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Guns? What Guns?

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...We'll be the ones knocking, and asking "Is daddy home? No? Good."

Consider this ...

Those who get 'tapped' to do their 'duty' when and if it ever comes down to it - will be the newly formed civil militia (or whatever Rahmbo decides to call them) that will be made up of all those 18 to 25 year-olds soon to be required to 'serve their country' in Obama's brownshirts.

... is Daddy home - no ... is Junior home, will be the question.

Personally, I think it will begin with attacks on ammunition and the ability to carry. Then, after re-election, we may see an actual gun-grab. Obviously, mature folks with ties to the community would likely refuse such orders ... but youngsters indoctrinated with warped 'patriotism' and financed & equipped as well as our military would be far less likely to make such a judgement call.

Yes ... my tin-foil is showing & I wear it proudly!

If the Obama/Rahmbo youth corps never gets off the ground ... well, in this 'new world order' globalist community we're being pushed toward, I'm sure the U.N. would be willing to donate some manpower to the cause.

Anybody know what sculpture stands in front of their headquarters in New York?


Edited by R.Z.
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I respect standing up for what you believe in-- this country is founded on the blood and bones of brave men.

And, I think there is a time to lie to the Nazis (Guns? I ain't got no guns, bro!) so that you can live to fight another day.


and yet, when is that day?

of course they'll have won't have any lists of firearm purchases..since the atf destroys the records 90 days after they get them..and of course any NEW firearms would have to be registered..:D

they'll have a list..and if they ask you and you say no then they'll say "of course you won't mind if we search..with a blanket warrant to search all homes of suspected gun horders..

you go ahead and let them violate your home, your rights...you're welcome to draw your "line in the sand" behind your ankles..

me? no...I won't do that.

even if it's a losing fight...fight I must..and will.

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Guest Guitarsnguns

I do not believe that the powers that be are ignorant enough, nor have the balls to implement a "gun grab". American society is already on the brink of revolt, and I think such a move would result in the beginnings of another civil war. Angry American patriots would make the Taliban look like a bunch of boy scout sissy choir boys if provoked to that extreme. Aint gonna happen.

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if it comes to the point where we have FBI or TBI knocking on our doors asking for our gun than,well, it`s too late, in that case we made some big mistake somewhere along the way...as much as I would be mad about it, I wouldn`t ge ready to get into a shoot out with SWAT team, specialy not with my family in the house...


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Guest jackdog
A single person defending his rights will be written off as just a gun nut. "We the people' need to organize, just like the liberals do with their marches on Washington. Couple of hundred thousand (angry) gun owners show up in DC, ARMED, is gonna get their attention.


Sorry but a 200,000 folks with guns in Washington is going to be either a mass arrest or a fire fight. Now a couple of hundred thousand un-armed polite folks protesting would probably show us gun folks in a much better lite. Might even get some positive press could lead to debates on the lou Dobbs show.

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Guest jackdog

Tower we are in 99.9% agreement with exception that you used the term treason. If we have come to the point in our nation that a man cannot speak is mind(see first amendment). Or a man will not tolerate his rights being trampled from the elitist politicians with an agenda that is counter to the US constitution and the bill of rights, then what you propose is surely not treason but certainly patriotism.

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Guest HexHead
Sorry but a 200,000 folks with guns in Washington is going to be either a mass arrest or a fire fight. Now a couple of hundred thousand un-armed polite folks protesting would probably show us gun folks in a much better lite. Might even get some positive press could lead to debates on the lou Dobbs show.

Screw that ****. Look where polite and better light has gotten us thus far. If it looks like they want to start confiscation, then fire needs to be met with fire. Do you really think polite and better light in a peaceful demonstration is going to change any of the liberal asshats minds on this issue? That cooler heads will prevail.? You might as well just climb into the box car for a nice train ride.

Showing them they are powerless is the only way to stop them.

And how could they possibly arrest 200,000 armed people that are willing to shoot back?

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And how could they possibly arrest 200,000 armed people that are willing to shoot back?

Moot at best.

Largest battles of Civil War had fewer than 200,000 participants.

I'd say the odds of achieving that kind of turnout is zero, even if a "gun grab" were reality.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Guest canynracer
Sorry but a 200,000 folks with guns in Washington is going to be either a mass arrest or a fire fight. Now a couple of hundred thousand un-armed polite folks protesting would probably show us gun folks in a much better lite. Might even get some positive press could lead to debates on the lou Dobbs show.

yeah, look how good it worked here


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Guest nraforlife

What I have stashed away is between me, God, and the dude I bought my full auto AK-47 from. - ONLY KIDDING about the AK-47.. But the point is this, when the government starts to try to take away registered guns the black market will pump out more stuff than one can shake a stick at. Just look at the success of the War on Poverty and the War on Drugs. Please bring it on, a War on Guns campaign, and there will be more AK's floating around than illegals Mexicans.

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Guest jackdog
Screw that ****. Look where polite and better light has gotten us thus far. If it looks like they want to start confiscation, then fire needs to be met with fire. Do you really think polite and better light in a peaceful demonstration is going to change any of the liberal asshats minds on this issue? That cooler heads will prevail.? You might as well just climb into the box car for a nice train ride.

Showing them they are powerless is the only way to stop them.

And how could they possibly arrest 200,000 armed people that are willing to shoot back?

So we are on the same page I was under the premise that you were for a march on Washington prior to actual attempts of confiscation.

And yes there are enough cops and military in the area to arrest us. Please note that I also mentioned the possibility of a blood bath.

We are both on the correct side of this issue, but I think we need to apply a little more stealth to how we fight until we know who our allies are. I.E Leo's and military who refuse to go along with there plan.

I think at the outset a large confrontation could well be a mistake. But we do need to get ideas out on what is thew best way to fight, because I really think the time is a lot closer than some care to admit.

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Jackdog, I rarely disagree with you..but I have to now.

personally, I don't give a crap what "light" they see me in. I don't owe them one effing thing...well, perhaps a bullet...payable in full anytime they like.

they are not my master...nor my parents that I have to look up to and say "oooh daddy, look how good I'm being!" Far from it, they're supposed to be our SERVANTS.

if I have to go to Washington DC then you can bet your bippy that I'm going armed...I won't start anything..but I'm willing to bet that THEY will...and like the boyscouts, I refuse to be unprepared.

Being armed is NOT a crime, yet time after time I've seen little old ladies, older men, and even law abiding citizens, tackled, harrassed, and jailed.

I watched the youtube video about the old lady in Louisiana that got TACKLED by a jacka$$ cop, simply because he saw a revolver, with cylinder open, in an old womans' hand.

sure..lets show them that we're good little widgets. we want to impress you with how good we're being!

they don't care. they don't care about what YOU want. they care about what THEY want.

I say we cut heads and see how badly they want it...but, unlike washington politics...I will take it very personally...and respond in kind!

I also agree that we need a better plan than to "just show up"...then again, could this be construed as a conspiracy?

I don't think that talking about a march to bring awareness on how many law abiding citizens would become criminals, would be considered a conspiracy..then again.

as for being arrested..I don't think so..not without serious trouble!

200,000 ARMED folks can't be run off with teargas..not without someone starting some serious trouble.

Edited by towerclimber37
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Guest nraforlife

Y'all please watch where you are heading with this line of thought. Believe it or not but stuff ends up in places where you don't want it to go, and this isn't tin foil hat BS either.

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Guest jackdog

Tower back to my original post. If we are talking a total breakdown of our country and we are in a fight then we are on the same page. If were talking a mass demonstration of gun owners marching on D>C. to make a point then were talking to separate items.

I just hope that someone in D.C. realizes that there are Americans that will not let our rights or our constitution be trampled on.

NRAforlife: You are correct, but I have had about all this crap I care to take. If they choose to pass laws that make honest Americans criminals then I guess that's what I

end up having to become. Not looking for a fight but not going to turn tail either.

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Guest HexHead
Y'all please watch where you are heading with this line of thought. Believe it or not but stuff ends up in places where you don't want it to go, and this isn't tin foil hat BS either.

Let them look. They need to KNOW this isn't going to be as easy as passing an $825 billion handout. :poop:

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Guest jackdog
Let them look. They need to KNOW this isn't going to be as easy as passing an $825 billion handout. ;)

Now we have totally agreed.:DIf and when I choose to be afraid to speak plainly on an open forum about my screwed up government than I have become a slave. Thanks but no thanks I would rather die a free man

( bold print is for the federal ass wipes don't want them to miss it.):P

Edited by jackdog
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Towerclimber, I really like you attitude toward this matter. I mean it, I could not have said any of it better than myself.

I love the passion that flows throughout this thread, that is what started the ball rolling for America. Everyone involved in this thread (reading or posting) ought to watch the HBO Special John Adams, if you haven't already. It really does a good job explaining what must have happened back in the womb for this country.

"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!- Patrick Henry

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Guest nraforlife

Ruby Ridge, WACO, Elián González, N.O.'s after Katrina and oh yeah whatever happened to the more than 400 children taken into custody from a remote ranch owned by a polygamist religious sect. Anyone see any high ranking heads roll over any of these incidents? The road to hell is paved with good intentions and we are building a frickin superhighway.

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Guest bkelm18
Ruby Ridge, WACO, Elián González, N.O.'s after Katrina and oh yeah whatever happened to the more than 400 children taken into custody from a remote ranch owned by a polygamist religious sect. Anyone see any high ranking heads roll over any of these incidents? The road to hell is paved with good intentions and we are building a frickin superhighway.

Thats really comparing apples and oranges there, bud. You are talking about isolated incidents, not a nationwide "gun grab".

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I concur with NRAforlife on this. I agree with free speech and all, but really spouting off about killing government agents on the internet is only looked at two ways.

If times are getting as bad as we all assume, which way you think they are looking? How badass are you gonna be when they drag you out of the bed at 3am, black bag you, and dump you somewhere without a lawyer for Treason or whatever?

If we are talking tinfoil hats gentlemen this is about as real as it gets. Think of it this way...

*The founding fathers walk past several heads of the British Government and their guards*

Washington: I think we should kill them before they take away any more of our freedoms!

Jefferson: Quite right! Death to the British! Come and take them I say!

Franklin: Quite right!

*The guards shoot and kill the founding fathers*

British Head of state: I wonder why they would go about planning a revolution in public? How odd.

Some things are better saved for more private venues in certain times my friends.

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Guest jackdog

Well I guess if I disappear we will know that you were correct. We will also know that the first amendment is indeed dead and the second on it's way out. In reality most if not all of these posts have been developed on hypothetical scenarios. At no time have we threatened anyone directly. Guess I will write you guys a farewell note that my wife can post after the fact of my disappearance.

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Guest HexHead
Now we have totally agreed.:DIf and when I choose to be afraid to speak plainly on an open forum about my screwed up government than I have become a slave. Thanks but no thanks I would rather die a free man

( bold print is for the federal ass wipes don't want them to miss it.):D

Kind of like John Hancock signing the Declaration of Independence with a very large signature so King George could read it without his glasses. :D

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Guest canynracer
I concur with NRAforlife on this. I agree with free speech and all, but really spouting off about killing government agents on the internet is only looked at two ways.

If times are getting as bad as we all assume, which way you think they are looking? How badass are you gonna be when they drag you out of the bed at 3am, black bag you, and dump you somewhere without a lawyer for Treason or whatever?

If we are talking tinfoil hats gentlemen this is about as real as it gets. Think of it this way...

*The founding fathers walk past several heads of the British Government and their guards*

Washington: I think we should kill them before they take away any more of our freedoms!

Jefferson: Quite right! Death to the British! Come and take them I say!

Franklin: Quite right!

*The guards shoot and kill the founding fathers*

British Head of state: I wonder why they would go about planning a revolution in public? How odd.

Some things are better saved for more private venues in certain times my friends.

I agree...but who is meeting, and where?

anyone hear of the john Birch Society? Thoughts?


I read this article, I gotta admit, I got a little fired up...hehe


Edited by canynracer
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Guest nraforlife

Hypothetical scenario. God is going to give the USA an enema and is going to stick the hose in DC. You have advance knowledge of this event. Would you tell anyone?

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