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Buford Tune over Nashville FNRA ?

Guest tcampbell

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Guest tcampbell

Is Buford Tune running FNRA for Nashville ? While I would like to participate, I want nothing to do with anything that has Tune running it. I don't want to spend 8 hours listening to him bragging. Some of the emails I am getting from FNRA seem to point in that direction.

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Guest mustangdave

Wouldn't be surprised if he is...My wife took his HCP class a few years back...and now I get SPAM'd probably 5-7 times a day with stuff from APPS...my wife reads it ALL.

Guest jackdog

I had one meeting with tune, and was very disappointed. I can not see that this guy has anything to offer. Any involvement by tune with fnra or the nra, seems like a bad move for the NRA to me. Oh I also heard speak at a TFA meeting once. The fact that Buford was there was enough to keep me away from TFA. The above opinions are mine and mine alone, deal with him meet him make up your own mind

Guest mustangdave

Met Buford at a "community meeting" out in Cane Ridge a couple years back...he was giving a presentation on "crime stats" in the Antioch area...came off as something of a Bubba to me...can you say Sheriff Buford T. Justice...loud and bragadosious.

Guest nraforlife

Hey Hey, I like the Tune. His style may not be for everyone but he is a staunch defender of gun rights.

Posted (edited)

I get the impression from Buford that he would like to see much of the competition eliminated to make it easier for the remaining dealers and trainers to monopolize the market, kinda like Useleton. I liked Buford for the most part though I wouldn't take his class. I see know reason to cram 8 hours into 16 by adding all those war stories.

Edited by glockster157

Mr. Looney tune is an idiot. I was warned by my father in law about this guy. I finally had the chance to speak with him. He's very stuck on himself. He is the most talked about and hated person among law enforcement. He talks bad about everybody else and there shops. He has even refused to finger print a few people because he didn't like the person that qualified them. He claims to know everybody. But nobody claims to know him.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

Guest stovepipe
Posted (edited)

Gee, you guy's are tough. Looks like most of you are judging Buford from second hand accounts or a brief encounter with him, and that's unfortunate.

Buford's no doubt a colorful character, and not everyone's cup of tea, but he is a staunch 2nd Amendment supporter and deserves better than to be compared to the turncoat Useleton.

TCAMPBELL: I don't know if he is an officer of the FNRA, but he does let Mike Webb and the FNRA use his classroom for meetings. He also is a big fund raiser for them. (that's a good thing!!) - Don't let Buford keep you from helping a very worthy cause.

Guy's, us gun owners have got big troubles ahead. Whether your a Geek, Highbrow, or Bubba you need to decide real quick who is a friend or foe when it comes to our 2A rights. Love him or hate him, the bottom line is that Buford is out there trying to do something about it. - Are you?

Keep yer powder dry!


Edited by stovepipe
  stovepipe said:
Gee, you guy's are tough. Looks like most of you are judging Buford from second hand accounts or a brief encounter with him, and that's unfortunate.

Buford's no doubt a colorful character, and not everyone's cup of tea, but he is a staunch 2nd Amendment supporter and deserves better than to be compared to the turncoat Useleton.

TCAMPBELL: I don't know if he is an officer of the FNRA, but he does let Mike Webb and the FNRA use his classroom for meetings. He also is a big fund raiser for them. (that's a good thing!!) - Don't let Buford keep you from helping a very worthy cause.

Guy's, us gun owners have got big troubles ahead. Whether your a Geek, Highbrow, or Bubba you need to decide real quick who is a friend or foe when it comes to our 2A rights. Love him or hate him, the bottom line is that Buford is out there trying to do something about it. - Are you?

Keep yer powder dry!


Yea, I am...

I usually try and stay out of all the pizzing matches in our industry, Im actually happy staying on my little end of the world and keeping quiet, but recently there have been some things that have ruffled my feathers a bit.

So here goes, why is Buford all about disqualifying all the instructors in the state with NRA firearms and security instructors credentials? If he's all about the 2nd amendment why bash the NRA training thats been doing just fine for the last 15+ years? Why does he trash other schools and instructors at a regular basis? Why have I had students that have came back from getting fingerprinted telling me him and his people bashed our class, instructors, and the way we teach... even going so far as to refuse to let them get finger printed when they disagree with him? I have been teaching just as long or longer then he has. And honestly, it appears he doesnt just pick on us... he slams everyone? But if you look at the whole big picture really close... whos students have gotten into more trouble and been involved in more borderline shootings... some even resulting in wrongful death? Btw, Im just asking not insinuating!

Makes one think huh?

So if Buford pulls his shirt apart dont think you'll see a big 2nd amendment symbol on his chest because you wont. All Buford cares about is himself and being critical of others without looking in the mirror.

Guest stovepipe
Posted (edited)

GlockMeister: I don't know the specifics about your beef(s) with him, so I'll let you guys work that out between yourselves. - I do know several experienced shooters that have gone through your permit course that gave you very high marks.

You've been around for a while and know there are several NRA credentialed, SWAT / Police / Military experienced trainers that are only out to make a fast buck with their permit classes. They only cover the bare minimum requirements and shoot you out the door with your papers. - I know Buford has a problem with that, as should we all. - It blackens the eye of all instructors and permit holders. - Personally, I think this is a problem with the permit requirements, not NRA certification.

As for him 'regularly trashing" other schools: I don't think Buford can be singled out for that. I take various training classes every year or so to keep fresh. I see trashing go on all the time. - I don't think it the right thing to do, but it's not unusual.

As for him not finger printing someone, all I can think is your student did or said something stupid, but who knows, this is third hand info to me... I can see him turning someone away if he thinks they are dangerous, and maybe blame the instructor. - That's Buford. I'd like to think he's not trashing businesses just to get their students. If you think he is, it may be better to send your students elsewhere to get printed.

As for him pulling his shirt open... Don't go there. That's a bad visual.


Edited by stovepipe
speeling corectun

I took Tunes class when I got my HCP. Don't remember too much. I DO know I saw him stand in front of a class full of students and had them all dry firing AT HIS FRIGGIN HEAD. Now, I haven't been instructing as long at Tune, but if anyone points a gun at any part of my anatomy, even if I handed it to them and KNOW it's unloaded, I'm gonna get pissed. There is no good reason for him to do that. I know he's doing it "so he can see how they're pressing the trigger, blah, blah" but it's stupid and dangerous. I could care less what someone like that thinks of my as a person and/or as a instructor. He's teaching people who most likely know little to nothing about guns that is "OK" to point a unloaded gun at someone and pull the trigger. How many people are shot with unloaded guns every year?

Guest nraforlife
  dunndw said:
I took Tunes class when I got my HCP. Don't remember too much. I DO know I saw him stand in front of a class full of students and had them all dry firing AT HIS FRIGGIN HEAD. Now, I haven't been instructing as long at Tune, but if anyone points a gun at any part of my anatomy, even if I handed it to them and KNOW it's unloaded, I'm gonna get pissed. There is no good reason for him to do that. I know he's doing it "so he can see how they're pressing the trigger, blah, blah" but it's stupid and dangerous. I could care less what someone like that thinks of my as a person and/or as a instructor. He's teaching people who most likely know little to nothing about guns that is "OK" to point a unloaded gun at someone and pull the trigger. How many people are shot with unloaded guns every year?

Tune did this! WTF is going through his mind? I haven't talked to him in quite awhile but he NEVER struck me as having a death wish. Now what would he do IF someone slipped a round in and shot his ass...I think he has gone off the reservation on this one. I understand the desire to get people to be able to shoot someone if necessary and NOT break out in the jitters but there are other ways than setting yourself up as a target.


I did my HCP training with Buford . . . massive mistake. WAAAAY too much time spent on his ego, stories, and jumping down the throats of anyone who disagreed with him. A few walked out, and he told them that was fine with him; they could get their money back.

When my wife got her HCP training, we went to Guns & Leather - no brag, just fact and support.

Buford is a nice guy in many ways, but for today, a neanderthal . . .


Looney Tune isn't about anything but making a dollar. I have dealt with him on several occasions and every time I think to myself "what an idiot." Use-less-ton and Looney Tune are one in the same. Trust me, they know each other well. If the truth be known he's school has been under fire more than anyone’s. If you don't agree just ask any law enforcement officer within a 100 mile radius.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>

  • Administrator

Guys, I should have closed this thread after the initial question was more or less answered but I left it open hoping maybe someone else had a definitive answer for the OP. The thread isn't entitlted "Post things you don't like about Buford Tune".


This topic is now closed to further replies.


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