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A lovely time.....


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33 minutes ago, Quavodus said:

Yeah, a great time. Merry Christmas.

First hvac guy couldn’t fix it. Waiting on the second one. Wife is pissed the house is cold. She’s also pissed I’m not at her mother’s for Christmas Eve dinner. Somehow it’s always my fault. LOL.

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18 minutes ago, gregintenn said:

First hvac guy couldn’t fix it. Waiting on the second one. Wife is pissed the house is cold. She’s also pissed I’m not at her mother’s for Christmas Eve dinner. Somehow it’s always my fault. LOL.

You're just finding that out?

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What type of unit?  

I had a gas furnace at a prior house that randomly wouldn't light on cold mornings. Several HVAC guys couldn't figure it out. It took me 2 years to find a cracked igniter relay solder joint on the circuit board.  Took less than 5 minutes to fix. 

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10 minutes ago, peejman said:

What type of unit?  

I had a gas furnace at a prior house that randomly wouldn't light on cold mornings. Several HVAC guys couldn't figure it out. It took me 2 years to find a cracked igniter relay solder joint on the circuit board.  Took less than 5 minutes to fix. 

Heat pump.

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30 minutes ago, gregintenn said:

Second guy checked some things and it magically started working. Has no idea what’s wrong. Who wants to bet I wake up frozen in the morning?

Good odds on that, and even better odds of whose fault it will be.... Haha

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5 hours ago, DWARREN123 said:

If fairly new I would bet on the main control board.

Also if you have had any power outages or shut the system down hard the board can be affected.

HVAC guy number 1 thinks it’s a control board for the auxiliary heat banks. There is a 5 amp auto fuse on the main control board that keeps shooting.

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14 minutes ago, -boatman- said:

Just in case you don't know, anything in the control circuit can shoot  that fuse and that board is going to be the highest priced part in that circuit. 

That holds true for most things.  Aircraft mechanics always say, figure out the most expensive part of the system, replace it first.  That works about 95% of the time ...

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Just now, Quavodus said:

I hope you can get it fixed quick and cheap. Merry Christmas.

It isn’t a big deal. I just found the timing amusing. I went to Ace Hardware, and for $189, bought an infrared heater that’ll heat the whole house. Amazing! We’ll get it straightened out next week.

Merry Christmas to you as well!

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1 hour ago, Daniel said:

Our dishwasher has decided to stop filling and you would think it was our AC that was out the way my wife is complaining for me to fix it... Not sure when she thinks I became a dishwasher repair man but she definitely does.

Run one sink full of soapy water, the other clear for rinsing.  Set a couple dishrags and towels out on the counter.  Yell "honey,I fixed the dishwasher" and leave ...

Edited by No_0ne
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4 minutes ago, No_0ne said:

Run one sink full of soapy water, the other clear for rinsing.  Set a couple dishrags and towels out on the counter.  Yell "honey,I fixed the dishwasher" and leave ...

With that statement you'd better run... Lol

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13 minutes ago, No_0ne said:

Run one sink full of soapy water, the other clear for rinsing.  Set a couple dishrags and towels out on the counter.  Yell "honey,I fixed the dishwasher" and leave ...

Ive just been doing them lol.  She is a terrible dish washer.  I get the kids the put them away.

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