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Semi-Auto Rimfire target guns MARK IV/BUCK MARK/MODEL 41/VICTORY??


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10 hours ago, Jaysan60 said:

I've always been a fan of the Buckmark.  Good quality, accurate and affordable.  But, if the right High Standard was found...

Just curious. What do you consider the "right" High Standard?

I've had several versions and wish I'd kept them all. lol

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2 hours ago, 1madss said:

A little older S&W. A 422 or 622 in 6"barrel. I picked up a 6" 422 a few years ago for ~200. Mags are not cheap though. The "Target" model has adjustable rear sights.

Thanks...started looking at those and also found the 2206; they all look like good options. 

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Of the options you originally mentioned I recommend a brand new Victory.  Regardless of Internet reports, I bought one after shooting one.  It has been 100% flawless and rivals my ‘92 Ruger Mark II target in accuracy.  The trigger is very nice as well...something the Internet is very critical of in the Mark IV’s.

I have no experience with Buck Marks or 41’s as I never fired one.

Edited by Garufa
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Lot of info on this thread - Thanks for starting it. 

I don't know enough to comment on real Target Guns even though I only shoot Targets (not cans, etc. LOL). 

Some of my Target Shooting is with AIMING trying for accuracy and some is more practice Point and Shoot with minimum aim at Targets.

The only 22's I have that I consider for Aim Target Shooting are a GSG1911, a Heritage 6.5 inch Revolver, and a SW22 Victory. Needless to say, I buy cheap (low priced sounds better) guns.   

The only one of those that might be called a 22 Target Gun is the SW22 Victory. It's not the fancy upgraded model but does have Trigger Mods by Previous Owner (about 2 LB pull).   

Previous Owner installed the Trigger Mod. Also, installed MAGS with the extensions on the MAGS, and the slide pull back attachment. I bought used $249.99, figured about $300 in MODS. 

DANG thing would not Eject (fail 1/2 time on a 10 round MAG) first time I shot it. Me thinking Extract, I messed with extractor (DUMB still would not eject).  Finally was informed on this site that ejector is not extractor and I fixed the eject problem by slightly bending the ejector over to catch the rim of the cartridge. VIOLA - Fixed it.  

Anyway, I like it, like the way it shoots, breaks down (one screw), and easy to clean and lubricate.  One thing, MAG release seems to get in the way of my method of gripping the gun.      

Correct a few things.
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I had not heard of a 41 until this thread, may not have read this article if not seen this thread before. Maybe someone else is like me (dumb about a 41), if so here is an interesting article on the history of 41 and later designs. Got $$$$$ you can have one. 


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Dave, you have several quality firearms listed that  you would consider buying.  I am sure you already know this but I have to say it anyway.  If you expect to hit your target consistently and accurately the first variable to determine is that the firearm's grip frame fits your hand.  It has to feel "right" like putting on a glove.  If the grip frame does not fit your hand you will always be struggling to get comfortable with it and accuracy will suffer.  After that question is resolved it is a consideration of the barrel length (longer sight radius is your friend) and loaded weight (again, balance).  Once you have these questions answered with each of your named models your options for purchasing should be reduced. 

My own experience in this led me to a Hi Standard Supermatic Trophy that I bought new around 45 years ago.  I used to compete in handgun rimfire competition year around.  This pistol is more accurate than I am and is completely reliable.  I have never regretted having it since it came home with me.  I have several other quality RF pistols, some rather pricey, but this is the one that is the most accurate.  Some days I won the entire match, and on other days I was only "present and accounted for."  I enjoy winning but the true pleasure is in being on the line and in the company of friends.  These friends include both the people I have known for many years and the firearms I take to the range.  My time for competition on that level has passed and I am reduced to occasional recreational activities.  Even now the Supermatic comes along for the ride occasionally.  It makes good company.  Good luck on your search.

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