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Ammo Demand, Message From Federal, CCI, Speer & Remington Pres. Jason Vanderbrink

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6 hours ago, Links2k said:

I’m so grateful to not need ammo right now. 

That's the way I feel.

If I find an ad with what I want with a good price and close I'll jump on it. Earlier in the week I found 3 boxes of 38spl 137 gr FMJ for $70, $23.34 per box, 0.934 per round. It's hard to reload for less than 0.10 each unless you cast.

I asked what else he had to sell. 1,000 rds of 308/7.62X51 for 0.80 each. 200 308 and 800 7.62X51, would like to sell it as a whole or split the 2. I found buyers for both.

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19 hours ago, Erik88 said:

What stinks is that I don't want to shoot the ammo I do have. I've only been once in 2020. I'm in conservation mode for now.

Yeah I'm there with you. No IDPA and no live fire practice. I've been looking into .48 caliber rubber  ball training pistols made to the exact pattern of various popular handguns as maybe something to go beyond just dryfire practice for the time being. Not gonna get recoil control practice, but I dont know. Might be better than nothing. 

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1 hour ago, JunkiCosmonaut said:

What stinks is that I don't want to shoot the ammo I do have. I've only been once in 2020. I'm in conservation mode for now.

I'm still shooting, but WAY less than I want to. I reload and cast and I'm not exactly afeared of running out of ammo, but I'm worried about what the future is going to bring, especially if the dems win the two GA seats. I'm dipping down into my normal "buffer" of primers, which I don't like a bit.

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22 minutes ago, Darrell said:

I'm still shooting, but WAY less than I want to. I reload and cast and I'm not exactly afeared of running out of ammo, but I'm worried about what the future is going to bring, especially if the dems win the two GA seats. I'm dipping down into my normal "buffer" of primers, which I don't like a bit.

Embrace your inner hoarder.


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