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Front pocket carriers - Do you ever think....

Guest Boomhower

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Guest Boomhower

about the direction your firearm is pointing while you are sitting down. I don't think that I would ever have to worry about it discharging on it's own, but you never know what could happen. I just can't seem to get it out of my head. I generally try to sit so as to keep my leg pointed in a *safe* direction. I know it may seem outlandish to some, and many may say, "if you don't feel comfortable, do use that method", but in all seriousness, you just never know.

I just wanted to get a little feed back and see what some other feelings were on the subject.

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Guest Bronker

I rely on a quality holster and the HEAVY pull of the double-action trigger...it does take time to build up some 'nerve' regardless.

BTW it's a S&W 442 for me!

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I rely on a quality holster and the HEAVY pull of the double-action trigger...it does take time to build up some 'nerve' regardless.

That's all you need to know. I carry most of the time on my belt but when I do pocket carry its like that and I never give it a second thought.

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Guest Boomhower

I've pocket carried my P3AT for close to 2 years now, but it's still in the back of my mind. I have full faith in my choice of carry, but I will still continue to point my leg in a direction away from any family and friends!

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Guest Bronker
I've pocket carried my P3AT for close to 2 years now, but it's still in the back of my mind. I have full faith in my choice of carry, but I will still continue to point my leg in a direction away from any family and friends!

Good back-up, to the back-up of your back-up...!!!

My wife carries the P3AT as well, but utilizes the belt-clip option or in a smartcarry.

Do you use a holster in your pocket?

And believe me brother, I would be worried when I no longer took such 'back of my mind things' as safety into DEEP consideration. +1 for your careful consideration of a very delicate choice as to carry a firearm.:rofl:

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Guest jackdog

I've carried my P3at for over two years in a custom pocket holster. The gun is not going off unless I pull the trigger. If you doubt you trigger control you have a real issue. Me I never think about it.

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about the direction your firearm is pointing while you are sitting down. I don't think that I would ever have to worry about it discharging on it's own, but you never know what could happen. I just can't seem to get it out of my head. I generally try to sit so as to keep my leg pointed in a *safe* direction. I know it may seem outlandish to some, and many may say, "if you don't feel comfortable, do use that method", but in all seriousness, you just never know.

I just wanted to get a little feed back and see what some other feelings were on the subject.

I do sometimes think about it, even though I'm 100% certain that there's no way in heck my P3AT could go off accidentally. IMO there's nothing wrong with having a healthy respect, as long as it's not getting into the territory of outright fear or distracting worry or some such.

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Guest Boomhower
Good back-up, to the back-up of your back-up...!!!

My wife carries the P3AT as well, but utilizes the belt-clip option or in a smartcarry.

Do you use a holster in your pocket?

And believe me brother, I would be worried when I no longer took such 'back of my mind things' as safety into DEEP consideration. +1 for your careful consideration of a very delicate choice as to carry a firearm.:up:

Yes, I use a nemesis front pocket holster.

I do sometimes think about it, even though I'm 100% certain that there's no way in heck my P3AT could go off accidentally. IMO there's nothing wrong with having a healthy respect, as long as it's not getting into the territory of outright fear or distracting worry or some such.

You said it just as I was thinking it......and no fear, just thoughts.

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I carry a Kahr PM40 in my front pocket all the time, in a pocket holster and I havent ever really thought about it. I trust my holster and dont carry anything else in there that would get in the trigger guard. But that is a good point to bring up.

-Jason G

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I am aware that if I am stupid or inattentive I can make an error with my firearm that will make me a soul brother of Plaxico Burris. So I am quite attentive to holstering properly, etc.

I don't mess with my weapons (well, except maybe my knives) when I am enjoying adult beverages. And, sure enough, I have cut myself several times when playing with knives while slightly under the influence. That means I need to stay the h#ll away from firearms when imbibing. And probably staying away from knives, too, would be smart.

But, stone cold sober, I just do everything I need to do to be safe with pocket carry. It is as safe as any form of carry as far as I am concerned.

Edited by ZenDog
added something
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Glock 27 with a simple cheapo holster in my front pocket. I do think about where the barrel is pointing but know there are enough precautions to ensure nothing goes wrong. Only problem I have is that I wear a hole in the bottom of my pockets and have to stitch them up every once in a while - anybody else have that problem?

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I carry 640/642 in Nemesis holster all of the time. Neither revolver will fire without trigger back and holster covers trigger. I doubt I will ever draw sitting down so there is no factor in hitting somebody in front of me while I am seated. I am an armorer and I am picky about inspection and maintenance on my revolvers, so I trust safety features to work as advertised.

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I have carried a Bersa .380 without a holster in my pocket, then I bought a nemesis for it. The gun tends to roll without a holster. I imagine a smaller gun like the P3AT would as well. I don't want to have to fumble around while looking for the grip if I need it. I found that I had to trim off the front of the Nemesis holster so the rear sights wouldn't get snagged and yank the entire holster out. I also purchased the holster to keep the pocket lint off my gun.

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Carry my Kahr PM9 in a nemesis. Most of the time I wear cargo pants. The cargo pockets work great. Depending on the brand the pockets are just about the right size to hold the nemesis in place but not too tight.

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