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Considering Active Duty


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You desire to serve is great. We need everyone of you who understand that there are some things bigger than just ourselves.

Its not always a great living...., but it sure is a great life!

Good Luck,

Thanks, DMark :blush:

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Some how I missed this earlier...

So, if you go 18x, and you don't flunk, are you guaranteed a spot in SF, or just guaranteed a slot in selection (i.e. a chance for a chance)?

Furthermore, is the Ranger contract structured the same way, or are you guaranteed a spot in a Ranger battalion upon successful completion of RIP?

18X is a (roughly) 2 year program which gives you the opportunity to enter the SF "pipeline" and begin your journey into becoming a fully qualified Special Forces Soldier.

You start out with Basis/AIT (actually Infantry OSUT) and Airborne School.

You then will do some pre-selection training, attend selection, and hopefully move on from there.

Its takes quite awhile, and the failure rate is high.

Visit www.professionalsoldiers.com if you want some insight into the pipeline.

**A word of advice. Before you post ANYTHING, spend about 2 weeks reading every post on that board.

Post an intro in the appropriate area, THEN you can start asking questions.

Failure to do so will get you fragged pretty quick.

Ranger Contract (Option 40)

This is a guarantee that you will have the opportunity to attend RIP.

Upon SUCCESSFUL completion of RIP, you will be assigned to one of the Battalions of the 75th Ranger Regt.

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Guest FroggyOne2

May I add my 2 cents.. You may want to look into being a Navy Corpsman, there are so many areas to get into as a Corpsman! Seals, Fleet Marine Force Recon, Sea Air Rescue, White House, Pentagon, VMX-1 to name a few things. Anartica tour will bump you in rank automaticly. Corpsman are needed everywhere.. even with the Master-At-Arms rates that are with Homeland Security. There is nothing like the pride of being a Corpsman... Corpsman Up!

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Guest mustangdave

Ok...let me offer my 2 cents here...20 years in the Navy...spent most of my time with either Intel SPOOKS or SPEC OPS types of one kind or another. I'm sure...if you've done your homework...you know that BUD/S training is 26 weeks long...let me repeat that...26 week long. It starts off with 4 weeks of PREP work outs...to get you in shape to actually do BUD/S...then the 26 weeks starts...be prepared to be COLD and WET...a lot...bulk up some...you'll need a layer of body fat because the water you'll be swimming in DAILY has an average temp of 55-60 degrees. A buddy of mine washed out due to this...he was one fit mo-fo....but had no friggin BF...kept getting hypothermic. BUD/S training is longer than Ranger/Green Beret...AF Para Rescue...Marine Force RECON...the fall out rate is like 80%. If you wanna be a SEAL...be a Boy Scout...BE PREPARED

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One more thing I will add, is that if you want to do any of the "cool" stuff, do it while you're young, in good shape, and not broken down. Like I told you sniper school damned near did a number on me. After my most recent deployment I had entertained the notion of moving to "the dark side.....the army(no offense Joe and the others)"...and going for a spot in the reserve SF unit in Mississippi. I had talked to a couple of guys and was almost going to do it when I realized that I could probably tough out the training and make it, but since I have a shot up leg, ruined knees and destoyed ankles and back, that I would probably never make it to an operational status. So I decided to stay with the snipers, and will probably become a Warrant Officer after my next deployment.

Just something to think about.

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Guest mustangdave

Sniper training isn't for the faint of heart or your casual slouch either...that's some hard core mind screwing there...gotta have some serious situational awareness for that JOB.

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Regardless of where or how you serve it WILL change you forever. There are days that I am kinda glad I'm home and then there are days that I feel that I really missed out. My dream was to go Rangers. Wanted it BAD! It wasn't in God's plan for me though. The time I spent in the U.S Army started my journey to being who I am today. I will always remember it and it will always be one of the best decision I ever made.

Best of luck to you my friend and when ya ship PM me your address if you get it. I'll be glad to write ya. Letters helped me alot in basic.

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Guest Navydave70

PUNISHER84 is dead on. You will have a deeper respect for your country freedoms and those who went before you.

May willl mark 10 years being out of the Navy and there are those days if someone walked up and said, "here are you orders, the helo is on the tarmac spooling up" I'd walk without a single hesistation.

No matter what branch you decide on you will get the opportunity to see everything that's available to you. It was surprising to me all of the experiences and opportunities I was exposed to.

Good luck to you and reach out the vets for info.

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PUNISHER84 is dead on. You will have a deeper respect for your country freedoms and those who went before you.

May willl mark 10 years being out of the Navy and there are those days if someone walked up and said, "here are you orders, the helo is on the tarmac spooling up" I'd walk without a single hesistation.

No matter what branch you decide on you will get the opportunity to see everything that's available to you. It was surprising to me all of the experiences and opportunities I was exposed to.

Good luck to you and reach out the vets for info.

That's for sure. +1

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..... if you want to do any of the "cool" stuff, do it while you're young, in good shape, and not broken down.....

NO S**T!!!!!!

In my early 20s, being on jump status was all cool and sexy. Heck, hanging out at Zero Dark Thirty early on a Saturday morning for a payday "fun-jump" at Bragg WITH A HANGOVER seem to be the best way to spend my youth. :hat:

Later in my mid 30s I use to think - - - DAMN this Airborne stuff HURTS - - - And I was only standing in line with my stick buddies waiting to loadup on a C-130...., hadn't even jumped yet! :shrug:

But, its all good. Everytime I feel a pain it takes me back to a different place and the memories of having been among good friends and great soldiers!

Edited by DMark
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NO S**T!!!!!!

In my early 20s, being on jump status was all cool and sexy. Heck, hanging out at Zero Dark Thirty early on a Saturday morning for a payday "fun-jump" at Bragg WITH A HANGOVER seem to be the best way to spend my youth. :D

Later in my mid 30s I use to think - - - DAMN this Airborne stuff HURTS - - - And I was only standing in line with my stick buddies waiting to loadup on a C-130...., hadn't even jumped yet! :eek:

But, its all good. Everytime I feel a pain it takes me back to a different place and the memories of having been among good friends and great soldiers!

And I'm the dumbass that is trying to get a spot in jump school at my age....what the hell am I thinking???:D

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Guest bkelm18

Good luck with your possible future in the military. You may hate it while you're in but you will never regret it. If they said I had to go back, I'd go, but I'd request some time to get my fat ass back into shape! Another thing you need to prepare for is the change in mindset you will experience upon entering the service. Basically the majority of boot camp is forcing you to stop thinking "me me me" and start thinking "us us us". Group-Think is pounded into your brain and some people don't take it too easily. Ok, I was in the Navy, not exactly the toughest thing in the world but there were some people that just could not adapt. Just remember, some things you will do will suck major balls, but just remember your Oath of Enlistment and what you swore to defend and protect, and for me at least, that made me focus more. :confused:

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I greatly respect what you went through for our country. My best friend and former roomate is now a captain in the marine corps. He went to boot camp before graduating college and then took his commision after. I saw first hand the change it made in him and it is truly remarkable and inspiring. I will be getting a much different experience! I will be going into to the Army veterinary corps. Thank you for your encouragement and your service to our country. I have always admired our military and now I will have a chance to serve in the best way that I can.

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Guest Mugster
And I'm the dumbass that is trying to get a spot in jump school at my age....what the hell am I thinking???:confused:

Bah, I knew an 04 that did it at 40. He couldn't move on saturday though after ground week...his wife would hop on the bed and jump up and down to torture him.

A friend of mine was in ranger school, loosened up his harness (I think), fell asleep on the plane, and jumped half asleep with the harness loose. He got a male piece of his anatomy caught between his leg and the harness. I've never in my life seen anything that looked as painful as that. They had him on morphine at the hospital and it wasn't working at all.

You should go. You'll always wonder if you don't try. Plus you get alot of really good stories.

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I said after sniper school that I wasn't going to attend any more "ass beating" schools. But, I've been trying to get to jump school for almost ten years. The Corps just doesn't like to send that many people. I hopefully will get that chance this fall. I WILL take the seat if I can. Plus, I'm hoping they might take it a little easier on a Staff Sergeant. I just hope I can get this new round of back and knee issues ironed out before a seat becomes available.

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I greatly respect what you went through for our country. My best friend and former roomate is now a captain in the marine corps. He went to boot camp before graduating college and then took his commision after. I saw first hand the change it made in him and it is truly remarkable and inspiring. I will be getting a much different experience! I will be going into to the Army veterinary corps. Thank you for your encouragement and your service to our country. I have always admired our military and now I will have a chance to serve in the best way that I can.

You will definately enjoy it. Are you a vet or will you be working as a tech. I worked for years as both a small and large animal tech and actually went to college for my animal science/pre vet degree. I gnerally care more for animals than most humans. "At least you don't see them f***ing each other over for a percentage"

Additionally, I will be going to Africa this year to provide support and security for an Army vet mission there.

Good luck..:tinfoil:

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Guest mustangdave

"ass beating" schools...:tinfoil: take it easy on an E6??...my friend...you'll have a target painted on your cammies...in a good naatured way of course. I hope you get all your "issues" cleared up, I'd hate it for you to get DQ'd...you need those jump wings...they look good on the dress blues

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