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Obamas' first gift

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Congress today passed a bill expanding the State Children's Health Insurance Program, or SCHIP, allocating an additional $32.8 billion in funding for the program over the next four and a half years. President Barack Obama plans to sign the bill into law in a White House ceremony later this afternoon.

Yet one of Obama's campaign promises -- the "Sunlight Before Signing" pledge -- was that he would not sign any non-emergency bills without offering the public five days to review and comment on the legislation.

The measure, which passed the House by a vote of 290-135, including 40 Republicans supporting it, calls for a 62-cent increase in the federal tax on cigarettes, bringing the total tax to $1 per pack. Jointly financed by federal and state governments, SCHIP currently insures about 7.4 million children. The new bill will help states insure an additional 4 million kids.

The House adopted the Senate's version of the bill which passed last week, one that closely hews to the SCHIP reauthorization bills that former President Bush vetoed in 2007. The version that passed today strips a controversial clause that would have banned physician self-referral to hospitals in which they have an ownership interest.

This is the second bill that Obama will sign without allowing the public a full five days to review the legislation. Last week, Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act only two days after final passage in the House.

SCHIP bill vetoed by President Bush insured 'kids' up to 24 years old, making up to 89,000 a year. Also extended state health insurance to illegal aliens.

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I saw some news pundits stating that it would take an additional 24 million NEW smokers to fund this program. Since there are programs to limit or reduce smokers, I can only guess that WE THE PEOPLE are going to get stuck with this tab.

May I suggest an alternative..... You get what you earn. Make something of your life and you get rewarded. You sit on your azz, you get squat. I dont' care to pay for your patheticness, laziness, or worthless.

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Guest abailey362
I saw some news pundits stating that it would take an additional 24 million NEW smokers to fund this program. Since there are programs to limit or reduce smokers, I can only guess that WE THE PEOPLE are going to get stuck with this tab.

May I suggest an alternative..... You get what you earn. Make something of your life and you get rewarded. You sit on your azz, you get squat. I dont' care to pay for your patheticness, laziness, or worthless.

x eleventybillion

i hate those that work the system. when doing our job fair last year, we actually had peple ask if we could pay less so they could stay on welfare, food stamps, and other gvt assistance. they do not work for me

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Guest Rick O'Shay

May I suggest an alternative..... You get what you earn. Make something of your life and you get rewarded. You sit on your azz, you get squat. I dont' care to pay for your patheticness, laziness, or worthless.

To the Re-Education camp you go! You have been reported, Comrade!

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Guest jackdog

It also appears that they are making it easier for illegals to use this program as well. Ah America soon to be the next third world country. They can carry their sorry asses back to where they came from. Our Government is a :tough:

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It's a movie called falling down, you should rent it if you can find it somewhere, if not pm me and I can let you borrow it. Guy has a REAL bad day and goes on a rampage. Not like he's a hero or anything, total criminal, but you can see it from his angle and really makes you side with him on all of it. Love that movie. Up there with shawshank and red dawn.

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