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GSG (German Sport Gun) 1911 22LR Bought / Shot Today


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What started this was I stopped by Knifeworks (Hwy 66 Sevierville) just looking around. I spotted three GSG Firefly (like old Sig Mosquito) and took a look (at $189.99 nice gun with threaded barrel extended past frame).

Spent some time looking at reviews (U-Tube) and ran into U-Tube on GSG 1911 22LR. 

Back at Knifeworks and asked if they had any 1911 22LR?

Guy said yes, it's an American Tactical. He got it out to look at and it was a GSG 1911 22LR (American Tactical of Summerville, SC is the importer -- gun comes from Germany).

I like the features on the Firefly feel and features (it's similar to 1911 with easier controls and is 4 inch barrel, but with extension measures 4 5/8 barrel).

That said, I liked the idea of owning a 1911 even if it is only a 22LR (can afford to shoot it is a nice feature over say a 45). Also, the reviews on U-Tube I felt give it a better rating (still it is recommended to use HV AMMO -- 1250 FPS as is the Firefly).

All that, I decided I just wanted to own a 1911 and at $239.99 (not bad price). Mostly going to target and plink anyway.  

So, shot it today about 130 rounds using 4 different AMMOs. Scared me the first two shots as it failed to load (that was with Blazer 22 LR 1235 FPS). Then shot 28 more - no fails. It's lead nosed AMMO.  

Final result summary.

I had a COUPLE MORE FAILURES (4 all together with 47 rounds) using the Blazer AMMO. 1250 FPS

I had NO FAILURES with American Eagle Hollow Point Cooper Coated AMMO. Don't Know FPS

I had NO FAILURES with some Remington lead nosed AMMO. Don't Know FPS

I had Four FAILURES with Federal lead nosed AMMO (probably some bulk low priced I had). Don't know FPS. 

All and all I was pretty satisfied with new gun (first shooting). I did take it down the night before and lube things (it was very dry).  

Accuracy for ME SHOOTING (20 feet and one target at 30 feet -- all sitting on chair and elbows on table) was satisfactory (most shots well within a 4 inch target and many with in 3 inches). I am not a marksmen at 80 years old.

It did take me a couple shots to know where to set the sights (front on back dots and aim a bit below the bulls eye) I like aim below target to see target and turns out that is the way it was out of the box.  

The gun comes with four sets of front sights (to adjust elevation). The rear sight does not have the normal windage adjustment -- you can adjust by loosening the hold down screw and rotating the rear sight (windage seems right on for me).

Trigger pull is real smooth and very little take up.   

BY THE WAY --- Lifetime Warranty that passes to nest owner per American Tactical. I called them as manual said 2 years. They said they had changed that and I was seeing an old manual.   

This web site stopped me from putting pictures in on a previous post -- I will try. Could not as says only allowed 40.9KB, mine are 49KB to about 70KB. 

Minor Corrections
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I went back and reduced my picture files to the 35KB (range).

Well, it let me put in one picture. This is first 30 rounds using Blazer at 20 feet. I had the two fail to load on the first two shots and they were both high. I only adjusted aim down a bit and rest were in (don't know waht the deal was on  the first two being so high).

Plus, no more failures for the next 28 rounds. I did have a couple more failures on another target with this AMMo. As I said, it is 1235 FPS (manual just says HV is best -- but one add said 1250 FPS recommended).  ????

IMG_20180322_161359_LI (2).jpg

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On 3/23/2018 at 11:18 AM, Ugly said:

Very nice, congrats!

How about a pic of the pistol ?

They have quite a selection up there. I usually have tunnel vision when I go as to avoid unneeded purchases :)

I can try a picture (if this site will let me post one - seems some kind of limit on KBs). Got a MSG about Upload Failed (twice).  

Picture I attempt shows use of a special tool to avoid an "Idiot Scratch" (by the way, if my picture does not load, can GOOGLE "Idiot Scratch" and see the problem and solution on U-Tube). I made my own tool out of clear plastic (business card, any thin material would work - just cut to fit)

You you can likely see a better picture by GOOGLE'ing GSG 1911 22LR or going to American Tactical website and selecting Pistols, 22LR GSG to search).

If I remember, the particular model I bought is on a Page 4 of a link. Listed at I think $289 or something.  Mine has a threaded barrel, but the threaded part is in the length of the frame.  

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I've had one for about 6 years and it's been solid.  They are well designed but built with lightweight (not to say overly cheap) materials.  I think they are sprung right on the ragged edge of reliability when using something like Federal bulk pack.   They generally loosen up after 500 rounds or so enough that they will run most brands of ammo without too many failures.  

You can try using a lighter mainspring to increase cycling reliability but this may be a trade-off in ignition reliability.  Something like 80% of the parts are interchangeable with 1911 parts.   

There is also a thread adapter for the barrels that will allow use of a standard threaded suppressor.   I need to buy one to try out.

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I went with one of the ATI models a couple of years back myself.  Liked it a lot more than the Firefly/Mosquito.

I actually sold the Mosquito as fast as I could. I absolutely hated the cheap(ly) made frame.

I had FTE/FTF problems from day one. I just gave up on it completely after a few range attempts, cleaning, etc. Sold it to a young man who knew of my problems but thought he could make it reliable.

The ATI was much better. I found that mine worked best with copper jacketed rounds. Pretty accurate and fun pistol.

But it did not cure the itch. I'd been wanting an Advantage Arms Conversion kit for a G22 frame.

So I bought one. It comes as close to being easy to shoot as any revolver or semi in 22 I've ever owned. It just suits me. I just hate loading the mags though...they are a real pita.

Ok...just my story. 

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Still Happy with the GSG 1911 22LR -- (its dead on for me). That said, I am not a great marksman, but holding against a tree at 22 feet on WED shot 30 rounds, pretty near all in a four inch target  (some slow aimed and some fast shots).  Three different Hollow Points, CCI, Am Eagle, Remington (all coated).  

Have to add, that I have not had it long enough to really make a judgement (about 130 rounds total).


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  • 4 weeks later...
2 hours ago, SonnyCrockett said:

I had one and it exploded in my hand at the range and hot gunpowder burned my face,the gun is made from a slurry of pot metal. Seems the slide split at the seams at the rear sight..I would avoid ATI and anything the mfg

DANG !!! That is scary.

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QUOTE  --  heres pics  (see above by SonnyCrockett).

That is something -- very scary (makes me wonder if I should shoot mine again?).  

What did ATI (GSG) do for you? Not sure a replacement would be the answer?   

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  • 4 weeks later...

That blown up (exploded gun worries me). That is a serious looking failure. 

That said, still like shooting it. 

Basically, it's been reliable and I like shooting it (feels good in hand).  It does shoot high in my opinion and the tallest front sight is the one mounted on it (came with f 4 or 5 front sights in the box).  I pretty much set the front yellow dot below the level of the two rear yellow dots and then aim below the bulls eye. 

I did have one case of not returning to battery after firing a round, It loaded the next round, but the slide did not close completely (1/8 inch maybe).  I had to bump the slide into battery.

To tell the truth, the spring action seems a little weak to me.

I have dissembled, cleaned, lubed,  and sanded a few spots that were rubbing (like one was right at end of the barrel).  I did also have one failure to load a round today (only shot like 40 rounds thru it as I was also shooting a revolver and a Ruger SR22 - used 136 rounds total).  

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  • 3 months later...

Not adding a lot to the last post, except I was able to smooth up the feeling when racking the gun. Also, I still like shooting it and I am pretty accurate (for me). 

I did a little filing and sand paper smoothing on the protrusion (don't know the name) of that below the barrel. I could feel a bit of friction from something when racking the gun slowly. Determined it was the edges of that protrusion. 

It feels much smoother now when racking. Can't remember any fail to return to battery last time at the range.   

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  • 1 month later...

My guess is AMMO (Federal 50 round box, 1230FPS, lead nosed) used TUE at Bubbling Spring Range led to Failures.

Shot about 50 rounds in each 22 (SR22 and GSG 1911). Some at 21 feet and some at 30 feet (both guns) and a good number of rounds from 25 yards using the GSG 1911.  I had not messed with 25 yard shots before (at least not enough to be proficient) with this gun.  Guess I will not be proficient at 25 yards based on the results. LOL

Anyway, this is not about the shooting, but about the failures. Everything ran good until near the end and then had a couple fails in the SR22 and the GSG 1911. 

The last couple MAGS with the GSG 1911, saw more failures and in particular the last MAG  with the GSG 1911 had like 6 of 10 failures. They were a couple fail to eject and a number fail to load. 

Off hand I don't know if it was 36 or 40 grain AMMO. I was on my way to the range and realized I had not put any 22LR in the bag, so stopped at a WALMART and picked up two Federal ($2.47 plus tax for 50 round boxes).

Funny to me it worked fine for a couple MAGS before having trouble. See what happens next time I go out using what I have been using Blazzing Brass (CCI).  

I get the impression from U-Tube, that the gun works better with high velocity and better quality AMMO (like CCI). However, I like shooting a bit cheaper AMMO, The Blazer Brass CCI has performed satisfactorily (a friend and I shared a buy of 2500 rounds of that for $0.04 a round).         

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