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Handgun Carry Permit Database

Guest RedDog

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What is the big deal.. who cares? Everything about you is public record and any idiot with $29.95 can run a background check on you without even having your SSN.

Get over it or let your permit expire.

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Guest Linoge
What to do? It's hard to be anonymous in the internet age isn't it.

Find out who the editor is, or lets say the whole staff at the newspaper, or start with the editorial board and ownership.

You mean like this? (If any of that information is out of date, feel free to let me know.)

Has not accomplished a whole lot yet.

Likewise, contacting all of the Commercial Appeal's advertisers has not accomplished much either - the First Tennessee Bank representative even admitted that they do not care what the companies they advertise at do.

This is only going to be solved at a legislative level, and unlike Indiana, it would appear as though our representatives do not really care about our rights to privacy. Good to know, come election day, I suppose...

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Guest tnvolfan

When I first tried this list, I messed up and listed my name opposite to the request. For those of you who try it, be sure and list your last name first, just like it requests. The publication of this list is wrong. I will be writing my local state senator/representatives. I suggest other TGO members do the same.

Edited by tnvolfan
My information was wrong.
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When I first tried this list, I messed up and listed my name opposite to the request. For those of you who try it, be sure and list your last name first, just like it requests. The publication of this list is wrong. I will be writing my local state senator/representatives. I suggest other TGO members do the same.

You didn't notice the same push happening last summer, after you came on board here?

Bill was defeated, and it had more legs then than now, seemingly.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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The "Sunshine" law and open records law advocates are out of control. Not only is my name and adress available via the HCP data base but since I am a public employee, I work for the municipal goverment, my personnel file is a public document. If a disgruntled citizen decides he or she wants my home address they can obtain it under freedom of information. :D

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Guest TinTennessee

I really dont care that my info is on there.

( Source: Tennessee Department of Safety; public records include permits issued before Jan. 1, 2010, and valid as of today. ) Does this mean if your HCP was issued after jan 1 2010 you arent listed. or will not ever be listed?

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I really dont care that my info is on there.

( Source: Tennessee Department of Safety; public records include permits issued before Jan. 1, 2010, and valid as of today. ) Does this mean if your HCP was issued after jan 1 2010 you arent listed. or will not ever be listed?

It would mean your HCP won't show up until the next time the CA purchases the info and updates their database. Not sure how often they do it.

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Guest faust921
What is the big deal.. who cares? Everything about you is public record and any idiot with $29.95 can run a background check on you without even having your SSN.

Get over it or let your permit expire.

The "Any idiots" from the knee-jerk reactionary school of management running the HR department where I work to support my family might take notice. What I do outside of work is none of their business.

I guess it's easier to "get over it" when you work in fast food.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest waldo
Does this mean if your HCP was issued after jan 1 2010 you arent listed. or will not ever be listed?

I got my HCP 4-22-2010 and I am listed.

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Guest WyattEarp

I fail to understand why anyone outside of

City/County/State/Federal Law Enforcement

needs to know that I have a Handgun Permit License?

needs to know my arrest history?

needs to know what property I own?

needs to know how much taxes I paid on that property?

needs to know the exact address of that property that I do own?

It's nuts what you can find online about someone.




Some counties even have websites with criminal and traffic docket information on it, and you can look up a person's last name.

No one outside of Law Enforcement needs that information. It's not their business. If a person broke the law, it should be between the court, the defendant, the victim, the prosecutor, judge, jury and defense attorney.

The public records crap is bull****. The only way to get this changed, is to get people to sign a petition and get enough "verifiable" signatures (names, address, d/o/b, and phone number). and submit to our Legislators and demand the law be changed.

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  • 7 months later...

I guess this answers my question about whether my employer has the right to include whether I have a permit or not on my background check. Wasn't planning on advertising once I got it, and wanted to see if I could stop it but guess now I will just have to deal with it. Maybe someone I don't like will be the one to say something and I can get them on violating a GO :)

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