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The commies just cant stand it

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A Colorado sheriff’s department caused a stir over the weekend for what many deemed an inappropriate photo: Santa applying for a concealed carry permit. The El Paso County Sheriff’s Office posted the photo on its Twitter page. A white-haired bearded man decked out in Christmas attire can be seen sitting at a desk. 



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Commie #1 checking in. I never liked the idea of Santa. I never liked the idea of lying to kids about Santa. 

I taught my kids what I had learned about Jesus and Christianity while growing up, and explained to them they were given gifts out of love.  They excepted my explanation pretty well. The decorations and gifts were still coming. 

The only issue we had concerning Santa was one year during the holidays at the Christian school they were attending they decided to tell their classmates that their father said Santa didn’t exist. Lots of sad kids, angry parents and administrators. Whenever we run into one of my kids former classmates we all have a laugh over how everyone overreacted to my decision not to lie to my kids. 

We didn’t do the Easter bunny thing either. They were taught about the resurrection. The eggs, games and candy were perks of playing with their cousins and friends after church. 

This isn’t a knock on those who choose to do otherwise. It was just my thing with my kids. 

Edit- I didn’t want to put this in charity challenge thread, because I didn’t want to seem like I was thread crapping the op’s post. Reading that post validates the unnecessary pressure people feel during the holidays. 

If Jesus is the reason for the season, that should be emphasized more than the receiving of gifts. I know that gift giving is symbolic, but corporations could care less about your feelings. SHOW THEM THE MONEY! No parent or child should feel depressed because they aren’t in a position to observe what has become a commercialized  holiday. 

Edited by Links2k
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18 hours ago, Links2k said:

Commie #1 checking in. I never liked the idea of Santa. I never liked the idea of lying to kids about Santa. 

I taught my kids what I had learned about Jesus and Christianity while growing up, and explained to them they were given gifts out of love.  They excepted my explanation pretty well. The decorations and gifts were still coming. 

The only issue we had concerning Santa was one year during the holidays at the Christian school they were attending they decided to tell their classmates that their father said Santa didn’t exist. Lots of sad kids, angry parents and administrators. Whenever we run into one of my kids former classmates we all have a laugh over how everyone overreacted to my decision not to lie to my kids. 

We didn’t do the Easter bunny thing either. They were taught about the resurrection. The eggs, games and candy were perks of playing with their cousins and friends after church. 

This isn’t a knock on those who choose to do otherwise. It was just my thing with my kids. 

Edit- I didn’t want to put this in charity challenge thread, because I didn’t want to seem like I was thread crapping the op’s post. Reading that post validates the unnecessary pressure people feel during the holidays. 

If Jesus is the reason for the season, that should be emphasized more than the receiving of gifts. I know that gift giving is symbolic, but corporations could care less about your feelings. SHOW THEM THE MONEY! No parent or child should feel depressed because they aren’t in a position to observe what has become a commercialized  holiday. 

I didn't mention Santa once in my Toys-For-Tots challenge thread so why bring it up here? Children do not rationalize like you do, and parents feel that pressure regardless of their religious or social beliefs. 

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18 hours ago, Links2k said:

Commie #1 checking in. I never liked the idea of Santa. I never liked the idea of lying to kids about Santa. 

I taught my kids what I had learned about Jesus and Christianity while growing up, and explained to them they were given gifts out of love.  They excepted my explanation pretty well. The decorations and gifts were still coming. 

The only issue we had concerning Santa was one year during the holidays at the Christian school they were attending they decided to tell their classmates that their father said Santa didn’t exist. Lots of sad kids, angry parents and administrators. Whenever we run into one of my kids former classmates we all have a laugh over how everyone overreacted to my decision not to lie to my kids. 

We didn’t do the Easter bunny thing either. They were taught about the resurrection. The eggs, games and candy were perks of playing with their cousins and friends after church. 

This isn’t a knock on those who choose to do otherwise. It was just my thing with my kids. 

Edit- I didn’t want to put this in charity challenge thread, because I didn’t want to seem like I was thread crapping the op’s post. Reading that post validates the unnecessary pressure people feel during the holidays. 

If Jesus is the reason for the season, that should be emphasized more than the receiving of gifts. I know that gift giving is symbolic, but corporations could care less about your feelings. SHOW THEM THE MONEY! No parent or child should feel depressed because they aren’t in a position to observe what has become a commercialized  holiday. 

I can tell you that I grew up in a household that handled the holidays the same way you do with your kids. While I can tell you now as an adult that I can understand the religious theory behind it, I will also tell you that me and my sibling have always resented my parents for it. My wife and I are both Christians and we feel like we have been able to provide a good balance of the truth and the fun of all the Holidays. My parents still sound like you and are pretty verbal about their disapproval, which has resulted in them loosing out in a lot of valuable time with their grandkids as a result. Completely your choice Sir, but I would be remiss if I didn’t share with you one perspective of those choices through the eyes of a kid that lived it.

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2 hours ago, E4 No More said:

I didn't mention Santa once in my Toys-For-Tots challenge thread so why bring it up here? Children do not rationalize like you do, and parents feel that pressure regardless of their religious or social beliefs. 

You did not. That’s why I stated it was not a good place for me to voice my opinion. 

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2 hours ago, Danger Rane said:

I can tell you that I grew up in a household that handled the holidays the same way you do with your kids. While I can tell you now as an adult that I can understand the religious theory behind it, I will also tell you that me and my sibling have always resented my parents for it. My wife and I are both Christians and we feel like we have been able to provide a good balance of the truth and the fun of all the Holidays. My parents still sound like you and are pretty verbal about their disapproval, which has resulted in them loosing out in a lot of valuable time with their grandkids as a result. Completely your choice Sir, but I would be remiss if I didn’t share with you one perspective of those choices through the eyes of a kid that lived it.

My kids never missed out on anything. As I mentioned, we exchanged gifts, spent time with family and did decorations. We just made sure they knew that the gifts were symbolic and they were provided by their loving family and not Santa. 

We had a large family gathering for thanksgiving that I attended. Again, for me symbolic and a opportunity spend time with my family, but I  don’t subscribe to the lie about the first thanksgiving either. 

We’ll all be together again to celebrate in a couple of weeks without one mention of Santa and I doubt there will be any resentment by anyone. 

It’s the time that’s invested more so than the sentiments of the warm of fuzzies gained from passing on generation after generations of lies. I invested lots of time in my kids, that’s why as adults they can laugh with me about the Santa fiasco as opposed to resenting me. 

People like to call millennials snowflakes, but never take the responsibility for creating those snowflakes. You fill a kid’s head with lies and half truths for eighteen years then expect them to go out and deal with reality. They are not like us or our ancestors, because they’ve never had to be. I think you can raise well adjusted human being without lying to them. 

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!

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Well if we're gonna fess up, I'm not a fan of Christmas anymore. In fact I dread this time of year. But not for any of the reasons already mentioned. I have my own reasons which I'll just keep to myself. 

Half Grinch and half Scrooge. I'm a Grooge. 

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2 minutes ago, No_0ne said:

I navigate toward the humbug side myself ...

Christmas has been for the kids and now grandkids for me. All it takes is being given a completely thoughtless gift as a young adult to ruin Christmas for me. For the record it was a piece of 1/4" 440c stainless steel given to me by my ex-brother-in-law when my family drew names to prevent such things.

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My older one gets the idea of the spirit of Santa, I think the younger one still believes.  I think the spirit of Santa, the joy of giving, is important,  but they both know that Jesus is the reason for the season.  

I'm also very frustrated by the extreme commercialization of Christmas. While we still give plenty of things (probably too many), we've tried to shift more to experiences rather than things. 

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On 12/10/2021 at 6:12 AM, RED333 said:

WOW, this thread went the wrong way.


8 hours ago, BJB said:

Indeed it did. 

Don't they all, eventually?  What's unusual is that this one went sideways even though nobody said "gay" ...

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41 minutes ago, No_0ne said:


Don't they all, eventually?  What's unusual is that this one went sideways even though nobody said "gay" ...

Haven’t heard about the gays on here in a long time.  The comm/prog/socialist plot must be working.  😀

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