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Cavalry Arms Gun Safety Video

Guest David Waldrip

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Guest Phantom6

That was pretty cool. Of course my favorite gunsafety video should be prefaced by the warning that the only thing worse than shooting yourself in front of a room full of school children is FILMING yourself shooting yourself in front of a room full of school children. And now, may I present the follwing:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXPSVhwSKcI&mode=related&search=]A Lesson in Gun Safety[/ame]

I use this video in all of my basic pistol/HCP classes when discussing gun safety and how we unload semi-automatics.

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Guest David Waldrip


I bow to your video linking kung-fu.

So, how come your video is playing in-line, as advertised, but mine is not?

Anyone, anyone?


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David, some of my posted videos come up embedded and some don't. I wonder why too.

For a minute, I thought the Cavalry Arms video was going to be a joke with all the firing in the background. I did notice she said to visit "Calvary Arms" instead of "Cavalry Arms". Sensitivity to that common error goes back a long way with me.

Phantom, I think showing that video probably does as much as an hour of safety talk.

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Guest Phantom6

...Phantom, I think showing that video probably does as much as an hour of safety talk.

I'd say that's probably a pretty fair estimate.


I bow to your video linking kung-fu.

So, how come your video is playing in-line, as advertised, but mine is not?

Anyone, anyone?


Don't get too excited because I'm not exactly sure about how I did that. If I remember correctly I tried to copy and paste the embed code that is shown on the video page from YouTube but that didn't work. Upon previewing the post I found the code itself was just displayed in my post. Then I believe that I just copied and pasted the URL of the file from YouTube that contains the video into the post and voi la, there it appeared.

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