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Things would have to get a lot worse.

Guest Rick O'Shay

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To quote the great philosopher Rodney Glen King "can't we all get along?'

Obviously not. I mean really though this a public forum. We are not all going to get along, that's understandable. You take a bunch of guys and put them in a situation where they can say whatever they want without fear of getting their ass kicked and they are going to say what is on their mind. That's a good thing because it does promote healthy discussion. The problem is there are those few who can't really back up what they say with anything intelligent so they attack others, attempt to belittle them, and then try to turn it all back around on the other party.

I often find it funny that most of the people that are closer to my age on this forum present themselves with a higher degree of intelligence and decorum than some of the more "seasoned" members. Yet, we are always stupid or misinformed because of our age.

Honestly, I think the internet gives you two options. You can talk really big and turn yourself into anything you want to portray yourself as or it can show your true colors.

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That would be f*cking monumental. I would so pwn!

Well I don't know man. Do you really wanna spar with an $8/hr security guard? I might break out my flashlight or something lol

Ok I think somebody should try to put this back on track now, so when are you gonna buy an American car man?! :poop:

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Guest bkelm18

Ok I think somebody should try to put this back on track now, so when are you gonna buy an American car man?! :up:

I dunno. My current one (American made) has to get out of the repair shop since it broke down on Friday... :poop:

Edited by bkelm18
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I dunno. My current one has to get out of the repair shop since it broke down on Friday... :poop:

That's a shame. You know I've been thinking about it seriously and really who still makes everything here? Snap-on does, most gun companies and holster makers, can't really think of many more.

Just about everything is made overseas, electronics, parts and materials, etc.

So if you put tariffs on overseas companies and funnel THAT money back into our system and American companies agree to either make better products, or at least stand behind them, then you can start stimulating the economy and putting money back into the worker's pockets.

The cold reality is if you have money to spend, but you have got to get something reliable that you KNOW will last, you are going to go with whatever company has the best reputation. American companies simply need to make themselves the best choice and not screw their customers and workers over every chance they get.

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Guest bang-flash
Like where exactly? Put on the Tron headsets and duke it out in cyberspace?

Please try not to read things so literally. My comment is a common statement and in this context was meant as a hyperbole. My apologies for not adding a smilie or whatever you call them.

But just so were clear, may I direct your attention near the top of the screen in black/red lettering it says "Political Issues Discussion and friendly debate about local, state, national and global political issues.

Personal attacks will not be tolerated. Please read the forum announcements before participating.

My comment was directed to the both of you in an effort to maybe get the discussion back on th OP's topic. DaveTN's and your banter has turned into an old vs new generation diatribe. Now if you choose to attack me, thats fine as I expect that neither of you can allow someone else to have the proverbial last word. I will try and further the discussion below by adding my comments on the original subject.

And just as a reminder here is what the original OP said -

Lets say the the government was to aggressively go after our guns in the near future. Some people would resist, but most would try to hide them, with mixed success. Irregardless of the rending of the Constitution going on now, few (in general) would have a major problem with it. I don't remember where I read it, but "there has never been a revolution of fat men" holds true. Some would like to see a return to our Constitutional roots by whatever means that will get us there, but as long as our country remains somewhat prosperous, it ain't gonna happen.

Just a thought...

My thought/opinion on the subject is that the govt will continue to run this country into the ground, either unintentionally or because we the people allow them to, until a "Majority" of people decide to take it back.

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Please try not to read things so literally. My comment is a common statement and in this context was meant as a hyperbole. My apologies for not adding a smilie or whatever you call them.

But just so were clear, may I direct your attention near the top of the screen in black/red lettering it says "Political Issues Discussion and friendly debate about local, state, national and global political issues.

Personal attacks will not be tolerated. Please read the forum announcements before participating.

I apologize as well as I was attempting to add some levity and was being facetious. I'm also well aware what the top of this forum states. I've also spoken with a moderator to make sure things were not stepping to far out of line on MY end only.

I also have attempted to move the thread back to it's original topic. I say we should. Everyone has stroked there egos and fluffed their feathers quite long enough.

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Guest nraforlife

Fasten your seat belts ladies and gentlemen and try to hold on as things are going to get a lot worse.

Back in the so called 'Great Depression' 21% of us lived on the farm and America had a manufacturing base and even then it took WW2 to get us out. Now we have more people in prisons than work on farms, what manufacturing base is left and a drug problem that is catastrophic in some segments of the population.

I for one am not wasting anymore ammo on the range cause at this stage I can either hit what I shoot at or not. Stockpile and hoard are now the catchwords.

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My thought/opinion on the subject is that the govt will continue to run this country into the ground, either unintentionally or because we the people allow them to, until a "Majority" of people decide to take it back.

Take it back how?

From whom?

Don’t get me wrong I’m all for a revolution. But if you are suggesting killing cops or the military (as some here are) you are not in the majority and you certainly are not doing it in the name of protecting the Constitution of the United States. All you will do is be labeled a criminal; a dead criminal.

Edited by DaveTN
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Guest parris001
I too like to buy American whenever I can--as long as it is quality made, and is affordable. I'm tired of buying cheap Chinese made POS.

I think we need to start paying a decent living wage--$7.15/hr just won't hack it considering how the workers in this country get taxed to death while uncle same ships our money off to prop up third world dictatorships who make their money by dealing drugs--can anyone say Afghanistan? No one should have to work full time, or have to work 2 jobs just to get buy and no one should have to work and receive food stamps--pay the workers enough money and help them to help themselves instead of just making it to the point that we have to depend on government handouts to get by. I think minimum wage should be adjusted to match inflation, I really do.

I think we need to have an educated populace-that means if you are on welfare--then you should have to attend evening classes at a local technical school or university if you want to remain on welfare for any length of time, and if you quit before you graduate--your welfare automatically stops. Education should be made more accessible--more along the lines of the Czech Republic, because anyone can go the Czech Republic and obtain a university education absolutely free as long as you are willing to learn their language well enough to get buy in their society while you are studying.

I definitely think we should reevaluate who qualifies for social security--if you are on Social security because you are addicted to alcohol that is just tough sh**, drop the habit and get a life and get a job. Social security should be for those who actually are old enough to get it, or who are disabled. I think we need to reevaluate our priorities in this country.

I think we should export as much merchandise and products to China as they export to us. I think we need to slap the same tariffs on their products as they place on ours. I think we need to make it unprofitable for American companies to go over seas just to get cheaper labor--if they choose to go to Mexico, then expect high tariffs on your products when you ship them back...I think we need to have caps on the pay of CEOs--who needs the multimillion golden parachutes, or the upteen million dollars a year like the CEOs of Exxon mobile, or JP Morgan or Goldman Sachs? I think the "stock options" bit should also stop...

As for the "bail outs"--I am all for letting what is nominally called the "Darwinian theory of Natural selection" take over for the banks and the mortgage industry....they got themselves into this mess because of greed and because of their rush to hand out bad subprime loans to everyone and their brother knowing they could not possibly repay it...I am personally for seizing the property of the CEOs whose companies received a "bail out", as well as seizing their bank accounts and their other assets and giving the majority of them back to the people while forcing the CEOs of these corporations to live on minimum wage and let them see what it is like to have everything they love and worked for taken from them...the American PEOPLE are in need of a bail out--but who bails us out?

If you have 45 minutes to spare--watch the first 30-45 minutes of Zeitgeist the addendum on youtube...it is really something to see.

Where did this little Socialist come from with his "living wage" and pro-Czech republic rhetoric? Jeez folks, read what this guy posted........ This guy is espousing Socialism the likes of which I'm surprised to find in a forum like this which is mostly occupied by at least Constitutionalists.

Here's the answer to our economic woes. It's easy, and everybody hold onto your hats.......... we have to offer a great product at a competitive price. It's that easy! That's what we did pre-1970 when we had the world automotive market sewn up. What exactly is it going to take to realize that goal? A lot of f*cking hard work! Employees that are willing to give their all and NOT make $25 an hour.

As a nation we waste. We waste a lot. We go out to eat and order more than we can eat and throw away the rest. We buy products in huge amounts at Costco and Sam's club and have to throw what spoils away. We buy new cars before we get all the use out of our old ones. We waste. Does the government need to stick it's nosey presence into this situation to help solve it? Absolutley not. Hey, you really want to be a Patriot? Start by in general just being more responsible! Be a smarter consumer and make the most of the resources available to you!

The only way, only way, we will get out of the mess we're in is if we pull our own wagon out of the ditch. But it will never happen. I have lost hope. Rugged American individualism is gone. We've replaced it with the Nanny State. All of the lazy m*ther f*ckers out there have doomed the rest of us. The only pleasure I have is in knowing that when the Police state does finally take over, the weak and fat ones (previously afore mentioned lazy m*ther f*ckers) are the first ones they come for. We'll heat our homes off of their blubber........... so go ahead and super size the next time you eat out. I like to stay toasty warm :D

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Guest nraforlife
Take it back how?

From whom?

Don’t get me wrong I’m all for a revolution. But if you are suggesting killing cops or the military (as some here are) you are not in the majority and you certainly are not doing it in the name of protecting the Constitution of the United States. All you will do is be labeled a criminal; a dead criminal.

Its NOT the cops and the military that are the problem.

We take back our country by taking back the States, Congress and the Presidency. Starting in 2010...

We take back our schools by taking over the school district boards

We take back the 2nd by refusing to comply with restrictions even to the point of filling up the jails

We take back our country by breaking the law and refusing to obey the assinine edicts of the tyrants in black. You want school prayer than pray in school and frick the judge who says no. Yes you may well end up in jail but there aren't enough cells to hold everyone. Sell off those multimillion churches and use the money to fight.

Civil disobedience...Course the vast majorityare simply going to roll over and play dead.

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I've owned several "American brand cars", my Ford AWD had 250k miles on the same engine when I finally retired it due to the fact that it would have cost more to fix the car than it was worth when the back wheels and tie rod assemblies and the awd unit went out.

my current car has over 150k miles on the same engine. my parents owned a Mercury that had over 200k miles on it, we had a Chevy pickup with over 150k on it..it makes no difference whether the car is a Honda, Toyota or Ford, it depends on how you take care of the car. I like my current American car, and thankfully I have had little, if any problems with it.

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Its NOT the cops and the military that are the problem.


We take back our country by taking back the States, Congress and the Presidency. Starting in 2010...

We take back our schools by taking over the school district boards

Who is “WE� :D

In case you weren’t paying attention we just elected a President because he is black.

Now we have to listen about how we have come so far and what a great thing it is that we have a black president. I don’t think the minorities are going to be willing to hand everything back over to a white guy.

Where are you going to find a black conservative Republican that is pro 2nd amendment, pro gun, and can have a chance of winning?

We take back the 2nd by refusing to comply with restrictions even to the point of filling up the jails

Civil disobedience...Course the vast majorityare simply going to roll over and play dead.

:D I’ve been there, done that, got the T-shirt.

I was arrested for no crime other than having a gun in my car in Illinois. It cost me thousands and no one helped me. Not even your beloved NRA. They said they don’t get involved in criminal cases.

Civil disobedience will do nothing but get you a criminal record.

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In case you weren’t paying attention we just elected a President because he is black.

No way.

Blacks still make up less than 13% of US population and more significantly, blacks didn't vote in any higher % than in previous elections, and of course always vote overwhelmingly for Democrats.

ANY democrat would have won this election, only a question of by how much.

Obama probably got the FEWEST votes of any Democrat that could have gotten the nomination, mainly BECAUSE he's black.

Just shows how much the American electorate was fed up with Dubya/GOP and the poor economy.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Guest tcampbell

Who is “WE� :D

In case you weren’t paying attention we just elected a President because he is black.

Now we have to listen about how we have come so far and what a great thing it is that we have a black president.


Maybe you are part of "we", but I am not. I did not elect a black president. He may be black...but he is 1/2 white also. That really doesn't matter though. He may be pres of the US, but he is not MY pres until I gain respect for him.

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Guest jackdog


Originally Posted by jackdog viewpost.gif

Here's a question for you. Why have we not suspended H1v visa program if we are so concerned with American workers.


Originally Posted by jackdog viewpost.gif

As far as buying American. When American companies produce the same quality of product for the same price then I buy American.

Who is concerned about American workers? Obama isn’t.

You say that you want quality made American products at the same price as the foreign made stuff. It can’t happen.

Employee health care, OSHA, EPA, Unemployment benefits, Pensions, 401K’s, Overtime, vacation pay, family leave, civil liability.

Those are just a few of the costs than manufacturers here have that those companies you want to buy from overseas don’t have. How do you suggest that we manufacture a product at the same price as a foreign company when our companies are strapped with that?

Why are the Visa programs still in force? Because of you price buyers that think we should be able to produce a product for the same price as a foreign competitor.

If a company can get an IT guy or a programmer from India that is every bit as good as you, but will work for a quarter of your wage; shouldn’t they do it? I mean after all, price is most important to you… correct?

I disagree totally Both the H1V visa program and not making E verify a permanent solution is not the peoples fault. It is clearly the fault of our government. They are hacks paid for by the US Chamber of commerce (WTF why do they even have US in their name) and big business.

Tariffs on goods entering the USA were primarily stopped by these same organizations and their political hacks.

Bottom line is you initial post where you stated this not the governments fault but the peoples is just stupid. You made that statement but fail to support your argument with any facts other than what you believe in your head. Attacking others on the board Via name calling just further reinforces the fact that you can not support your original statement. I suggest you show us something that supports your position or admit that you can't.


Originally Posted by jackdog viewpost.gif

That does not mean that I buy an American product that is assembled or produced in Mexico or any other foreign country

I agree. I have said all along that although I buy my vehicles from American Manufacturers; but I do not consider those companies our friends.

GM’s and Ford built in Canada and Mexico hurt our economy, they don’t help it. And they should not get a dime of any bailout money. I know that would be almost impossible to overseas, but this bailout is about jobs here. We are not bailing out the auto industry because we like them. We are bailing them out because if they go under or economy will be devastated by the loss of jobs. (So much for the “Sink or Swim” or “let things take their course” attitude. There will be no surprises; we know exactly what the course will be.)

Sorry but that argument once again does not hold water. There are more Americans employed by Toyota, Nissan and other foreign manufactures Than are employed by the big three. So if they go under America will not likely disappear. Once again I think companies suffered via government intervention in free markets due to crappy trade deals. But GM Ford and Morpar all members of the US chamber of Commerce. Plus GM has gotten major tax rebate programs through the government for people buying the Hummer. Sink or swim is not the answer to end everything but it surely is a viable part of the equation. I think America should throw the Frigging UN out on their ass along with the WTO and THO as well. Edited by jackdog
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