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Restraining Order Question

Guest JeepMonkey

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I actually didn't piss her off. She is just nuts. She cheated on me, got knocked up, "miscarried" it, left me for another guy, and went schitzo on me a year later when I started dating my current g/f here in Knoxville.

Sounds like your ex and my ex went to the same school of dating etiquette.

I feel for ya man.

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Unfortunately this sounds waaaay to familiar. I had something similar happen to me a couple of years ago. She actually started driving over 100 miles (one way) to see if I was at work, drove past my house, etc. Really creeped me out when she transferred from Lipscomb to MTSU and moved to M'boro. Talk about growing eyes in the back of your head!

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Guest JeepMonkey

Lucky for me she's not smart enough to get into UT.

Is it bad that the last range day, me and my buddies shot up pictures of our nutjob ex's and then burned the makeshift targets?

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Guest KWW67

I would call an attorney. Pronto. These kind of things can turn on you in a minute. Your best bet at this point is to document EVERYTHING any and every way you can and call that atty ASAP. Restraining orders are no huge deal. But an order of protection can be serious. Very serious. Immediate custody in some cases. I would call an attorney if it were me.

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Is it bad that the last range day, me and my buddies shot up pictures of our nutjob ex's and then burned the makeshift targets?

Even in jest that's a VERY BAD idea. If anything happens to any of your collective exes or if they get a real burr up their backside, such things could come back to bite you.

When in situations like this (actually, since you also have elected to not be one of the unarmed masses, you need to do this ALL THE TIME) even though you may have done nothing wrong, you have to live on a higher level. The courts seem to be overwhelmingly biased towards women in these kinds of scenarios, and even the slightest whiff of anything out of line on your part will not be fun. You, even as the victim, can wind up trying to explain every element of your life. Why create a problem?

As previously mentioned, consult with an attorney. I'd say they'll recommend letting your Father take "point" on this, since the vehicle's registered in his name, it was on his property, etc. Minimize your involvement as much as possible in it.

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Guest mustangdave

Sounds like its time to enroll in the Witness Protection Program...I have a delusional EX too. Fortunately she's just a harmless WITCH:tinfoil:

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Guest JeepMonkey
Even in jest that's a VERY BAD idea. If anything happens to any of your collective exes or if they get a real burr up their backside, such things could come back to bite you.

When in situations like this (actually, since you also have elected to not be one of the unarmed masses, you need to do this ALL THE TIME) even though you may have done nothing wrong, you have to live on a higher level. The courts seem to be overwhelmingly biased towards women in these kinds of scenarios, and even the slightest whiff of anything out of line on your part will not be fun. You, even as the victim, can wind up trying to explain every element of your life. Why create a problem?

As previously mentioned, consult with an attorney. I'd say they'll recommend letting your Father take "point" on this, since the vehicle's registered in his name, it was on his property, etc. Minimize your involvement as much as possible in it.

We burned them for a reason. ;)

Anyways, I see what you mean with all that. My buddy had caught his then-fiance in bed with his then-best friend. We took him to a range about 30 miles out, just to be safe.

Dad's taken point in all this. I really don't think I have been mentioned in the case other than the fact that we used to date and she's had vendetta on my arse for a while now. Hopefully a judge or grand jury sees it the same way...especially since her brother is on my side.

:dropjaw: Epic fail, TJ. Epic fail...
She dumped the guy that she cheated on me with. He calls her about once a month and goes "choo-choo b*tch!" into the phone. Needless to say, I try to avoid any involvement with him as well. Edited by JeepMonkey
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We burned them for a reason. :dropjaw:

Anyways, I see what you mean with all that. My buddy had caught his then-fiance in bed with his then-best friend. We took him to a range about 30 miles out, just to be safe.

Dad's taken point in all this. I really don't think I have been mentioned in the case other than the fact that we used to date and she's had vendetta on my arse for a while now. Hopefully a judge or grand jury sees it the same way...especially since her brother is on my side.

She dumped the guy that she cheated on me with. He calls her about once a month and goes "choo-choo b*tch!" into the phone. Needless to say, I try to avoid any involvement with him as well.

You know way to much about her, her ex after you, her brother, etc. than you should. You are obviously still in her life. You shoot at her photograph. You talk about her on the internet. You have gotten her family involved with you.

I could go on, but you better get yourself under control on this situation. The ex investigator has given you the best advice, take it dude.

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Guest JeepMonkey
You know way to much about her, her ex after you, her brother, etc. than you should. You are obviously still in her life. You shoot at her photograph. You talk about her on the internet. You have gotten her family involved with you.

I could go on, but you better get yourself under control on this situation. The ex investigator has given you the best advice, take it dude.

Oh, I'm not trying to be in her life. At all. I don't have any contact with her other ex, her brother, etc etc etc. They come out of the woodwork and I cut ties. The less I have connected to her the less she can get pissed about. Just because her brother is on my side of all this doesn't mean I want him to be, nor do I use that against her.
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Girls now for some reason are crazy! Ive not met one single female that didn't have some sort of crazy stashed in the back just waiting to come out! Even the "nice" ones are crazy dude! :dropjaw:

Granted, most guys are a bit nuts too, but if I ever get around to dating again I'm seriously considering an add that says:

"Looking for a woman who has no more than two recognizable conditions as outlined in the DSM IV."


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Granted, most guys are a bit nuts too, but if I ever get around to dating again I'm seriously considering an add that says:

"Looking for a woman who has no more than two recognizable conditions as outlined in the DSM IV."


The DSM-IV TR is actually the most current edition, but hey, I'm splitting hairs here...:lol:

The first draft of the DSM-V is actually due out sometime later this year, and I'm hoping they've finally got diagnostic criteria for whatever personality/mood/psychotic disorder my on-again-off-again gf has been demonstrating over the last year-and-a-half. Like the OP's gal-pal, she'd be a great case study. Almost wish I hadn't retired my license... :dropjaw:

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Oh, I'm not trying to be in her life. At all. I don't have any contact with her other ex, her brother, etc etc etc. They come out of the woodwork and I cut ties. The less I have connected to her the less she can get pissed about. Just because her brother is on my side of all this doesn't mean I want him to be, nor do I use that against her.

Good deal. Just remember, a restraining order keeps you in the mix. I'd be reluctance to go that route.

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Guest JeepMonkey

Yeah. She also doesn't know about either of my Jeeps. I had a Wrangler when we were dating, and as far as she knows, that's what I still have. She doesn't know that it got stolen during my first week at UTK. Damn soft tops. Anyways, I took the $7k from State Farm and bought my Grand Cherokee. When one of my scholarship stipends kicked in, I used that to buy a Commander to keep the miles down on the Grand Cherokee since I might sell it to my sister next year when she gets her license (and because I wanted the HEMI :dropjaw:). The few times I go home I drive the one I didn't drive the prior time. My tags are from NC as well, so it doesn't tip her off that I'm in town. I keep my car in the garage then as well. So far she hasn't caught on, and I hope it stays that way for a long time.

Edited by JeepMonkey
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Guest Revelator

Jeepmonkey, all this crap you're divulging is totally off-topic to your original question about how getting an order of protection would affect having a carry permit. Nobody cares about your cars, or that somebody's best friend slept with somebody else, or that you used your ex's picture for target practice. Nix it, or if you must tell the world about it start a thread in General Off-Topic. This is a forum for legal issues, not soap-opera bull****. I see anymore and I'll shut the thread down.

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Jeepmonkey, all this crap you're divulging is totally off-topic to your original question about how getting an order of protection would affect having a carry permit. Nobody cares about your cars, or that somebody's best friend slept with somebody else, or that you used your ex's picture for target practice. Nix it, or if you must tell the world about it start a thread in General Off-Topic. This is a forum for legal issues, not soap-opera bull****. I see anymore and I'll shut the thread down.



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Guest JeepMonkey

Sorry...just trying to show how I'm attempting to avoid her.

Dad is debating taking out an O/P or restraining order since it was legally his property. I'm about 50/50 on it, as it might give her the idea to come after me with one. Any suggestions for/against that since they cannot move away from there?

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Jeepmonkey, all this crap you're divulging is totally off-topic to your original question about how getting an order of protection would affect having a carry permit. Nobody cares about your cars, or that somebody's best friend slept with somebody else, or that you used your ex's picture for target practice. Nix it, or if you must tell the world about it start a thread in General Off-Topic. This is a forum for legal issues, not soap-opera bull****. I see anymore and I'll shut the thread down.

I agree the thread has gone off topic, but in all honesty, JeepMonkey was only responding to questions/comments about the situation. He did not include any details, etc... in his first post.

But Mr. Stegall has a good point...post need to be kept on topic. Otherwise off-topic post may be removed and/or the thread closed.

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Sorry...just trying to show how I'm attempting to avoid her.

Dad is debating taking out an O/P or restraining order since it was legally his property. I'm about 50/50 on it, as it might give her the idea to come after me with one. Any suggestions for/against that since they cannot move away from there?

It might be better for him to do it. But again I think it might be better to let any orders to stay away from you, your parents or your property to come from the judge in any criminal case against her.

A lot of the depends on what your end goal is. If it is to "punish" her for the damage done to the vehicle, I revert back to my criminal case scenario. If it is for her to just leave your and yours alone, I doubt any piece of paper is really going to fix that. All the RO and/or OP can do is get her into legal trouble if she violates it...well surely she knew damaging your vehicle could have legal consequences and that didn't stop her.

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Jeepmonkey, all this crap you're divulging is totally off-topic to your original question about how getting an order of protection would affect having a carry permit. Nobody cares about your cars, or that somebody's best friend slept with somebody else, or that you used your ex's picture for target practice. Nix it, or if you must tell the world about it start a thread in General Off-Topic. This is a forum for legal issues, not soap-opera bull****. I see anymore and I'll shut the thread down.
Rhetoric FAIL. :dropjaw:
I agree the thread has gone off topic, but in all honesty, JeepMonkey was only responding to questions/comments about the situation. He did not include any details, etc... in his first post.

But Mr. Stegall has a good point...post need to be kept on topic. Otherwise off-topic post may be removed and/or the thread closed.

Much more gooder. ;)
It might be better for him to do it. But again I think it might be better to let any orders to stay away from you, your parents or your property to come from the judge in any criminal case against her.

A lot of the depends on what your end goal is. If it is to "punish" her for the damage done to the vehicle, I revert back to my criminal case scenario. If it is for her to just leave your and yours alone, I doubt any piece of paper is really going to fix that. All the RO and/or OP can do is get her into legal trouble if she violates it...well surely she knew damaging your vehicle could have legal consequences and that didn't stop her.

+1 to that. I really don't see what your father has to gain at this point by fanning the flames. Your ex has already (presumably) been questioned in a vandalism investigation, so there's a paper trail. The only people who respect Restraining Orders and Orders of Protection are those that probably shouldn't be under them in the first place. From a pragmatic standpoint, the potential benefits are minimal, and the potential cost is significant--especially if she were to respond in kind against him or you. Just my $0.02.
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Guest JeepMonkey

I have "racing" insurance on it, so that is going to cover the damages (the name is a misnomer since the only damage it doesn't cover is when it's in a race). Since I/Dad turned it over to the insurance agent, whether or not they go after her is dependent on what any legal outcome is. I believe that since they are paying for the new body parts, they are going to take over as the "victim" of the case and my Dad will no longer be the one deciding whether or not to press charges. I mostly want her away from me and the family. She's never acted out like this before, so this might be the nail in the coffin, but who knows with her.

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I am doing therapy with a female much like one described here . . . the scariest reality is how justified she feels for the things she is/has done to her ex-husband. None of it is her fault.

Thus, her narcissism is what makes her dangerous.

Talk with an attorney, and document EVERYTHING she has said or done. You well may need it someday.

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