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Guns? What Guns?

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Guest canynracer
The reality is an gun-grab is virtually impossible - even if you ignore the man-power requirements for a second. For them to grab every gun on file, they'd have to pull the 4473's from every FFL in the country (or even area) - how long do you think it would take for word to get out about that? Once they started, there's simply no where near the man power to hit every gun owner's residence at once, they'd start going door-to-door. How long do you think it would take word to get around about that?

As soon as word gets out, people will start organizing/hiding, etc. How long would it take for each group of searchers to find every gun in a residence? Let's say they only spend one hour/house - with an estimated 40 million households with guns (assuming 30 million households simply turn them in), that's at least 10 million hours of searching per team, assuming 5 members/team would yield some 50 million man/hours of enforcement, just to grab the guns! Forget the other laws of the land, the defense of the country, etc...

They may work toward using the law to restrict our rights, but I don't think it's physically possible for there to be a gun grab in the US.

+1, not to mention that there will be several officials and officers that will simply refuse the order. Hopefully several state governments will do the same. Hope our Govenor has a set.

I am not worried about a gun grab, but I fear the tax spike in Ammo costs...there ARE things they CAN do...

I remeber buying cigarettes for 1.25 a back...for brand name....now we are just under 5 bucks here, and well on the way to 7 bucks a pack in CA and some other states.

I dont think it will be the big things like the grab, or SN on ammo...no, it will be subtle...

ammo maker will LOVE the initial profits, and welcome the price increases...then they will hate it when nobody is buying...see gas prices.

same with reloading supplies.

next fairly easy thing is your privileage to carry.

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Guys, the little old lady was going to get sick from the water, that's why we just fractured her skull instead. Can't you understand our logic ?

This is the first time I've seen this particular video. Thanks for throwing it up there punisher.

One more reason to be on watch I guess.

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Guest canynracer
it will come long before this. if and when they ever ban guns that ban will not come in the dark of the night. It will be during prime time when all the sheeple are at home watching network news. If congress resorts to conducting midnight sessions so secritive we know not what they are doing the time will have arrived. When the 2 amendmant is laid to waste the time will have come.

At what point did the founders of this nation decide to take action? History has a way of repeating itself. When the time comes it will be very obvious.

Well, I dunno this really, but the framers did not have the media they have now...if Tower goes the way he is thinking, what do you think I will hear on the news? You think the media will spin it to "Man defends his right to gun ownership?"

the hard thing WE face here is how to read through the crap, and find the truth about WHEN.

I sure hope I dont miss it, hell I MIGHT be the one that starts it, or I just MIGHT be a "Crazed gunman that was killed in a gun battle with police"

The framers organized, the held meetings, they assembled, they agreed.

we dont.

NOLA did not/could not.

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Guest mikedwood

Now I'm curious. In the last 100 years they have had gun rights taken away in Germany, Britain, Australia, Louisiana by force, though for a short time and the assault weapons ban here. More places I'm sure I can't think of. Well even here after the Civil War and the late 1800's as well.

Is there even one case any formerly (as in mainly just broke the recently enacted gun laws) law abiding citizen has fought back? Any? Obvious none have successfully.

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Now I'm curious. In the last 100 years they have had gun rights taken away in Germany, Britain, Australia, Louisiana by force, though for a short time and the assault weapons ban here. More places I'm sure I can't think of. Well even here after the Civil War and the late 1800's as well.

Is there even one case any formerly (as in mainly just broke the recently enacted gun laws) law abiding citizen has fought back? Any? Obvious none have successfully.

Well alot of citizens helped get the bills passed to make it illegal for the government to confiscate your firearms in an emergency. They voiced their opinions against re-instituting the AWB during the Bush years.

The difference between here and those other places you mention is that this country views firearms for defense very, very seriously. Out of all the amendments the Founding Fathers put firearms second only to Freedom of Speech. That's an important thing to look at.

We share freedoms here that those other countries have never dreamed of and there are more people here that would fight for those freedoms because they are so precious to us.

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Guest canynracer

dunno, although I see passing bills and laws important, I fear that following orders will become MORE important. But alas, as I stated, I am not really afraid they are gonna "Take" them per say....but more like make it to much of a pain to own/use/enjoy them.

kinda like I am safe now because I have a restraining order.

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dunno, although I see passing bills and laws important, I fear that following orders will become MORE important.

kinda like I am safe now because I have a restraining order.

Well I'm not saying that passing laws and such is the end all be all, but it is fighting back.

It's not gonna help much if someone starts popping rounds at elected officials to get us restaurant carry.

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Guest canynracer

Oh I agree...

I just think about the girls that were picking on my daughter...the school rules said they cant do that...course, they didnt understand what that meant till my daughter put the loudest bully against the lockers...needless to say, nobody messes with her anymore.

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Guest mikedwood
Well alot of citizens helped get the bills passed to make it illegal for the government to confiscate your firearms in an emergency. They voiced their opinions against re-instituting the AWB during the Bush years.

The difference between here and those other places you mention is that this country views firearms for defense very, very seriously. Out of all the amendments the Founding Fathers put firearms second only to Freedom of Speech. That's an important thing to look at.

We share freedoms here that those other countries have never dreamed of and there are more people here that would fight for those freedoms because they are so precious to us.

Good yes, good. You are very right. It would seem to me though in the wilderness part of Australia that a gun might come in super handy if not necessary. I'm sure the city folk who passed the laws haven't a clue.

I certainly hope it holds. Did anyone see anything about the woman that replaced Hillary Clinton in the Senate? She is suppose to be a friend of the NRA or some such thing.

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Good yes, good. You are very right. It would seem to me though in the wilderness part of Australia that a gun might come in super handy if not necessary. I'm sure the city folk who passed the laws haven't a clue.

I certainly hope it holds. Did anyone see anything about the woman that replaced Hillary Clinton in the Senate? She is suppose to be a friend of the NRA or some such thing.

Yea the Australia thing was truly jacked up.

Yea I responded in another thread about the Senate thing. She has a good record with the NRA, but says she modeled her career after Clinton's. I dunno. We'll see.

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Oh I agree...

I just think about the girls that were picking on my daughter...the school rules said they cant do that...course, they didnt understand what that meant till my daughter put the loudest bully against the lockers...needless to say, nobody messes with her anymore.

Just like prison man. Walk up to the biggest one and punch them dead in the face.

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Now I'm curious. In the last 100 years they have had gun rights taken away in Germany, Britain, Australia, Louisiana by force, though for a short time and the assault weapons ban here. More places I'm sure I can't think of. Well even here after the Civil War and the late 1800's as well.

Is there even one case any formerly (as in mainly just broke the recently enacted gun laws) law abiding citizen has fought back? Any? Obvious none have successfully.

As I recall the British advance on Lexington was to confiscate the colonists' guns. Seems that turned out favorable to the pro gun cause. B)

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Guest HexHead
The reality is an gun-grab is virtually impossible - even if you ignore the man-power requirements for a second. For them to grab every gun on file, they'd have to pull the 4473's from every FFL in the country (or even area) - how long do you think it would take for word to get out about that? Once they started, there's simply no where near the man power to hit every gun owner's residence at once, they'd start going door-to-door. How long do you think it would take word to get around about that?

As soon as word gets out, people will start organizing/hiding, etc. How long would it take for each group of searchers to find every gun in a residence? Let's say they only spend one hour/house - with an estimated 40 million households with guns (assuming 30 million households simply turn them in), that's at least 10 million hours of searching per team, assuming 5 members/team would yield some 50 million man/hours of enforcement, just to grab the guns! Forget the other laws of the land, the defense of the country, etc...

They may work toward using the law to restrict our rights, but I don't think it's physically possible for there to be a gun grab in the US.

It'll take them even longer trying to do it while being shot at. B)

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Guest HexHead
Well, I dunno this really, but the framers did not have the media they have now...if Tower goes the way he is thinking, what do you think I will hear on the news? You think the media will spin it to "Man defends his right to gun ownership?"

the hard thing WE face here is how to read through the crap, and find the truth about WHEN.

I sure hope I dont miss it, hell I MIGHT be the one that starts it, or I just MIGHT be a "Crazed gunman that was killed in a gun battle with police"

The framers organized, the held meetings, they assembled, they agreed.

we dont.

NOLA did not/could not.

Considerng the US has become the kind of country that demands surrender once 1000 soldiers are killed in wartime, how long do you think it will take for them to demand the government stop the confiscations?

It may take a couple hundred of us "Crazed gunman....." reports over a week or so until people start wondering WTF? is going on. It's not going to happen in a vacuum.

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Guest HexHead

Is there even one case any formerly (as in mainly just broke the recently enacted gun laws) law abiding citizen has fought back? Any? Obvious none have successfully.

A single person defending his rights will be written off as just a gun nut. "We the people' need to organize, just like the liberals do with their marches on Washington. Couple of hundred thousand (angry) gun owners show up in DC, ARMED, is gonna get their attention.


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Guest tnjimbob
I have been giving this quote a lot of thought since reading the post.

I do not want to needlessly die for a vain cause. I really do not think this a vain cause. I think it is a cause worthy of the ultimate sacrifice.

I know in my heart that I would lay down my life for my wife, kids or grandkids. No thought about it. I would do it in a heartbeat. Doing this would be as involuntary as sneezing.

What kind of life will my family have if I die over 2A? I guess they would get along.

I ask myself how it must have been in the 1760's and 1770's when the framers and revolutionaries in this country made their move. Did they think about the consequences and what would come of their families? Surely they did. What would have come of this country if they had not taken action? We would have remained subserviant to a foreign crown at the very least. These people risked their lives for the chance at freedom and democracy. Is it not a worthy cause to risk ours to retain these things?

Sometimes lives must be lost or risked to retain freedoms we feel God has given us. Not even really that. These are rights we have simply because we exist as human beings. I am not so sure I am willing to give them up so easily and without a fight. Even if that fight will cause hardship on my wife, kids and grandkids.

There are greater causes than what is best right now for ourselves and our families.

I hope this makes sense to you who reads it.


+9,107,568,731. ;)

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A single person defending his rights will be written off as just a gun nut. "We the people' need to organize, just like the liberals do with their marches on Washington. Couple of hundred thousand (angry) gun owners show up in DC, ARMED, is gonna get their attention.


yep..do you know how many politicians would crap their pants?

I'm willing to bet that the police force would all, very suddenly like, have problems with their cars, and the national guard would...wait..does DC HAVE a national guard???

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Guest HexHead
yep..do you know how many politicians would crap their pants?

I'm willing to bet that the police force would all, very suddenly like, have problems with their cars, and the national guard would...wait..does DC HAVE a national guard???

What could they do? Couple of hundred thousand armed angry citizens show up demanding their rights. Try and arrest them? LOLOLOLOL

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I respect standing up for what you believe in-- this country is founded on the blood and bones of brave men.

And, I think there is a time to lie to the Nazis (Guns? I ain't got no guns, bro!) so that you can live to fight another day.


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Guest bkelm18
I respect standing up for what you believe in-- this country is founded on the blood and bones of brave men.

And, I think there is a time to lie to the Nazis (Guns? I ain't got no guns, bro!) so that you can live to fight another day.


The problem here is, if they come knocking, they aren't taking "no I don't have any" for an answer.

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Guest bkelm18
That's assuming they even come "knocking".

Well yes, if they come crashing down through the ceiling like government sanctioned ninja warriors, they will not likely take "No, I do not have any firearms" for an answer.:) You will likely get the Judy Chop.

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Guest Schwarzgebrannt
The problem here is, if they come knocking, they aren't taking "no I don't have any" for an answer.

The smart ones won't be waiting for a knock.

We'll be the ones knocking, and asking "Is daddy home? No? Good."

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