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31 minutes ago, GlockSpock said:

I'm far from being a virologist, but my understanding is that often you'll see viruses mutate to become less deadly over time (survival of the fittest type thing). I'm really, really hoping that's something we may be seeing with Ominicron? I think I've seen several various reports that "symptoms are mild"?

The problem with a virus spreading? More chances to mutate.

More mutations, less deadly, no?

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For those that don't want the vaccine, I'm curious how you feel about a treatment? This seems like positive news. I got this in a daily email from the NY Times.


Two treatments are on the way — one from Pfizer and one from Merck — and they will have both medical and psychological benefits. Not only can they reduce serious Covid illness, but they can also reduce Covid fears and help society move back to normalcy, lessening the pandemic’s huge social and economic side effects.


Both Pfizer’s and Merck’s treatments are pill regimens that people take for five days after a positive Covid test. The pills prevent the virus from replicating inside the body and are broadly similar to treatments that revolutionized H.I.V. care in the 1990s.

Pfizer’s version, which is likely to become widely available early next year, appears to be the more effective: It reduced the risk of hospitalization or death by 85 percent in a research trial. Merck’s version, which should be available sooner, reduced risk by 30 percent.

One major advantage of the pills is that people can take them at home. Current Covid treatments, like monoclonal antibodies, are typically administered in a hospital.

Another advantage is that they do not attack the part of the virus that changes most with each new variant: the spike protein. That’s why scientists expect the treatments will work even as the virus evolves.

Edited by Erik88
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The good news for November: daily death average still falling since latest surge max in September

Bad news: more deaths in last two days of month than in any full week, and more even than that in first two days of Dec, so that doesn't seem to bode well.

Nov 1-7    182
Nov 8-14   127
Nov 15-21  178
Nov 22-28  142
Nov 29-30  195

Dec 1-2   203

TN average daily Covid deaths:

March      0.7  (first death 3/21/20 but averaged over entire month)
April      5.8
May        5.3
June       8.0
July      14.7
Aug       22.5
Sept      23.2
Oct       29.0
Nov       41.9
Dec       74.3
Jan       88.4
Feb       62.8
Mar       15.9
Apr        9.7
May        8.1      
June       3.8
July       5.9
Aug       25.0
Sept      56.3  
Oct       37.0
Nov       27.4

total TN deaths thru 12/2/21: 17,399


- OS

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2 hours ago, Erik88 said:

For those that don't want the vaccine, I'm curious how you feel about a treatment? This seems like positive news. I got this in a daily email from the NY Times.


Two treatments are on the way — one from Pfizer and one from Merck — and they will have both medical and psychological benefits. Not only can they reduce serious Covid illness, but they can also reduce Covid fears and help society move back to normalcy, lessening the pandemic’s huge social and economic side effects.


Both Pfizer’s and Merck’s treatments are pill regimens that people take for five days after a positive Covid test. The pills prevent the virus from replicating inside the body and are broadly similar to treatments that revolutionized H.I.V. care in the 1990s.

Pfizer’s version, which is likely to become widely available early next year, appears to be the more effective: It reduced the risk of hospitalization or death by 85 percent in a research trial. Merck’s version, which should be available sooner, reduced risk by 30 percent.

One major advantage of the pills is that people can take them at home. Current Covid treatments, like monoclonal antibodies, are typically administered in a hospital.

Another advantage is that they do not attack the part of the virus that changes most with each new variant: the spike protein. That’s why scientists expect the treatments will work even as the virus evolves.

Nope, I don't need any psychological help, why do they think we need our brains messed with because we don't want their crappy shot?

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7 minutes ago, Omega said:

Nope, I don't need any psychological help, why do they think we need our brains messed with because we don't want their crappy shot?

That's not want the author meant. He is saying that by having a treatment some folks might have less anxiety and fear about COVID since it lowers the risk of hospitalization. There were a few paragraphs before this I didn't include where the author was talking about people still living with fear of the virus. 

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1 hour ago, Erik88 said:

That's not want the author meant. He is saying that by having a treatment some folks might have less anxiety and fear about COVID since it lowers the risk of hospitalization. There were a few paragraphs before this I didn't include where the author was talking about people still living with fear of the virus. 

The ones living in fear have probably taken the shot and are realizing they could still get sick.

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49 minutes ago, gregintenn said:

I do not fear Covid. I do fear the government’s response to it.

At this point I’m up for a press conference from Covid where it will detail its plans to protect us from government. 

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20 hours ago, Erik88 said:

Both Pfizer’s and Merck’s treatments are pill regimens that people take for five days after a positive Covid test. The pills prevent the virus from replicating inside the body and are broadly similar to treatments that revolutionized H.I.V. care in the 1990s.

Pfizer’s version, which is likely to become widely available early next year, appears to be the more effective: It reduced the risk of hospitalization or death by 85 percent in a research trial. Merck’s version, which should be available sooner, reduced risk by 30 percent.

These guys got some nads! Funny this is a near verbatim description of Ivermectin protocol. Looks like they tweaked the compound a tad to call it new & their own. I bet there sick about putting out a new drug thats not law suit free like their Vaccines. But looks like their pretty safe with this one since the out of country evidence is mounting on a lack of damaging side effects. They know their cashing in on their Paid off Gov studges has about run its course.  NO ONE greases the wheels in DC like Pharma can & does. Used to be the BAR Association affiliates years ago.

   Indian state with 240 million people completely eradicated covid with ivermectin | The Most Revolutionary Act (wordpress.com)

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On 12/5/2021 at 1:13 PM, xtriggerman said:

These guys got some nads! Funny this is a near verbatim description of Ivermectin protocol.....

   Indian state with 240 million people completely eradicated covid with ivermectin | The Most Revolutionary Act (wordpress.com)

Largely debunked, including by Indian government itself.

One of many overviews:


- OS

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7 minutes ago, Quavodus said:

I heard a interview with Wayne Allyn Root, and he said he got sick and used Ivermectin and within 24 hours felt fine.

Well, that's certainly conclusive.

Roosters believe they cause the sun to rise. After all,  somewhere one is always crowing at daybreak.

7 minutes ago, Quavodus said:

I think the Libs know what they can do with the Vax.

So, all the Conservatives who have taken it are actually Libs? Including hiz own eminence DJT?

- OS

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1 hour ago, Oh Shoot said:

Largely debunked, including by Indian government itself.

One of many overviews:


- OS

Politifact regularly lies. I don't know about this one because I refuse to use their site now, but be wary of Amy fact checks done by them. 

They tried to claim Biden never looked at his watch, even when all video evidence showed the contrary. Afterwards they updated it to "missing context" and still made a fib about when and where he checked his watch. 

More than fact checking, they give coverage to left leaning sites. 

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Poll time.

We regrettably lost Steelharp to COVID. I hate that. May he Rest In Peace.


How many other TGO members have succumbed to this dreadful virus? How many members do we currently have? Let’s do the math here. 

Edited by gregintenn
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26 minutes ago, user1776 said:

Politifact regularly lies. I don't know about this one because I refuse to use their site now, but be wary of Amy fact checks done by them. 

They tried to claim Biden never looked at his watch, even when all video evidence showed the contrary. Afterwards they updated it to "missing context" and still made a fib about when and where he checked his watch. 

More than fact checking, they give coverage to left leaning sites. 

Hell, they have “fact” in the company name. No way they’d lie!

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1 hour ago, Oh Shoot said:

Well, that's certainly conclusive.

Roosters believe they cause the sun to rise. After all,  somewhere one is always crowing at daybreak.

So, all the Conservatives who have taken it are actually Libs? Including hiz own eminence DJT?

- OS

Well, not all. But, a lot are and the rest are just scared. Oh Shoot, are you a conservative and a patriot? Because that's what this Country needs right now.

Edited by Quavodus
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4 hours ago, Quavodus said:

.... Oh Shoot, are you a conservative and a patriot? Because that's what this Country needs right now.

I'm a right leaning centrist, and an American patriot -- and would fight to prove it.

Though seems if it comes to that, I'll have to be shooting in more than one direction,

- OS

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9 hours ago, Oh Shoot said:

Largely debunked, including by Indian government itself.

One of many overviews:


- OS

I used that particular sight since it had a variety of information that pulls from the general idea of what is going on in India. But really, do your own research and not just by going to those ass a nine fact check sights. gezzz thats so childish for the masses to swallow BS guiding the lemmings down their pre planed path to a great view of the ocean. There is ALOT of specific details on India's use of Ivermectin and how their own Gov fought its inclusion even to the point the home issued kits were sent out with only 3mg tablets to prove it wouldnt work to the people who advocated its use. Now, is this all true? maybe.... but certainly enough going on to dig deeper if one is so inclined. I guess all these basic vids are all BS but good for ha haa's

india ivermectin - YouTube

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16 hours ago, Oh Shoot said:

I'm a right leaning centrist, and an American patriot -- and would fight to prove it.

Though seems if it comes to that, I'll have to be shooting in more than one direction,

- OS

Just thought I'd ask. Some people you just have to ask. 👌

Edited by Quavodus
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16 hours ago, Oh Shoot said:

I'm a right leaning centrist, and an American patriot -- and would fight to prove it.

Though seems if it comes to that, I'll have to be shooting in more than one direction,

- OS

Sadly, the victim mentality that pervades populism pretty much assures that sooner or later pretty much everyone will find themselves the enemy.

It's confusing at first. And, it's an awfully lonely place to find oneself. 

You get over it though.

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19 hours ago, Oh Shoot said:

I'm a right leaning centrist, and an American patriot -- and would fight to prove it.

Though seems if it comes to that, I'll have to be shooting in more than one direction,

- OS

when the right skews so far right that you appear left.. well here we are.

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