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Will you defend the 2nd when the time comes?

Guest nraforlife

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Guest nraforlife


The time is coming, and maybe in our lifetime, where one will need to chose whether the 2nd amendment is worth losing all for. By all I mean life, liberty, income, housing and family.

If this happens in your lifetime which path will you chose? The one that keeps your family whole and well or the other where the 2nd amendment is defended even though, like the signers of the Declaration, you risk all?

Be honest and no BS macho crapola....

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Guest bkelm18

Haven't there been a few threads where this has been discussed?


I have lost everything that I held dear more than once. At first I was very upset with two ex-wives and the second part I got back on my feet. To lose everything and the ones I love is nothing new. To defend the right to keep and bear arms is one of the freedoms that keeps us free. A question asked of one of the generals of a foreign power said they did not fear the United States military; it was the citizens of the United States. I would think that I am one of those that they fear.


Why assume that giving up the second will keep you and your family well and whole? If past events are any guide, the loss of arms is soon followed by loss of other rights, harsh economic conditions, or genocide.

The second wasn't put in the bill of rights because the founders enjoyed shooting skeet.

  bkelm18 said:
Haven't there been a few threads where this has been discussed?

Yea like a 1000 TIMES. It's getting old honestly. Nobody knows what they'll do until they are faced with the situation. You can be prepared and ready, but honestly I don't think alot of people have the stomach to kill another person anymore.

It's alot of macho bravado and very patriotic and hip right now to talk about fighting the government and fighting for our freedoms, but I'd honestly guess that maybe 30-40 % of this board would actually fight and continue to do so. If that many.

People are brought up different in this century, things are not like they were during the Revolution or even the Civil War. People are spoiled and self-serving. It's just how it is.

Guest bkelm18
  Punisher84 said:
Yea like a 1000 TIMES. It's getting old honestly. Nobody knows what they'll do until they are faced with the situation. You can be prepared and ready, but honestly I don't think alot of people have the stomach to kill another person anymore.

It's alot of macho bravado and very patriotic and hip right now to talk about fighting the government and fighting for our freedoms, but I'd honestly guess that maybe 30-40 % of this board would actually fight and continue to do so. If that many.

People are brought up different in this century, things are not like they were during the Revolution or even the Civil War. People are spoiled and self-serving. It's just how it is.

I agree 100%. You just don't know until the day comes. Hell I don't know. I know I won't give them up but what action I'll take I just don't know.

  bkelm18 said:
I agree 100%. You just don't know until the day comes. Hell I don't know. I know I won't give them up but what action I'll take I just don't know.



I've thought about this alot and one question comes to mind. With 300+ million guns in circulation, and 80+million current gun owners, just HOW will the government track down all gun owners and take their guns? First of all they will have to track down all the owners which would take a new government agency almost as big as the IRS costing billions, and since it's just impossible to track down all gun owners, it's even more logistically impossible to take their guns. You don't even have to engage them in a firefight, just do nothing. Even if they went to all gun stores and collected all the records that would cost billions and since private citizens often sell guns to other citizens with no records it would be a waste of time and effort and money that even most of the non gun owning public wont tolerate spending.

Well I can keep going on about the logistic impossibility of banning guns here in the US but I wont, the only thing the government could do is effect current (legal) gun and ammo sales, and try to scare gun owners through the media with some token raids.

Guest Abominable_Hillbilly
  bkelm18 said:
Haven't there been a few threads where this has been discussed?

Yeap. If you get tired of hearing it, just post the following question:

"Are you willing to shoot a cop?"

That's what they're talking about doing. Who do they think is going to come after their guns. It isn't Reid, Pelosi, or Obama. They'll send their hired guns to do their dirty work.

  Tungsten said:
My take on this is that 90% of the 10% who say they'll fight to the end, won't.

Yeap. Right again. They're the same posers who can't find the courage to vote third party.

  Abominable_Hillbilly said:
Yeap. If you get tired of hearing it, just post the following question:

"Are you willing to shoot a cop?"

That's what they're talking about doing. Who do they think is going to come after their guns. It isn't Reid, Pelosi, or Obama. They'll send their hired guns to do their dirty work.

I'm no internet tough guy and have NO idea how I might react if the situation arises, but I can tell you this - anyone who is willing to enforce unconstitutional laws/orders is my enemy and an enemy of my country. What I'm willing to do doesn't depend on what they wear for their day job.

Guest Abominable_Hillbilly
  crimsonaudio said:
I'm no internet tough guy and have NO idea how I might react if the situation arises, but I can tell you this - anyone who is willing to enforce unconstitutional laws/orders is my enemy and an enemy of my country. What I'm willing to do doesn't depend on what they wear for their day job.

Same here.

The thing is this: it really is like slowly boiling a frog. It won't happen over night. When they finally do come for our guns, how many of us will be left? They are forever trying to disarm us through cultural tactics. That'll make it easier when they resort to force.

I don't want to see anyone shot. I do, however, very much wish to challenge those that seem unserious. That's not directed at anyone in particular. It's necessary to make sure that folks fully understand what they're contemplating. If there's a federal "ban" on firearms, it'll be just like a federal ban on cocaine or gambling. The feds will purchase local law enforcement to do their bidding. Resisting gun confiscation will entail gun battles with local government enforecement agents. Period.

Guest bkelm18
  Tungsten said:
My take on this is that 90% of the 10% who say they'll fight to the end, won't.

I do agree. I have no desire to kill anyone. If they came for my firearms, I would not engage them in a fight, but hopefully by the time it comes to that, I will be elsewhere. Resist, evade, survive is my plan. But who knows. We'll know on the day.


They will say turn them in and most, good law abiding citizens will. I will not. Then what?


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  bheard said:
They will say turn them in and most, good law abiding citizens will. I will not. Then what?


Then, if a law has been passed making gun ownership a criminal offense, you will be a criminal.

  Tungsten said:
Then, if a law has been passed making gun ownership a criminal offense, you will be a criminal.

So be it. I'm OK with that.

In my eyes, the constitution supersedes all laws.

  Tungsten said:
Then, if a law has been passed making gun ownership a criminal offense, you will be a criminal.

I can live with that designation. As per the founding fathers, I am within my rights. Bullets may hurt, but relinquishing my given rights may be worse. I'm no superhero, but I know where my loyalties lie. Time will tell how I respond, if this issue comes to the forefront.

  bheard said:
They will say turn them in and most, good law abiding citizens will. I will not. Then what?


Then you would be an outlaw.

From the age you list I doubt you will see the day guns are banned outright. I doubt I will live to see that day either.

I believe it lays in the hands of the generation behind me.

Present company excepted I am not so sure of them people having backbone to do what will need to be done.

Guest HexHead
  Abominable_Hillbilly said:
Yeap. If you get tired of hearing it, just post the following question:

"Are you willing to shoot a cop?"

That's what they're talking about doing. Who do they think is going to come after their guns. It isn't Reid, Pelosi, or Obama. They'll send their hired guns to do their dirty work.

Yep. No problem.

Guest HexHead
  Tungsten said:
Then, if a law has been passed making gun ownership a criminal offense, you will be a criminal.

Again, no problem.

Guest FroggyOne2

Our society has gotten to the point.. that if you don't keep a subject in their face, it is quickly forgotten.. I for one don't get tired of hearing about it.. We must unite and be strong together as a whole. Quit the bickering and negitives and start jelling together as a unit! If there has been any time, time is now to be positive and cohesive.

Oh and other thing.. if you don't mean it and are not willing to stand behind what you say,, then don't say it..


I personally worry more about the choices my children and grand children will have to make than the ones I will face. I believe I know how I will respond because I have made those decisions already.


What I keep thinking on the "enforcement" part of it is police officers and the like are still citizens themselves. If and when the time comes to start kicking in doors and taking peoples guns by force, they also have a huge choice to make. If you live in a small town like me, the citizen you are taking guns from might be your neighbor and chances are you know them. And with knowing them you know how they are going to react to having their guns taken. Now police put their life on the line everyday for "US" the people, to protect and serve, and I respect that. BUT, what if the door that's getting kicked in is a fellow officer's ? A state trooper's ? And what if said officer or trooper is a Rambo wannabe ? I know several that have an arsenal that every gun owner would drool over. What happens then ?

There is where I see the whole conflict. In order to use the law to enforce the "gun grab" in small communities or out in the "sticks" I think you would have to have a force that is numb to the thought of shooting their neighbor, their buddy, hell their own family maybe. Adolph established this by creating his own personal army. That's why barry's talk of "citizen army" or whatever he was mouthing scared me more than any gun laws trying to be passed.

I guess what I am trying to say is this. It's one thing for barry to send orders to local law enforcement to start kicking doors and grabbing guns, it's an entirely different matter to assemble a "gun grabber" task force. While I am not a LEO and can't speak for them, I would have to turn in my badge the day they sent out the order. I would go home and protect my family from the same guys I worked with that were planning on coming and taking what I have a right to own. Those that want to make a name for themselves can join the "GG" task force and possibly prepare for their own demise.


A Police officer = a citizen sworn in to protect and serve the people.

A "GG" task force member= A hired thug looking to get headlines and make a name for themselves.

All I have to say is barry's "GG" task force needs a big red bullseye between GG and TF (Gun Grabbers Task Force) that way it helps us aim.

Guest nraforlife

Demonize guns at the school level

Get SCOTUS loaded wit libs

2nd is then dead

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