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Anyone view the Saturn and Jupiter last night?

Swamp ash

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We had a small function to view the conjunction.

You can see the two planets, distinctly, with the naked eye - they appear very close.

A friend had a nice telescope and Saturn's rings and several of Jupiter's moons were readily apparent.

If you get a chance, look up abut 17 degrees from the horizon to the west around sunset.

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We checked it out around 8 last night. My first thoughts were "my telescope is buried somewhere at my fathers house,lol". He would drag that thing out nightly and would have been giddy over this. It did look as though they were on top of each other with the naked eye.

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3 hours ago, Tuffus said:

We checked it out about 5:30 with binoculars. Pretty cool. Happens again in 2080. I'm not staying up for that one.

I'm looking forward to it.  I'll only be about 120 then ...



54 minutes ago, Links2k said:

Stood out and watched with my son last night.  The moon was also beautiful. 

Yes.  Mars is also pretty bright, rising much later than Jupiter and Saturn and located almost directly overhead around 10 pm or so.  Sirius is also putting on a good show now as well.

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Just now, No_0ne said:

I'm looking forward to it.  I'll only be about 120 then ...



Yes.  Mars is also pretty bright, rising much later than Jupiter and Saturn and located almost directly overhead around 10 pm or so.  Sirius is also putting on a good show now as well.

I think I’ll get a finger or two of scotch and head outside. 

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