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Guest jps37033

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Guest tnmale46
Posted (edited)
XD-M in for & you can the a 9mm drop in barrel.

M&P is a great choice to.

A quality 1911--

I know your thinking its wieght would make it difficult to conceal but get a good gunbelt & a high quality holster & you will never know its there. Just remember if you spending 450 to 500 on a gun why would you spend atleast 60 to 100.00 to properly support it when carrying.

Sorry if theres any typos in here the sailor jerry rums a flowin through me.

you and the hoff drinking?:) ----- compact 1911's carry nicely Edited by tnmale46
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Guest jps37033

Man, but that XD Subcompact is uglier than a Glock = Please Don't Shoot for that comment. But I guess the perp isn't going to take time to comment on the attractiveness of your carry weapon.

(Bad Guy) "That is one ugly a** gun, you aint shooting me with that"! :)

Very interesting on the HK's. Never looked at them. I like the specs and looks on the USP Compact .40. I dont know anything about them, are they great guns/brand?

In my opinion, HK’s are the best pistols in the world. I own a few of them and have put many rounds through them and I’ve never had any malfunctions with them, firing all types of ammo. There is a reason I’ll stake my life on an HK. I currently carry a 40 USP Compact as my CCW and love it; it is very light and most times I have to move or touch it to make sure it is still there. I don’t think it is bulky at all.

Yes, they cost a little more than other pistols (but not as much as custom 1911’s), but it is worth it. I’m not much into celebrity endorsements; I don’t care what shoes Tiger Woods wears, but having said that, there is a reason why HK’s are used extensively by CAG, DEVGRU, SAS, and other elite units……


i also would say the m&p fs or compact (available w/ or w/o thumb safety) would be a good fit in 9 or .40. however, it's about shot placement, not caliber so much (or else we'd all be strapping on 10mm's...) so i'd pick the caliber you shoot best.

it is 2009, these days 9mm SD ammo is pretty damn scary stuff (not to mention half the price to train with than say .45, and lots of practice is probably more important than any of the other variables).

for most, easier to manage recoil + higher capacity will increase hit probability and far and away outweighs caliber size in an SD situation... that said, shoot what you like, just be weary of those who would have you believe that 9mm will just bounce off...

everybody loves a nice 1911, but imho the recoil + limited capacity doesn't make it the best choice as an EDC for most people.

try to hit a range that has some guns similar to what you're looking at (guns & leather, ontarget, etc.) and do some shooting

Guest jps37033

Thanks. Very helpful info!

Guest m14man

go to jackson to the great outdoor store and shoot them and see what you ike best.

Guest jps37033

I went to the great outdoor store. They seemed to be "clicky". And by that I mean they seem to ignore you if they don't know you. Also, their prices are through the roof. I looked at a Taurus pt111 there and they were asking $419. I would also bet my next check it was a test gun. It was dirty and scuffed up. I did shoot a 24/7 there. It was a .45 and did not care for the recoil. I might try them one more time though.

Do you know of any other gun shops around us McKenzie/Martin?

Guest m14man

best prices on glocks and xd's is parkway gun and pawn in jackson, abernathies in union city but they are high lots to choose from, great outdoor store is high on some and not on others there glock prices arent bad a g19 is 499, its 489 at parkway. whmc in humboldt also kinda high nice selection tho. of long guns kinda lacking on the rest. plus gander mountain in jackson they had m&p for 400 and somethin was the cheapest i have seen them like to have passed out that they were cheaper on somethin hahaha. thats about it.


Thought I would chime in. You asked about the FNP40. I have had one for about a year now and love it. IMHO, it has one of the best feeling grips going right now. It is sure a tack driver also. I don't know if they are available with an external safety, mine does not, save the decocker. I have had my carry permit for years, but recently took the class again with my wife. I had just purchased the FNH and thought I would try it out. I was very impressed. So, just another option for you to consider.

I also have an M&P. Love that gun also. Very accurate, no malfunctions. I do, however, agree with an above post about grip size/shape growing on you. Years ago, I hated the way Glocks felt. Even after I was issued one, it took a while for me to get over my distaste. Now I love them.


Guest Matchguy


I would also consider the compact CZ pistols in 9mm or .40. You can look at them and prices at www.czcustom.com You can get them with a sear blocking safety like the 1911 or with a decocker. They are very reasonably priced and well made.

I'd sure suggest you shoot some of these guns before buying one. You can't really tell zip without at least handling them, and shootability is the main consideration.

FWIW, get one you can shoot and then worry about concealability. Don't get one you can conceal and then worry about shootability. That doesn't work. Best wishes in finding the one you like best.


Guest jps37033

FWIW, get one you can shoot and then worry about concealability. Don't get one you can conceal and then worry about shootability. That doesn't work. Best wishes in finding the one you like best.


That is the best damn statement/piece of advice I have heard. Had I thought of that a year ago, i'd be bill gates in the concealed carry world! Thanks and that ends my worry/self debate!



Ok, you live in Martin. Come to Memphis. Go to RangeUSA where they have a decent assortment to rent to shoot. They can also give good advice on a purchase and will sell you one too. They will probably have to order it. Not a bad wait.

Or, if you're in a big hurry go to Guns and Ammo where they have a huge selection, but an equally huge attitude.

Having done the latter myself, and much to my shagrin. I'd advise the former, which is what I did on my second HG purchase.

Guest jps37033
Ok, you live in Martin. Come to Memphis. Go to RangeUSA where they have a decent assortment to rent to shoot. They can also give good advice on a purchase and will sell you one too. They will probably have to order it. Not a bad wait.

Or, if you're in a big hurry go to Guns and Ammo where they have a huge selection, but an equally huge attitude.

Having done the latter myself, and much to my shagrin. I'd advise the former, which is what I did on my second HG purchase.

Thanks. I dont mind a wait. I like good CS and the ability to interact with people that are selling me something that is protecting my Family.

Guest pws_smokeyjones

I would recommend you at least take a look at a Sig P239, either 9mm or .40 - your choice. Its a single stack magazine which is more comfortable for smaller hands. Very good weapon for HD or carry.

Guest Pachanga22

+1 on the M&P 9 or 9c

I have both and love them


I have a USPc as well. (though in the pricey .357sig)

It is a very well made firearm and I like it a lot. I too have small hands.

While it is a favorite... my wife bought a M&P 9mm compact. I was VERY impressed with it.

The way it shoots, fits my hand, price, etc.

M&Pc are definitely worth your time to looking at. I'm unsure if I would have still gotten the USPc if the M&Pc's would have been out way back when.

(*I also wouldn't trade my USPc for anything.)

Guest justme

SA also makes a 9mm in the 3" subcompact series that holds a 10rd magazine.


A dollar amount you are wanting to spend might help? The pistols mentioned

so far range from 250 to a 1000.

You might want to try a place that rents guns at the range.

Guest MisterJimmy
A dollar amount you are wanting to spend might help? The pistols mentioned

so far range from 250 to a 1000.

You might want to try a place that rents guns at the range.

Second that. Also, based on the size pistol you reference, the Ruger P94 - which isn't exactly a compact - you might want to consider the FNP .40. It's actually a bit lighter and has a slightly smaller footprint than the Ruger. I have the 9mm in the, alas now discontinued compact 9, and it's real fine. Comes with 3 magazines and interchangeable backstraps. No external safety - decocker works fine for me though. Most places - if you can find one, G&L often has them in stock - price them at around $500 but you know how that goes.


If you want an all-metal pistol I'd say one of the Sigs, P239 or P229, as someone mentioned already, if your budget allows.


SW 99(9mm), SW 642 (38cal) There are plenty to chose from. Dont let the price tag make your dicision for you.

Guest pjblurton
you might want to consider the FNP40


I am about your size (5'8" - 190) and have no issues carrying the FNP40. It is super accurate and has been 100% reliable for over a year now.

Holster selection is still a little limited but the aftermarket is catching up.

If you act now they have a free shooters pack offer which includes a free blade-tec holster, double mag holder and a training barrel. Add that to the three high cap mags that come with it already and its a pretty good "bang" for your buck.

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