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Big gun auction

Guest m&pc9

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Guest m&pc9

They are having a gun auction in sevierville saturday heres info:


Guns List: (Partial List More to be Added)

Smith and Wesson 38 Special Revolver Model 10 D369636

Colt Police Positive 38 S&W Revolver Z90512

Smith and Wesson 38 Special Revolver Model 10 D369636

Star Super 9MM Pistol 020331

Excam GT27 25 Auto Pistol 27273

Trailsman Model 66 32 Special Revolver 2239

Rohm RG10 22 Revolver 103233

H&R 22 LR revolver 103233

Rossi 38 Special Revolver D462521

EIG Derringer 22LR 38571

Rossi M22 38 Special Revolver W255916

RG Rohm 22 Revolver 1B127994

AMT Backup 380 Pistol C10388

Jennings J22 Pistol 22 LR 471539

RG 10 22S Starter Pistol 1286699

Dickson Commander 38 Special 30851

FMG Copperhill Model D38/45 Revolver 1300

Parts Only Revolver

Loran L380 380 Pistol 527193

Phoenix Arms HP22 22LR pistol 4126781

Kimel Western 6 22 Revolver K50505

Rohm GMBH 38 Special Revolver 339872

Norinco Model 54 9MM Pistol 37004342

Colt Police Positive 38 S&W Revolver Z90512

Virginia Gradoon 44 Mag Revolver 19662

Haires Western Six Shooter 22 Revolver 86380

Regent 32 Revolver g00574

Arcus Model 94 93 Pistol 47TS10216

Colt Ladies and Lord 22 Short Revolver 6926LDR 6925LDR

Star Modelo 9MM Pistol 77543

Phoenix Raven 25 Caliber Pistol 3074579

Phoenix Arms HP22 22 LR A097629

Smith and Wesson Owl Head 38 Special Revolver 127476

Iver Johnson Owl Head 38 Short Revolver 25931

Remington Display Case

Smith and Wesson Model 4006 40 Caliber Pistol VUV2448

Colt Diamond Back 38 Special Revolver D19580

Intratec DC9 9mm D037643

Koon, Inc Snake Charmer 410 SS 15086

Koon, Inc Snake Charmer 410 SS 15086

Universal Carbine 30 Rifle 173806

Savage Model 74 22 Rifle B253471

Interarms Model 62 22LR Pump Rifle 6541623

Revelation Model 101 22 SS Rifle P967955

Winchester Model 1897 Pump 12 Gauge Shotgun 398000

Sears Model 46 22 Clip Fed Rifle 10380580

Cherokee 75 16 Gauge SS A945502

Marlin Papoose 22 Clip Fed Rifle 11380580

Browning Arms 22 Takedown with Scope 22 Semi Automatic 09464PX1146

Remington 788w/ Scope 222 Remington Bolt Action Rifle A61`0339

Model 41 22SS NO #

Remington Woodmaster 742 3006 Rifle w/scope 7168222

Glenfield Model 20 22 Clip Fed w/ Scope 2276150

Remington 522 22LR Clip Fed Bolt Action 319117

Ruger 96 22 Clip Fed Rifle 62012187

Volunteer Commando 45 Semi Auto Rifle 08592

Remington 710 3006 Bolt Action w/scope 71005075

Winchester 370 20 SS 0433773

Savage 242 420 Over and Under Double Barrel C512191

Revelation Model 225 222 Remington Rifle w/Scope Clip Fed No #

Marlin 1894 357 Lever Rifle 200475856

Williams 200 12 Gauge Shotgun P283801

Interarms JW-15 22LR Bolt Action Rifle 89477740

Winchester Model 9422 22 Lever Action Rifle F619648

Marlin Model 101 22 SS Rifle 69347989

Revelation Model 350 H 410 Shotgun NO #

Henry H001 Lever Action 22LR 018859

Winchester Model 94 3030 Lever action Rifle 8532560

JC Higgins Model 30 22 Auto Rifle NO #

Winchester 37A 16 Gauge Shotgun C697470

Winchester 37A 16 Gauge Shotgun C1061644

Winchester Model 74 Lever Action 22LR 172724H

Marlin Model 39A 22 Lever Action Rifle 26153327

Marlin Model 4445 444 Lever Action Rifle 2210934L

Remington Model 41P 22 Bolt Action Rifle w/ peep site No #

Marlin Model 336 30/30 Lever Action w/Scope 26071166

J.Reynolds 12 Gauge Double Barrel Shotgun NO #

Glenfield Model 75 Semi Auto 22LR 70184691

Savage Model 74 22 Rolling Black Rifle B093409

Winchester Model 250 22 Semi Auto Rifle

Marlin Model 25 Semi Auto 22 Clip Fed Rifle 03337662

Marlin Model 336 30/30 Lever Action Rifle AD59042

Marlin Model 25 Clip Fed 22 Rifle 05532203

Remington Model 33 22 SS Rifle 245937

Marlin Model 81 Bolt Action 22 Rifle NO #

Remington Sportsmaster 22 Bolt Action Rifle NO #

Johnson Arms Model 2 SS 22 Rifle NO #

Marlin Model 25 Clip Fed 22 Rifle w/Scope 04435733

Interarms JW-15 Clip Fed Bolt Action 22 Rifle w/Scope 9403686

Ithaca Model 49 Lever Action 22 Rifle 490339437

Remington Model 514 Bolt Action 22 Rifle NO #

Marlin Model 9 Clip Fed Rifle 9MM 05517276

Sears Model 41 Bolt Action 22 Rifle NO #

Longbranch Model 4 Clip Fed 30 Gauge 85L21914

Marlin Clip Fed Rifle 22 NO #

Norinco SKS Clip Fed Semi Auto 762x39 1200398

Remington 572 Pump Action 22 Rifle 1933153

Henry 22 Rifle 018867

Savage Model 246 Bolt Action 22 Rifle C420363

Marlin Model 60 Semi Auto 22 Rifle w/ Scope 08276944

Remington Model 870 Pump Shot 12 Gauge V038328V

Remington Model 1100 12 Auto Shotgun M309880M

Winchester 1400 Semi Auto 20 Gauge Shotgun M1109680

Winchester 67 SS 22 Rifle No #

Winchester Model 60 Bolt Action 22 SS Rifle NO #

Winchester Model 55 SS 22 Auto Rifle NO #

Crescent Arms Model 410 SS 8520

Winchester Model 37A 12Gauge SS C670023

Paragon Model WS 12 Gauge SS A452092

Ithaca Model 49 Lever Action 22 Rifle 159388

Miller Double Barrel Black Powder 12 Gauge Shotgun NO #

Cherokee 12 Gauge SS NO #

Crescent Victor 16 Gauge SS NO #

Winchester Model 37 410SS NO #

Savage Model 94F 12 Gauge SS NO #

KS Clip Fed 69LL9

Mossberg Model 500 12 Gauge Pump Shotgun J530867

Nitro Model 25 16 Gauge SS NO #

Wm Moore Double Barrel 12Gauge Shotgun NO #

Kassnar Busted Stock 20Gauge 03555

British 303 Rifle 4C0713

Savage 120A 22 No Bolt Rifle P198078

Winchester Model 74 22 Semi Auto 121862

J Stevens Model 14 1 /2 22 Rifles NO #

Harrington and Richardson Model 565 Bolt Action 22 Rifle 7329

J Stevens Model 66 410 66080626

Infield Model 303 Bolt Action Rifle w/Scope 3664780

Winchester 37A 20 Gauge Shotgun C734759

Winchester Model 94 30/30 Lever Action Rifle 3704243

Peerless Injector 12 Gauge Shot Gun NO #

New England Model SB1 12 Gauge SS NG319001

New England Pardner 20 Gauge SS NF385645

Iver Johnson 20 Gauge SS NO #

Garcia Rossi 20 Gauge SS 162962

Winchester Model 1211 22SS NO #

Thompson Center BLK Powder 32 Caliber Rifle 4694

Stevens Model 94 16 Gauge SS C819420

Pioneer Arms 12 Gauge Shotgun NO #

Air Rifle

Winchester Model 370 16 Gauge SS C393180

Harrison Richardson Model 48 12Gauge Shotgun 5429

Air Rifle

Arms Corp Model 961600 Clip Fed 22 Rifle A389696

F Model 1757 Bolt Action 303 Rifle 1858

Kmart Model 151 20 Gauge SS 842776

JWilliams Model 37 Automatic 22LR 273528111

I wish I had some money saved up. I will probably go just to see how much things are going for.

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I first thought that this was one big estate! It's gotta be from at least two: one from a guy who liked quality firearms and another from one who was well, cheap.

Guest m&pc9

I thought it was from someone on here:D

Guest FroggyOne2

If I were a Cowboy Action shooter.. I would be all over those Winnie 37 shotguns

Guest Papabear
If I were a Cowboy Action shooter.. I would be all over those Winnie 37 shotguns

I think you are thinking about the Winchester 97. The Winchester 37's are Single Shot. The 97 is the hammered pump gun.

Guest m&pc9

Heres another one across from the high school on 4/11/09

146 Interarms Model 62 22LR Pump RIfle 6541623

147 Revelation Model 101 22 SS Rifle P967955

148 Winchester Model 1897 Pump 12 Gauge Shotgun 398000

153 Remington 788w/ Scope 222 Remington Bolt Action Rifle A61`0339

155 Remingont Woodmater 742 3006 Rifle w/scope 7168222

157 Remington 522 22LR Clip Fed Bolt Action 319117

158 Riger 96 22 Clip Fed RIfel 62012187

159 Volunteer Commando 45 Semi Auto Rifle 08592

160 Remington 710 3006 Bolt ACtion w/scope 71005075

161 Winchester 370 20 SS 0433773

162 Savage 242 420 Over and Under Double Barrel C512191

165 WIlliams 200 12 Gauge Shotgun P283801

169 Revelation MOdel 350 H 410 Shotgun NO #

170 Henry H001 Lever Action 22LR 018859

171 Winchester Model 94 3030 Lever action Rifle 8532560

173 Winchester 37A 16 Gauge Shotgun C697470

174 Winchester 37A 16 Gauge Shotgun C1061644

177 Marlin Model 4445 444 Lever Action Rifle 2210934L

179 Marlin Model 336 30/30 Lever Action w/Scope 26071166

180 J.Reynolds 12 Gauge Double Barrel Shotgun NO #

182 Savage Model 74 22 Rolling Black Rifle B093409

183 Winchester Model 250 22 Semi Auto Rifle

184 Marlin Model 25 Semi Auto 22 Clip Fed Rifle 03337662

186 Marlin Model 25 Clip FEd 22 Rifle 05532203

187 Remington Model 33 22 SS Rifle 245937

190 Johnson Arms Model 2 SS 22 Rifle NO #

191 Marlin Model 25 Clip Fed 22 Rifle w/Scope 04435733

195 Marlin Model 9 Clip Fed Rifle 9MM 05517276

200 Remington 572 Pump Action 22 Rifle 1933153

201 Henry 22 Rifle 018867

204 Remington Model 870 Pump Shot 12 Gauge V038328V

205 Remington Model 1100 12 Auto Shotgun M309880M

206 Winchester 1400 Semi Auto 20 Gauge Shotgun M1109680

207 Winchester 67 SS 22 Rifle No #

208 Winchester Model 60 Bolt Action 22 SS Rifle NO #

209 Winchester Model 55 SS 22 Auto Rifle NO #

210 Crescent Arms Model 410 SS 8520

211 Winchester Model 37A 12Gauge SS C670023

214 Miller Double Barrel Black Powder 12 Gauge Shotgun NO #

215 Cherokee 12 Guage SS NO #

217 Winchester Model 37 410SS NO #

220 Mossberg Model 500 12 Gauge Pump Shotgun J530867

221 Nitro Model 25 16 Gauge SS NO #

227 Winchester Model 74 22 Semi Auto 121862

228 J Stevens Model 14 1/2 22 Rifle NO #

230 J Stevens Model 66 410 66080626

233 Winchester Model 94 30/30 Leverl Action Rifle 3704243

237 Iver Johnson 20 Gauge SS NO #

238 Garcia Rossi 20 Gauge SS 162962

239 Winchester Model 1211 22SS NO #

241 Stevens Model 94 16 Gauge SS C819420

244 Winchester Model 370 16 Gauge SS C393180

260 Winchester Model 1400 RIfle N512055

261 Norinco SKS Model 0138 Rifle 25004621

267 Marlin Model 783 22 Rifle 23686499

273 Marlin Goose Gun Bolt Action 72469586

278 Marlin Firearms 12 Gauge A2721

Guest Tn.Mitch

poor guy, looked like he got all ready for a war,and died before it got started.... :rolleyes:

Guest Tn.Mitch

ill be found at the gun show Saturday,fondling guns and such.... :rolleyes:

Guest FroggyOne2

Your right, mdl 97 is what I am thinking about.

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