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Best 9mm List

Guest Dr. Pepper

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Guest jackdog

That said, I would say the Witness is as good as the CZ 75 and they are both among the best 9mm's ever made. They have great ergonomics, are extremely accurate and just handle beautifully. But, like the Beretta, if you want a list of great 9mm carry guns, they ain't it. Too big, too heavy for most folks to conceal comfortably. A bunch of stuff down toward the bottom of the list was just crap.

Have to disagree with your statement concerning size and concealed carry of the CZ75. I for one am a small person and have neither a problem with the weight or size of the gun for concealment purposes. Would still rate it one of the best 9mm,'s out there.

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That said, I would say the Witness is as good as the CZ 75 and they are both among the best 9mm's ever made. They have great ergonomics, are extremely accurate and just handle beautifully. But, like the Beretta, if you want a list of great 9mm carry guns, they ain't it. Too big, too heavy for most folks to conceal comfortably. A bunch of stuff down toward the bottom of the list was just crap.

Have to disagree with your statement concerning size and concealed carry of the CZ75. I for one am a small person and have neither a problem with the weight or size of the gun for concealment purposes. Would still rate it one of the best 9mm,'s out there.

Do you carry the polymer version or the old CZ75 styled all steel version? As I said every person is different and everyone has to choose what works for them. Personally I would buy as high quality a piece as I could with the money I had to spend. If the CZ/Witness works for you, great. It is a very high quality weapon for the price or w/ the price quotient taken out , either way IMO.

I should have noted I was talking about the traditional duty/military rigs. There are smaller pistols in those lines as well. For me it wasn't a good fit and traditionally people think they are too big for concealed purpose. They are also easy to be proficient with because even with their rather large frame, their bore sight radius is very good. Unlike say the Sig which has a very high radius, making it difficult to be proficient despite it being an excellent weapon. You must practice often to be truly proficient, and that is coming from someone who carried a 228 for a long long time.

As to the difference between the US made Beretta and the Taurus, I really can't say as I have not fired a new Beretta 92 in some time. I'd have to say though the difference would be less but still there. Beretta does a good job of finishing their guns, to me Taurus does not. They make a weapon that is safe and looks very nice, but I am talking about the internals. You have to spend money to make them as good as the Beretta. The Beretta is more refined, polished better, the trigger is crisper and smoother, more forged pieces, less stamped, etc. It's those little differences which often make the difference in cost for a weapon and the diff between a good weapon and an excellent one. Mainly because it takes more time (read: labor expertise and increased cost) to 'finish' a gun.

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Guest Todd@CIS
Well, they put XD well above the Glock, so at least they got that part right.


- OS

Sweet Jesus...I think I just threw up in my mouth alittle. :D

Edited by Todd@CIS
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