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CBD Products


CBD Products  

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  1. 1. Do you buy CBD products?

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    • I tried CBD but prefer Illicit products with THC.

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  • 11 months later...

I used to smoke cigs and try weed for like five years, but it just wasn’t for me. I noticed some bad vibes and quit cigs and weed, then switched to vaping.

It helped me a lot! If you're looking for alternatives, you should check out Crave Vape. It worked for me!

Edited by Kalys
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I suffer from pretty severe nerve pain all along my left arm from elbow to fingers, plus additional pain in my left shoulder from rotator cuff and arthritis.  I take gabapentin, ibuprofen and Tylenol for that.  I tried the cbd gummies, the legal ones, for quite a while but they didn’t help me. I have COPD so can’t smoke/vape, but I’d try the real stuff if it was completely legal. As a former drinker, I have no interest in getting high, but would love to be pain free, and if it made me a tad more mellow, I’d be ok with that. I tried weed as an intoxicant when I was young and just didn’t care for it.  I liked alcohol better, actually too much better, LOL.

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