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Removing cheap spray paint?

Guest 153blue

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Guest 153blue

yeah so i just bought a new toy today, a H&K P7. the gun looks fine and functions.... BUT someone thought it was a great idea to spray paint it!!! i want to remove all this paint from it but i don't want to mess up the original finish. anyone know of how i can do this?

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You won't be able to clean the grips with any kind of solvent. The metal parts may be a different story. I'd try acetone on a rag (wear rubber gloves!) and scrub gently. Regardless of whether the paint comes off, all oil on the surface will, so re-oil it before storage.

See this link http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080328115324AAXazV8 where acetone and a razor blade worked on a rifle.

Edited by enfield
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I have two suggestions.

first: if you had access to a large enough ultrasonic cleaner (jewelry cleaner) you might want to give that a whirl. They can do wonders.

second: walmart use to sell something "aircraft remover" you found it in the automotive section. I don't know what kind of paint you have on your gun but if it's being stubborn then this stuff will work. However, please note that you need to remove all plastics off of the gun and I would still test it on a small spot first. Also you would need to wear gloves. I used to use this stuff to remove auto paint.

On another note: since P7's retain there value pretty well, you might just want to consider taking it to a gunsmith and letting them refinish the gun. After all we have no clue as to why the gun was painted to begin with.

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Guest 153blue

as far as far as finish, even if the stock finish was worn on the gun i would rather it look like that then rattle canned all over. i think the worn finish tells the history of a gun. i think i'll try the aceton or aircraft stripper and a cloth. then if shtf then i'll get it robar coated. this is what the robar np3 coat looks like on the P7 HK-NP3.gif

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Ok...I know this sounds crazy but...have you tried WD40? I used to label the racks in our warehouse using stencils and spray paint. When I needed to change the label I would just hit it with WD40 and let it sit for a couple of minutes. It came off pretty easily.

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brake cleaner.

Welcome to the world of P7's. Hard chrome and NP3 both look great on a P7. I'm kind of a P7 junky myself. Hard chrome is as well thought of as NP3 and costs less. Robar takes forever also. Either way though you can't lose. Because they are all steel if you have any thought of carrying this weapon concealed I'd highly recommend having one of those finishes put on it. If you go with hard chrome I'd recommend Ford's.

If you have any detailed questions about the P7 go here:


The cult of the P7. They are THE EXPERTS. Nobody and I mean nobody knows more about them than this group of people. I thought I knew a bit until I started visiting there.

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Guest 153blue

thanks alot guys. im taking the paint off right now as we speak. i had called wallyworld to see if they had acetone, of course the guy said no (where do they find these people?) . but i went anyways and sure enough they had it. most of the paint is coming off (but its a b*&%#). man if i could track down the f&^*er that painted this..... :tinfoil:

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Not to cloud your koolaid... but your absolutely sure its spray paint?

People have been known to duracoat.

Traditional paint removers wont remove that stuff.

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Guest 153blue

most of the paint came off, They even painted over the stamps!! :D although i know i could of took a little more time on it, i was starting to feel weird from he smell of acetone. :sick: seeing as the finish is still good, i've come to believe that the previous owner that painted this was a complete moron. i stripped the paint then soaked the gun in gun oil over night. mmmm cold bluish steel, the way it should be.

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i bought a mossy 500 12 guage that had been spraypainted and just used paint thinner to clean it soaked it a little while and scrubbed it off with a soaked rag it didnt even harm the wood, the gun looks brand new now.

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