm in Nolensville......"or some other type of offer.After reading this site for a while, and feeling like I know a couple of you guys, that seemed like a possibility.In fact I have seen that very response, albiet in another location.

Also, I gave in and went to guncity.

Edited by Shima
Comments were out of line.
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Guest Todd@CIS
First I guess I should clarify, by GF i mean Fiance thats 5 mos pregnant.

Second, I was kinda hopin for a "Hey, i got a farm in Nolensville......"or some other type of offer.After reading this site for a while, and feeling like I know a couple of you guys, that seemed like a possibility.In fact I have seen that very response, albiet in another location.

Also, I gave in and went to guncity.

I noticed that a Mod edited this post because of content.

My comment, and I suspect everyone else's, was good natured ribbing and nothing more.

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  • Administrator

I am going to echo the recommendation of others and suggest that you visit the range at Owl Hollow. Being that you mentioned Uselton's shop/range, that tells me you are at least within driving distance of the Franklin area. Owl Hollow is just outside of Spring Hill off of Columbia Pike.

Given the choice of shooting indoors or outdoors, I would take the latter any day. Even in the rain. So much less noise and smoke to deal with outside, plus you're ... outside! ;)

Enjoy that 21SF. I recently picked up one for myself and love it so far. :D

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Guest JHatmaker
First I guess I should clarify, by GF i mean Fiance thats 5 mos pregnant.

Second, I was kinda hopin for a "Hey, i got a farm in Nolensville......"or some other type of offer.After reading this site for a while, and feeling like I know a couple of you guys, that seemed like a possibility.In fact I have seen that very response, albiet in another location.

Also, I gave in and went to guncity.

Ahh, the Dungeon. It's not a bad place, it's just you never know who will walk in. But I've shot there many a time. Shoot me a PM, I live close to Uselton's as well.

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Guest burninbarns
I noticed that a Mod edited this post because of content.

My comment, and I suspect everyone else's, was good natured ribbing and nothing more.

Mine was too, just a little dirty.

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Guest burninbarns

I thought owl hollow was closed. Give me the rundown, I went to their website, but it looked like it hadn't been updated in a while

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I went to the range about 3 weeks ago. The websight belongs to the gunclub which is no longer affilliated with the range. You just have to pay the owner who lives beside the range. When he hears shooting, he will come down to run you off, collect money, or see if you have paid him, and shoot the sh1t. It still seems like a good place to shoot especially if you live close.

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Guest bughunter

I am such a nice guy that I would be willing to drive all the way to your house to pick up your new gun AND ammo, I will go to On Target in the Boro, shoot it, bring it back to you to clean and while you clean it I will let you know how it shot.

Let me know when to stop by.......................:shake:

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