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4 questions ???

Guest jps37033

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Guest jps37033

1. Would you trust your life with a 9mm round (17 rounds to be exact)? (don't think that it is all you can get your hands on, would you choose it)

2. Would you trust your life with a Taurus Semi Auto?

3. When carrying concealed, if the gun you felt most comfortable with was a bit too big to be perfectly concealed (the handle pokes out a bit in a shirt), would you still carry it or find a smaller gun?

4. This is a long one; As far as a hand gun carry permit, would I qualify?

I get approved for handguns, havent had a ticket in 5 years, but did get denied a gun about a year ago. I got denied because of a $10 bad check :P . I went out of town and never knew it went bad. In that county, I had to be booked in and out :D and pay the fine. Went to apply for a gun a few months later and got denied. Called TBI and found out that Gibson County never put a final disposition in the system. Long story short, letter signed by Trenton PD, mailed to TBI, all cleared and can buy again. That is all that is on my record. Would these things keep me from getting approved?

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Guest bkelm18

Why wouldn't you trust you life to a 9mm? I sure do. If the Taurus proved reliable, then yes I would. Carry what you are comfortable with. If its too big and you want to carry it, dress around it.

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Guest bkelm18

The talk of the 9mm not being sufficient is from the armchair commandos who think they know what they are talking about, but really don't.

Edited by bkelm18
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The talk of the 9mm not being sufficient is from the armchair commandos who think they know who they are talking about, but really don't.

+1 This man speaks the truth.

1. Would you trust your life with a 9mm round (17 rounds to be exact)? (don't think that it is all you can get your hands on, would you choose it)

I HAVE trusted my life, and it HAS been very effective

Remember; shot placement (accuracy) over displacement (size) is what counts.

2. Would you trust your life with a Taurus Semi Auto?

Would I? Sure. Taurus makes good reliable guns.

Make sure yours is in serviceable condition and you will be fine.

3. When carrying concealed, if the gun you felt most comfortable with was a bit too big to be perfectly concealed (the handle pokes out a bit in a shirt), would you still carry it or find a smaller gun?

Carry the gun you are most confidant and accurate with.

A "carry gun" you cant use effective is no better than a sharp stick.

4. This is a long one; As far as a hand gun carry permit, would I qualify?

I think you do, but only one way to find out....

Edited by BimmerFreak
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1. Not my first choice either, but yes

2. Probably not. I've seen their semis break and hear their CS sucks.

3. I carry a fullsize Glock 21. I don't worry about the grip, but that's just me. I wear long enough shirts or jackets to cover the grip.

4. I wouldn't think that would be a problem, but I'm not a lawyer.

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1. Would you trust your life with a 9mm round (17 rounds to be exact)? (don't think that it is all you can get your hands on, would you choose it)

I trust mine daily to 13+1 rounds of 9mm.

Occasionally I trust it to 6+1 rounds of 9mm (but prefer the above).

2. Would you trust your life with a Taurus Semi Auto?

No, unless I just couldn't really really find another $100-150 bucks or so for a better piece.

3. When carrying concealed, if the gun you felt most comfortable with was a bit too big to be perfectly concealed (the handle pokes out a bit in a shirt), would you still carry it or find a smaller gun?

I'd find some way to better conceal, including a smaller gun as an option. But I'm quite a stickler for zero print.

4. This is a long one; As far as a hand gun carry permit, would I qualify?...

Don't see why not. You'd qualify even if you were convicted of a $10 bad check charge (I'm assuming this wouldn't be a felony).

- OS

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1. Would you trust your life with a 9mm round ? Yes. I do it all the time.

2. Would you trust your life with a Taurus Semi Auto? Yes...after it had earned its reliability credentials...150-200 rounds with no problems. And that goes for all handguns, not just Taurus.

3. When carrying concealed, if the gun you felt most comfortable with was a bit too big to be perfectly concealed (the handle pokes out a bit in a shirt), would you still carry it or find a smaller gun? You want to keep it concealed (even though you won't have to) so I'd experiment with different shirts or holsters to find one that would keep it concealed.

4. This is a long one; As far as a hand gun carry permit, would I qualify? IANAL, but I would think so.

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Guest RopeS

1. I trust my life with 6+1. (and maybe another mag) Shot placement, like others have said. With 17+ rounds at your disposal I'm sure you're A-OK. They aren't bb's ya know :rolleyes:

2. I've heard some bad about Taurus. My buddy has a .45 of theirs and he loves it and I hate shooting it. To each their own.. I carry a Kahr, but anything that you have found to be reliable, go for it.

3. I like keeping my gun fully concealed (with mine it's not too hard), but if it was my only gun that I had or fully trusted, yes I'd carry with a bulge.

4. I don't know TN law well enough to comment yet. In MI you should be ok.. haha

Edited by RopeS
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1. I would not pick a 9mm if I have other options; just personal preference.

(But that’s based solely on my experience and what I have seen, and I was not sitting in an armchair when I gained that experience. :rolleyes:) Round count is not a big factor to be. I’m fine with 6; but more is better.

2. It doesn’t matter what brand it is, I wouldn’t carry what I couldn’t trust my life with. You are already skeptical of Taurus; so find something you feel comfortable with. This is not where you want to go cheap

3. I have multiple guns because I have different carry applications. If I could only have one gun I would make sure it was comfortable to carry (above caliber, round count or brand) otherwise you won’t carry it.

4. It is my understanding if the bad check charge was a misdemeanor you will be okay.

But if the disposition is not on your record, sending it to the TBI is not enough; you have to get the county to send it to the feds. TBI is not allowed to keep information gained from a firearms background check.

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Guest jdavis

1- yes i would trust my life to a 9mm, its not the bullet that you would be trusting it is trust in your ability, but the 9mm imo is as good as any other round for self defence.

2- it depends on the model of the taurus, i really like the pt92 however i dont care for polymer framed taurus handguns as much.

3- carry what you shoot well with regardless of size, within reason.

4- you will be fine.

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Guest betobeto

1. Its not the caliber. 9mm,45acp,10mm,380 Will all do the job. Ask all the dead people killed by all kinds of rounds. It comes down to what you have or the gun you feel comfortable shooting. Give me a 1911 in 45acp or 9mm and I'll hit anything. Give me a Glock and my accuracy goes down. (I love glocks, so don't go nuts with this comment)

2. Yes. Just make sure its reliable before staking your life on it.

3. Carry the Hell out of it. If the gun is what you like showing a little print is better than not being a good shot with the gun on your hip.

4. You should have no problem.

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Guest canynracer
+1 This man speaks the truth.

1. Would you trust your life with a 9mm round (17 rounds to be exact)? (don't think that it is all you can get your hands on, would you choose it)

I HAVE trusted my life, and it HAS been very effective

Remember; shot placement (accuracy) over displacement (size) is what counts.

2. Would you trust your life with a Taurus Semi Auto?

Would I? Sure. Taurus makes good reliable guns.

Make sure yours is in serviceable condition and you will be fine.

3. When carrying concealed, if the gun you felt most comfortable with was a bit too big to be perfectly concealed (the handle pokes out a bit in a shirt), would you still carry it or find a smaller gun?

Carry the gun you are most confidant and accurate with.

A "carry gun" you cant use effective is no better than a sharp stick.

4. This is a long one; As far as a hand gun carry permit, would I qualify?

I think you do, but only one way to find out....


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1. Yes

2. If it functions properly, then yes carry it. Always carry a gun you have shot enough rounds through to feel comfortable with its reliability.

3. Carry it, don't worry about printing. 9 out of 10 people have no idea what a gun looks like printing, and if someones happens to ask, "What is that bulging out on your side", the answer "My Colostomy Bag" usually does the trick.

4. According to the Commercial Appeal, you should have absolutely no problem.

Seriously though, I don't think you should have a problem, but I am not the go to guy for this info.

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Guest Todd@CIS
The talk of the 9mm not being sufficient is from the armchair commandos who think they know what they are talking about, but really don't.


Related issue...a member here actually posted recently that caliber selection was more important than shot placement.

That made me smile...

Edited by Todd@CIS
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