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Guest jackrabbit101

the bersa 9 is a really good gun . . . i used to have one but it was a UC instead of the full size version , i traded mine for the 45 version , its also a really nice handgun . . . well i hope you enjoy your new gun!!!!

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Meet my 16 year old son, jackrabbit101 (he's the one in the video above)...I like the sig line jackrabbit.

He's aspiring to be a Marine...and he's well on his way, he loves that ROTC class at school.

Now for that range report (I should make jackrabbit101 do it...its his pistol)...he shot it a few times today, he was late getting in from school because he stayed over to help his auto mechanics teacher bleed some brakes or something so we didn't have much time, it was getting dark.

The Bersa is accurate, the sights are set right...it hits the bullseye at 15 yards and it has not jammed or anything so far. Its a great little pistol for the $$$. It did nosedive one time (first round, full mag) which I believe is just a break in issue and won't happen much anymore, if at all.

Edited by Ridgerunner665
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Guest oldhack62

I own both the 9mm and 45-caliber Bersas in UltraCompact models (called Minis only in non-U.S. markets), and have never had a FTF with either. And, while both are reliable guns, the 9UC is the best-shooting pistol I've ever handled, bar none (and, yes, I've shot some Sigs and Glocks, et al!).

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