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So if...

Guest tnelson

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Guest tnelson

You happen to be playing your xbox 360 loud enough dishes in the sink are vibrating and the neighbors call the cops on you. It's probably not a very bright idea to answer the door with a loaded .40 on your hip is it?

Hey it's 11pm at night; how are you supposed to know it's cops LOL.

No I didn't do that lol. When I looked out the window and saw it was the LEO's I put my .40 up.

But if I didn't then they could have done ..?

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You happen to be playing your xbox 360 loud enough dishes in the sink are vibrating and the neighbors call the cops on you. It's probably not a very bright idea to answer the door with a loaded .40 on your hip is it?

Hey it's 11pm at night; how are you supposed to know it's cops LOL.

No I didn't do that lol. When I looked out the window and saw it was the LEO's I put my .40 up.

But if I didn't then they could have done ..?

Leave it on the hip, with your hands FAR away from it. Wait for further instructions ;)

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"Wait for further instructions" Yah like...sir i'm going to need you to come with me ;)

Haha, nothing like that. I just wouldnt go spooking a police officer at my doorstep late at night ;)

I barely, if ever, have any unexpected visitors knocking on my door. If I did, and I had my gun holstered on my hip, I would probably open the door in a manner that my body stayed in between my gun and the visitors eyes.

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What's the problem? You don't even need a permit to carry on your property. I answer the door day or night with my hand on mine (course the visitor can't see it) and once I identify the visitor then I relax my posture. I have answered the door with a 45acp in my hand and it was a deputy. (late at night I ain't playing no games), once I identifyed him I stuck it on the tv and ask him what was going on.

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Guest justme
You happen to be playing your xbox 360 loud enough dishes in the sink are vibrating and the neighbors call the cops on you. It's probably not a very bright idea to answer the door with a loaded .40 on your hip is it?

Hey it's 11pm at night; how are you supposed to know it's cops LOL.

No I didn't do that lol. When I looked out the window and saw it was the LEO's I put my .40 up.

But if I didn't then they could have done ..?

So I am confused--please clarify as to why the police were at your door

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Guest medic66
You happen to be playing your xbox 360 loud enough dishes in the sink are vibrating and the neighbors call the cops on you. It's probably not a very bright idea to answer the door with a loaded .40 on your hip is it?

Hey it's 11pm at night; how are you supposed to know it's cops LOL.

No I didn't do that lol. When I looked out the window and saw it was the LEO's I put my .40 up.

But if I didn't then they could have done ..?

that's why i have a farm. all of my closest neighbors, including one retired army grey fox delta force guy, act like we are all in the witness protection program.

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Guest tnelson
So I am confused--please clarify as to why the police were at your door

Neighbors called the cops on me for playing my xbox too loud. I mean it was blasting. The cops were beating on my door for a while he said.

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Guest pl1ght

Im all for its your right to carry it, but the LEO is at your door, so you did the smart thing and put it up. Why chance your right to have it on your hip if you get a stupid trigger happy cop on the otherside of the door.

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Guest KWW67

Leave it on. It's not always the police that beat on your door and yell police. There have been many home invasions using that tactic. If they are experienced police officers they will understand. Even a rookie will understand after his sergeant straightens him out.

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Guest justme
Neighbors called the cops on me for playing my xbox too loud. I mean it was blasting. The cops were beating on my door for a while he said.

Ok, so you were disturbing the peace then?

First, and most obvious, don't blast the xbox and you won't get the police called on you.

that said, you were still in your own home, on your property--so there is not a thing they could do to you for carrying in your home. you also did not have to let them in--if you did and they found anything they could use against you--then you would be out of luck. Now if they have a warrant--that is different, because they will just kick in your door and be done with it. Without a warrant, I don't think you even have to let them in.

so, as far as I am aware, you could open the door with a gun on your side and there is not a thing they can do about it--they might not like it, but they can't stop you from carrying it in your house.

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Guest bkelm18
Ok, so you were disturbing the peace then?

First, and most obvious, don't blast the xbox and you won't get the police called on you.

that said, you were still in your own home, on your property--so there is not a thing they could do to you for carrying in your home. you also did not have to let them in--if you did and they found anything they could use against you--then you would be out of luck. Now if they have a warrant--that is different, because they will just kick in your door and be done with it. Without a warrant, I don't think you even have to let them in.

so, as far as I am aware, you could open the door with a gun on your side and there is not a thing they can do about it--they might not like it, but they can't stop you from carrying it in your house.

He was just playing a video game, not cooking crystal meth. ;)

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Guest mustangdave

At 11:00 at night expect the unexpected...and use the PEEP hole in the door. As long as you're not in yer BVD's and pink bunny slippers though...having the 40 "near by isn't a problem...is it officer?:)

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Guest tnelson

Man - Those JBl E100's I just ordered rock!! My neighbors thought I was chasing someone around the house with a chainsaw or something. They reported a "Domestic Disturbance with loud screams at gunshots" at my house. I was playing Gears of War LOL

pl1ght, I'm with you on that. Though I "can" carry at home; You get some looking for action cop that wants to start shyt at your door and I can see problems.

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Guest justme
He was just playing a video game, not cooking crystal meth. :)

I know--but anymore you don't know what they are looking for, and once you let them in--then anything they find is fair game and it would be almost impossible to get a court to throw it out....I once watched a great video in which I learned that anything you choose to tell law enforcement cannot be used to help you, because it is called hearsay, BUT anything you say can and will be used against you...

best advice is to keep quiet, refuse entry in absence of a warrant, refuse voluntary searches of your person and property and exercise your right to remain silent. Remember--they can't use anything against you if you don't give them anything to use.

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I wouldn't have taken it off.

So you sit around with a pistol on your hip playing xbox so loud the police get called?:P

What do you do with your pistol while playing the xbox/watching tv/or whatever? :)

Nothing wrong with carry in your home.

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Having been in those cops shoes, I’m not opening the door until I see that it is cops and when I do open the door (out of respect for the Police Officers) I will not be wearing a gun.

What could they do? Well I know this won’t go over here very well, :P but gun control goes into effect when the cops are called to your property. Their right to stay safe trumps any perceived gun rights you think you may have. They have a right and a duty to be there and depending on how you appear to them, you may be disarmed and you may not like the way it goes down. Don't be stupid. :)

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best advice is to keep quiet, refuse entry in absence of a warrant, refuse voluntary searches of your person and property and exercise your right to remain silent. Remember--they can't use anything against you if you don't give them anything to use.

If you are being a dick; there is always “Plain View†and there is the complaint they were sent there on. Standing there like a mute or invoking Miranda when you are not yet a suspect is also not real smart.

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Having been in those cops shoes, I’m not opening the door until I see that it is cops and when I do open the door (out of respect for the Police Officers) I will not be wearing a gun.

What could they do? Well I know this won’t go over here very well, :P but gun control goes into effect when the cops are called to your property. Their right to stay safe trumps any perceived gun rights you think you may have. They have a right and a duty to be there and depending on how you appear to them, you may be disarmed and you may not like the way it goes down. Don't be stupid. :)

So let me get this straight. In your opinion the rights (any rights or just the the right to self-defense) of Law Enforcement trump the rights and other citizen? Even the rights of a property owner on their own property?

I do not argue the point that the officer has a right to be secure and safe. Also in TN an officer can legally disarm a permit holder if he deems it necessary (not sure how that applies in a home where no permit is needed) But why would you think an officer would feel the need to slam a homeowner to the ground and hold him at gun point for simply answering his own door armed....and if an officer did do that, how could you defend it?

In the above I am assuming that property owner is simply answering the door without his hand anywhere near his handgun and is answering questions and cooperating.

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So let me get this straight. In your opinion the rights (any rights or just the the right to self-defense) of Law Enforcement trump the rights and other citizen? Even the rights of a property owner on their own property?

I do not argue the point that the officer has a right to be secure and safe. Also in TN an officer can legally disarm a permit holder if he deems it necessary (not sure how that applies in a home where no permit is needed) But why would you think an officer would feel the need to slam a homeowner to the ground and hold him at gun point for simply answering his own door armed....and if an officer did do that, how could you defend it?

I didn’t say anything about slamming a person who is complying to the ground. I simply stated fact; gun control can (at the Officers discretion) go into effect when the Police are lawfully on your property. Their safety trumps any perceived gun rights you think you may have. I think that’s the part you are having a problem with….. but yes; that is what I am saying. There is nothing in the United States Constitution and nothing in Tennessee law that would keep and officer from protecting himself and others around him when a firearm is displayed.

In the above I am assuming that property owner is simply answering the door without his hand anywhere near his handgun and is answering questions and cooperating.

Then this discussion is not even an issue is it?

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