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Million Gun Owner March

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Guest Bronker
  Rightwinger said:
I hope this is comes to fruition. I'm willing to make the trip, especially if anyone wants to share the drive/gas.

Where ya at Bronker, Jcochrane, TDR, Musicman, Kahrman!!!

Oh, you can count me in!!!

We'll rent us a Magic Bus, black out the windows, and head for Sludgeville! Are we safe to transport that kind of firepower across state lines?

Not talking about guns...

I'm pretty sure Jcochran88 requires a Class III stamp just to get out of bed in the morning!

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Its actually near my birth place! I was hatched on Andrews Air Force Base as my father was serving his country as a Marine and was posted to the White House detail for a while. I decided to make my appearance at that time instead of waiting for mother to get her butt back to Tennessee!

Its funny too, but for my city/state of birth on all the background checks I have always replied, Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland and they accept it as a city!

Guest Bronker
Posted (edited)
  Rightwinger said:
Its actually near my birth place! I was hatched on Andrews Air Force Base as my father was serving his country as a Marine and was posted to the White House detail for a while. I decided to make my appearance at that time instead of waiting for mother to get her butt back to Tennessee!

Its funny too, but for my city/state of birth on all the background checks I have always replied, Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland and they accept it as a city!

Sweet irony! I was born in Silver Spring, MD just across the beltway. I still have lots of family in Frederick and Rockville. Been in TN since age 3 though...

My mother's brother is a Secret Service agent that is assigned to the WH. He was Dick Cheney's chief of detail during Bush 2, but not sure what he's doing now. Whatever it is, I'm sure it's done 'reluctantly.'

Edited by Bronker

I sure hope the site they're working on is going to be better than that POS they have up now. I often wonder why a large proportion of gun-related websites look like they were put together in Frontpage back in 1998 or something.

Guest nraforlife

Plot by the government to round us up in mass...


From the their website in the FAQ's:

Will people be carrying guns?

No, of course not. This is a peaceful demonstration and no laws will be broken. We are gathering to exercise our right to peaceably assemble and to support the Second Amendment. Ironically enough, no guns are allowed at this Million Gun Owner March.

On one hand I would want to have my constitution given firearms in-hand, but without them, I think much of our rallying cry may be lost. We need to show our leaders that we aren't going away quitely and any further legislation against us will result in political suicide.

Guest jackdog

We could all show up with fake fire arms. They are not illegal, and may get the point across. just a thought.


I wrote up a huge ol' missive over my way as to why, but I do not think I will be attending this little shindig... The best analogy I could come up with is that I do not carry a "Concealed Carry Permit Holder" badge, why would I do something like this?

Guest jackdog
  Linoge said:
I wrote up a huge ol' missive over my way as to why, but I do not think I will be attending this little shindig... The best analogy I could come up with is that I do not carry a "Concealed Carry Permit Holder" badge, why would I do something like this?

Well I can see where your coming from, but I think a large group of orderly protesters may help people better understand who we are and why we carry.

  Linoge said:
I wrote up a huge ol' missive over my way as to why, but I do not think I will be attending this little shindig... The best analogy I could come up with is that I do not carry a "Concealed Carry Permit Holder" badge, why would I do something like this?

That analogy fails, imo.

The CCHP badge is silly and serves no purpose - I dare say marching on Washington to show solidarity and demonstrate that we will not back down is a very useful thing. The more we do NOW to protect our right means the less we'll have to do later.

This has nothing to do with mallninjaism (woohoo, I coined a word!) and everything to do with protecting the freedoms enumerated in the US Constitution.

  Linoge said:
I wrote up a huge ol' missive over my way as to why, but I do not think I will be attending this little shindig... The best analogy I could come up with is that I do not carry a "Concealed Carry Permit Holder" badge, why would I do something like this?

If this event does happen, wouldn't you want to break the cycle? We b#tch, moan, and complain about legislation, they better not take away our rights, then we get stuck with a law(s) we hate, and learn to live with it. What part of "shall not be infringed" is difficult to understand?Concealed carry or not, this goes back to our basic right to own firearms. I don't care to lose that or have it regulated any further.

I want to be seen and heard. I want our elected officials to know we will not be silent. I want them to know law-biding citizens are NOT the issue. Defend us, not the criminals.

  ukerduker said:
If this event does happen, wouldn't you want to break the cycle? We b#tch, moan, and complain about legislation, they better not take away our rights, then we get stuck with a law(s) we hate, and learn to live with it. What part of "shall not be infringed" is difficult to understand?Concealed carry or not, this goes back to our basic right to own firearms. I don't care to lose that or have it regulated any further.

I want to be seen and heard. I want our elected officials to know we will not be silent. I want them to know law-biding citizens are NOT the issue. Defend us, not the criminals.


And the underlying message sent is this - we're armed and we're organized. Think about that one...

  crimsonaudio said:
I dare say marching on Washington to show solidarity and demonstrate that we will not back down is a very useful thing.

Sure, that is how we will see it, but consider how it will be viewed by the majority of the American population - I can just see the headlines now... "Redneck, Violent, Revolutionary Thugs March on D.C. Residents Horrified. Congress Behind Wall of Police". To your average American, with years of "guns are teh ebil!" indoctrination, this march will seem just as stupid as that badge.

Furthermore, what you are describing is the ideal, what we all hope and wish would happen. Unfortunately, a target like this would be way too perfect for other organizations to take advantage of, and there are many who would. All it would take would be one provocateur (or worse, one gunny) to do something stupid, and all of this would go upside down, and we come out looking a hell of a lot worse than we do already. The risks outweigh the potential benefits.

  ukerduker said:
I want to be seen and heard. I want our elected officials to know we will not be silent. I want them to know law-biding citizens are NOT the issue.

So write them. Call them. Email them. Campaign them. Lobby them. Enlist new gun owners to do the same. Better yet, use that day to make new gun owners. But this march has far too many angles and directions it could go sideways, and I simply see no point in participating in an ambush... from the wrong side.

Make no mistake, I wish the organizers, supporters, and attendees of this event the best of luck, and I sincerely hope it all goes off without a hitch and without a problem. But I know better than to believe it will. Anywise, my full write-up is over here (be advised, it is long), and I will not rehash it here. Suffice to say that if you want to go, more power to you. I am cynical enough to keep myself out of a known minefield.

  Linoge said:
Sure, that is how we will see it, but consider how it will be viewed by the majority of the American population - I can just see the headlines now... "Redneck, Violent, Revolutionary Thugs March on D.C. Residents Horrified. Congress Behind Wall of Police". To your average American, with years of "guns are teh ebil!" indoctrination, this march will seem just as stupid as that badge.

Ahh, that's where we differ - I care not how I appear to the public when legally demonstrating for my rights - I only care how the government sees it. And they will see it as I stated above - we're armed and organized.

Furthermore, what you are describing is the ideal, what we all hope and wish would happen. Unfortunately, a target like this would be way too perfect for other organizations to take advantage of, and there are many who would. All it would take would be one provocateur (or worse, one gunny) to do something stupid, and all of this would go upside down, and we come out looking a hell of a lot worse than we do already. The risks outweigh the potential benefits.

Agree to disagree. There are potential negatives that go hand-in-hand with every action, only the timid allow the 'what-ifs' to keep them from protecting their rights.

No offense intended here, but I'm certainly glad our founding fathers didn't share your attitude.

Posted (edited)
  crimsonaudio said:
I only care how the government sees it. And they will see it as I stated above - we're armed and organized.

Except the government is the populace, and they will see it much the way their constituents will.

  crimsonaudio said:
No offense intended here, but I'm certainly glad our founding fathers didn't share your attitude.

*shrug* None taken. At the time, they had pretty much nothing to lose. Unfortunately, we, as both citizens and firearm-owners, still have much to lose, and we are definitely going to have to agree to disagree over adopting the fatalistic attitude this early in the game.

Furthermore, when the risks outweigh any potential benefits involved in an action, the action is typically a bad one. And, me, I see the risk of another AWB, more action against firearm owners, and a stronger constriction on our already limited rights to be singificantly larger than the benefit of thumbing our collective noses at Congress.

Anywise, I said my piece both here and elsewhere, and I am done. If you want to go, more power to you, and I honestly wish you the best of luck. If you want to adopt a holier-than-thou attitude, more power to you, but forgive me if that is not terribly convincing.

Edited by Linoge
  Linoge said:
Sure, that is how we will see it, but consider how it will be viewed by the majority of the American population - I can just see the headlines now... "Redneck, Violent, Revolutionary Thugs March on D.C. Residents Horrified. Congress Behind Wall of Police". To your average American, with years of "guns are teh ebil!" indoctrination, this march will seem just as stupid as that badge.

Furthermore, what you are describing is the ideal, what we all hope and wish would happen. Unfortunately, a target like this would be way too perfect for other organizations to take advantage of, and there are many who would. All it would take would be one provocateur (or worse, one gunny) to do something stupid, and all of this would go upside down, and we come out looking a hell of a lot worse than we do already. The risks outweigh the potential benefits.

I am in agreement here. One incident and this would beginning of over-regulating our gun rights out of exisistence. As for the risk, I see this as following in the footsteps of our founding fathers. The fear of reprisal and death must have been overwhelming when they drafted the Declaration of Independence. If we do this, we could be put to death and further enslaved by the Monarchy. Even in the face of extreme risk they moved forward and succeeded. So to say the risk outweighs the benefits, I disagree.

I think the organizers are correct not to encourage firearms at the rally. They probably see the same risk in an incident or stupid mistake occuring. The liberal media would capitalize on reporting on this in the poorest light possible.


One last thought before I punch out (my brain works slowly): The Founding Fathers put it all on the line in the hopes of making a new, better country. Do you honestly believe that a successful march on DC will do anything even close to that? Or really make the teeniest, tiniest bit of difference?

If you want a fallacious analogy, comparing the Founding Fathers' actions to this is one.

Ok, now I am done. Please return to your normally-scheduled broadcasts.

Guest 7987Steve
Posted (edited)

The last thing that responsible gun owners who are working to support the ownership right is some few irresponsible individuals (notice my respect for said individuals by refraining from attaching some inappropriate label) strutting around the marshaling field waving their pistols above their head like Yosemite Sam. You could have 999,999 people behaving themselves and one idiot doing something stupid, and guess which one will wind up on the evening news . . .

A peaceful organized gathering and some INTELLIGENT and ARTICULATE speakers (emphasis on these essential qualities) could serve to deliver a strong statement about the resolve of American citizens to ensure those rights given to us by those who understood what it meant to live in a world where being unarmed meant being oppressed.

Edited by 7987Steve
Remove single word.
Guest gunslinger707

Just a reminder the Founding Father's. Those that signed the Declaration Of Independence.Mostly LOST EVERYTHING they had up to and including their Life for some.How many people are willing to go that far TODAY? Not enough to make a difference i'm afraid.Too many pepole today are feeding from the PUBLIC TROUGH to want to make a change!!! JMHO

Guest HexHead
  jackdog said:
Well I can see where your coming from, but I think a large group of orderly protesters may help people better understand who we are and why we carry.

I think we'd be better served if everyone showed up armed and let the bastards know we're mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.



I visited the website and saw that the event is organized by MCRGO.

I'd advise anyone dealing with MCRGO to watch their backs.

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