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Guest burninbarns

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Guest burninbarns

Obama advisor Robert Reich on the proposed 800 Billion dollar stimulus plan:

"I am concerned, as I’m sure many of you are, that these jobs not simply go to high-skilled people who are already professionals or to white male construction workers. … I have nothing against white male construction workers. I’m just saying that there are a lot of other people who have needs as well. … Criteria can be set so that the money does go to others, the long term unemployed minorities, women, people who are not necessarily construction workers or high-skilled professionals"

:stunned:hmm.....tell me again why we would be concerned about jobs going to skilled people, or to dare I say.....white people

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I want to see some of these unskilled people build something. I can't say anymore without pissing people off.

The Construction Superintendent

Exactly. I'd like to see some of these unskilled folks try to run the railroad...

Casualties would ensue...

Gah.... I want my job back.

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Exactly. I'd like to see some of these unskilled folks try to run the railroad...

Casualties would ensue...

Gah.... I want my job back.

haha they could be managment at least in operations cant do much worse than they already do.

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reminds me of Farnham's Freehold

Yep - we are seeing the creation of a modern slave class (the taxpayer).

It'd be interesting to ask what sort of 'shovel ready' projects are suited to "the long term unemployed minorities, women, people who are not necessarily construction workers or high-skilled professionals", but we know, of course, that this isn't about actually building anything, it is about a massive welfare increase. White need not apply.

The backlash to this government sponsored racism is going to be.... truly interesting.

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Im a general contractor i have had a good buisness since 18 years old i am 33 now, this winter i have been completely out of work for 8 weeks and counting, im about to file my taxes and the government wants their money, but all of the people are white broke and getting worse around here and cant afford to have any work done, how is o'raghead planning on helping them/us out? the construction worker thing man whats that crap all about?

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Guest jackdog

Sounds like bush gave billions to wall street for there bonus programs and now Obama wants to give billions to the minorities for little or no work.

White middle class folks you are now going down the toilet. Your fine federal government had work.

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What is so hard for these government clowns to realize that government does not create real jobs, meaningful jobs that grow the economy!! :rolleyes:Take some of the regulations off business, quit draining business with taxes and grow the economey. Businesses create jobs. Government spends money.:drunk::)

ray, the oldogy

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Fine! We are now the minority.WE can sit back and collect free money every month and poop out babies at .gov's expense.

I think I'll sit here on the computer all day except for the times I will be out protesting somewhere for my oppression.:):drunk:

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