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BNagashima pushed me over the edge! My new Glock 21SF.

TGO David

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I have been eying this handgun for a few days now every time I've visited Chris Barret's The Outpost store. Today I took my father in law down there for a visit and I decided that I needed to do my part to stimulate the economy. This is also the first firearm that I have bought since venturing out and establishing my own company, so it's a bit of a reward for my work to date.



As you can see it is a Glock 21SF full sized .45ACP carrying 13 rds per mag. Off to the side you will spot one of the new TGO business cards that I had made up and have been leaving with a few of the local gun shops. :D

I have some Ameriglo Tactical Operator tritium sights that I swapped off of my Glock 19 in favor of some Warren Tacticals, so I plan to install them on the 21SF soon.

Anyway, just wanted to share the joy!

PS: Mr. Nagashima is somewhat to blame for this since he stopped by this morning and let me handle his new Glock 21. I took that as a sign from God that I needed to go get one since it felt right in my hands. :D

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The Ronin Group is a holding company under which I operate several different ventures. My IT consulting venture operates under the company name Nashville IT Pros. I haven't finished transitioning everything over to the new site, so the Ronin Group page is a little outdated at the moment.

Looks like the Picatinny rails. I'm carrying the 21SF with the standard rails. I love this firearm.

Yes, this one has the Pic rail. I like the look, but honestly I don't think the Pic rail offers any real advantage on a sidearm over the standard rail.

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Hey, nice weapon. I've never thought of myself as a messenger from God before, but I'll take that as a compliment. It's better than the alternative. (;)) I sure hope you like that sweet shooting G21SF. It was my Jedi mind trick that sent you out to buy it though. ;) Congrats and enjoy.

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I made the same mistake back in November... There I was minding my own business, and then my hand, quite by accident mind you, wound up wrapped around a 21SF. "Honest, Honey.. It followed me home!" ;)

A few hundred rounds later, and I couldn't be happier.

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Hey, nice weapon. I've never thought of myself as a messenger from God before, but I'll take that as a compliment. It's better than the alternative. (;)) I sure hope you like that sweet shooting G21SF. It was my Jedi mind trick that sent you out to buy it though. :D Congrats and enjoy.

Well, you've gone and corrupted me for sure. I just took an extra MTAC body that I had on hand and an MTAC kydex shell for my old HK P2000 and molded it to fit the G21 using my trusty heat gun and a tree stump.

Mmmm... mmmm... crow tastes good. ;)


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Well, you've gone and corrupted me for sure. I just took an extra MTAC body that I had on hand and an MTAC kydex shell for my old HK P2000 and molded it to fit the G21 using my trusty heat gun and a tree stump.

Mmmm... mmmm... crow tastes good. ;)


I've always heard crow is a dish best served cold. Is that true? Again, congrats on the Glock and holster remold. That also solved your problem of finding a holster to accomodate the P rail. Now, I just have to find you a VEPR K...:(

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Guest johnmattwill

Awesome looking Glock..... Hope that you enjoy...!!! ;)

I shot a 21SF not too long ago, up at Greenbrier, great shooting gun!

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Eh... I just saw the gun... it's a piece of crap! ;)

Just kidding! :( I actually liked it a lot! For the first time, a Glock felt right in my hand. The gun pointed as easily as me pointing my finger. I can finally add a Glock to the list of guns I like. I handled the 21 back to back with David's 19, and I still don't dig the 19 too much, but the 21 was really nice.

Congrats David!

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The holster remold worked pretty good for a pinch but I'm going to go ahead and order an MTAC kydex shell made just for it since the remolded P2000 shell is about 1" too short to cover all of the slide and muzzle. Not an issue most of the time, but eventually it would wind up with burnt powder and oil getting on my pants. Not so hot with dress khakis or something. :)

Playing with that spare kydex body today did make me want to pick up some sheet kydex to play around with some more. I think it could be a lot of fun. :)

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The Ronin Group is a holding company under which I operate several different ventures. My IT consulting venture operates under the company name Nashville IT Pros. I haven't finished transitioning everything over to the new site, so the Ronin Group page is a little outdated at the moment.

Yes, this one has the Pic rail. I like the look, but honestly I don't think the Pic rail offers any real advantage on a sidearm over the standard rail.


third paragraph. Misspelled David.

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Today I added a set of Ameriglo "Tactical Operator" night sights to the G21SF. These were left over from where I had opted for some Warren Tactical sights on my G19 and will do for now. I will very likely order another set of Warren Tactical sights for the G21 later as money permits.

Cheap upgrades (like the ones you already own) are the best kind. :)

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Guest johnmattwill

Be sure to show us some pics of 1/2" groups from 15 yards , when you get a chance to take it out and test it at the range.....

I know you can do it!!!!! :)

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Be sure to show us some pics of 1/2" groups from 15 yards , when you get a chance to take it out and test it at the range.....

I know you can do it!!!!! :)

I'm sure the gun is capable, not sure if the operator will be on the first outing.

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The holster remold worked pretty good for a pinch but I'm going to go ahead and order an MTAC kydex shell made just for it since the remolded P2000 shell is about 1" too short to cover all of the slide and muzzle. Not an issue most of the time, but eventually it would wind up with burnt powder and oil getting on my pants. Not so hot with dress khakis or something. :P

Do you not clean your weapon after practicing and before carrying it with dress khakis? I like very little holster, but I guess that's just me. I clean my guns after I shoot them.:D If the barrel hangs below the holster, so be it. It's a Glock. It has that indestructable tennifer coating.:) I bought a new G&G OWB rig for my 21 today. You'll have to check out the pics in my holster thread in the accessories forum when I post it.

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