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Guns? What Guns?

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I would not deprive my family of anything, but i would kill or die to defend their rights im not ashamed of where i came from and will not be ashamed of where i will go no matter what place i end up, if i go there defending my family and way of life then i will go there happily.

Edited by jdavis
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Remeber what happen in New Orleans after Katrina?

I know we have laws in place to "ensure" that doesn't happen again, but come on, I feel about as safe as I would in a "gun free zone".

I know I will take heat and be told my tinfoil hat is on too tight, but I am playing devil's advocate.

There was a door to door gun grab going on in a US city just a few years ago. Whatever the reason, it happened, and to think it could not or even will not happen again is just plain silly.

Flame away. I am ready.

I fail to see any reason for you to be flamed. What you have spoken is truth. Our government is more coercive than at any time in history. The liberals know what is best for us. At least that is what they think. It is foolhardy to believe the government would have any qualms about taking your guns, or anything else they decide they don't want you to have. Politicians are corrupted by power and will do anything to keep that power.
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Guest HexHead

To late because they will most likely come at 4 am in lvl 3 vests with the inserts,

I wonder how those vests will work when confronted by 30-'06 AP rounds?


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Guest jackdog
I wonder how those vests will work when confronted by 30-'06 AP rounds?


Now where would you get these AP rounds?

Under what scenario to you think they will come at 3:00 am with vests. For that to happen I think we would already be under Marshall law and the fight would would be happening over a large segment of the USA. In which case We would be wise to adopt gorilla tactics.

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The reality is an gun-grab is virtually impossible - even if you ignore the man-power requirements for a second. For them to grab every gun on file, they'd have to pull the 4473's from every FFL in the country (or even area) - how long do you think it would take for word to get out about that? Once they started, there's simply no where near the man power to hit every gun owner's residence at once, they'd start going door-to-door. How long do you think it would take word to get around about that?

As soon as word gets out, people will start organizing/hiding, etc. How long would it take for each group of searchers to find every gun in a residence? Let's say they only spend one hour/house - with an estimated 40 million households with guns (assuming 30 million households simply turn them in), that's at least 10 million hours of searching per team, assuming 5 members/team would yield some 50 million man/hours of enforcement, just to grab the guns! Forget the other laws of the land, the defense of the country, etc...

They may work toward using the law to restrict our rights, but I don't think it's physically possible for there to be a gun grab in the US.

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The reality is an gun-grab is virtually impossible - even if you ignore the man-power requirements for a second. For them to grab every gun on file, they'd have to pull the 4473's from every FFL in the country (or even area) - how long do you think it would take for word to get out about that? Once they started, there's simply no where near the man power to hit every gun owner's residence at once, they'd start going door-to-door. How long do you think it would take word to get around about that?

As soon as word gets out, people will start organizing/hiding, etc. How long would it take for each group of searchers to find every gun in a residence? Let's say they only spend one hour/house - with an estimated 40 million households with guns (assuming 30 million households simply turn them in), that's at least 10 million hours of searching per team, assuming 5 members/team would yield some 50 million man/hours of enforcement, just to grab the guns! Forget the other laws of the land, the defense of the country, etc...

They may work toward using the law to restrict our rights, but I don't think it's physically possible for there to be a gun grab in the US.

Nice post, +1.

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The reality is an gun-grab is virtually impossible - even if you ignore the man-power requirements for a second. For them to grab every gun on file, they'd have to pull the 4473's from every FFL in the country (or even area) - how long do you think it would take for word to get out about that? Once they started, there's simply no where near the man power to hit every gun owner's residence at once, they'd start going door-to-door. How long do you think it would take word to get around about that?

As soon as word gets out, people will start organizing/hiding, etc. How long would it take for each group of searchers to find every gun in a residence? Let's say they only spend one hour/house - with an estimated 40 million households with guns (assuming 30 million households simply turn them in), that's at least 10 million hours of searching per team, assuming 5 members/team would yield some 50 million man/hours of enforcement, just to grab the guns! Forget the other laws of the land, the defense of the country, etc...

They may work toward using the law to restrict our rights, but I don't think it's physically possible for there to be a gun grab in the US.

This is how I always figured it to be. I think they can restrict like crazy and ALOT of people will turn them in, but a door-to-door search gestapo style would start a civil war.

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...I think we would already be under Marshall law and the fight would would be happening over a large segment of the USA. In which case We would be wise to adopt gorilla tactics.

Gorillas against Marshal(l)s.

Sounds like a fair fight to me! :cheers:

- OS

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This is how I always figured it to be. I think they can restrict like crazy and ALOT of people will turn them in, but a door-to-door search gestapo style would start a civil war.

I would hope so, but it didn't in New Orleans.

NOLA's a peculiar case based on two issues:

1] the number of folks who left, and

2] the makeup of people who stayed behind.

In NOLA, the population basically left the city, so there were only wide-spread pockets of people left behind - this wouldn't be the case in a nationwide gun grab. By a fairly large margin, the folks who stayed behind did so because they couldn't leave, not because they didn't want to (there were exceptions, I know, but I'm saying the majority) - these folks desperately wanted and needed help and at that point were willing to do whatever it took to get that help.

My point is that while NOLA points to the dangers of our government when they see a weakness, NOLA was a unique experience that allowed that to happen easily. If a large scale earthquake suddenly nailed the mid-south (New Madrid fault-line, anyone?), there would be no way to tell it was coming and we'd all be stuck here, for the most part (ever thought about how many bridges you cross to go *anywhere*?). At that point, you have a fairly dense, well-armed population that remembers NOLA - I'd tell the government 'have fun' with an attempted gun grab then...

As far as a nationwide grab goes, it simply goes back to physical reality - localized, maybe, but nation-wide, there just isn't the man power.

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I would hope so, but it didn't in New Orleans.

I think the New Orleans incident, while a good example, is still used a bit to much as a broad example. During Katrina you had a complete shutdown and failure of the local government and many serious errors made on the part of the federal government.

The fact that guns were being taken from people didn't become wide spread news until several days later.

If a nationwide gun grab were going into effect it would leak. Every federal and local agency would HAVE to be in on it to even give it a remote chance of playing out. That is if the government hadn't already announced it publicly. People would know and people would prepare.

Things are vastly different here. You have hundreds of thousands that have military and police training in this country that own guns and believe in the 2nd amendment. I also, despite, Katrina do not think all LEOs or even military would stand behind a full-on gun grab. The majority probably would, but you'd still have dissenters.

I agree with the statements made that they will basically regulate us out of commission. We will probably always have guns in this country, but what type and how much freedom we have with them is yet to be seen.

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During katrina for some reason or another the people who where still there were taking shots at the army hellicopters and soldiers that were sent to help, most of the guns collected in the raid were stolen or "found". (right?)

Edited by jdavis
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During katrina for some reason or another the people who where still there were taking shots at the army hellicopters and soldiers that were sent to help, most of the guns collected in the raid were stolen or "found". (right?)

A good majority, but not all. There were several incidents where the National Guard and local PD removed guns from law abiding citizen's homes.

The NRA published a few accounts.

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A good majority, but not all. There were several incidents where the National Guard and local PD removed guns from law abiding citizen's homes.

The NRA published a few accounts.

Who can forget the video of them knocing the little old lady to floor, in her own home, while trying to take her gun?!?!?

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That is pretty bad she didnt look like much of a threat to me, if it ever comes down to that here there are a lot of us who arent little old ladies, watching that video kind of pissed me off.

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That is pretty bad she didnt look like much of a threat to me, if it ever comes down to that here there are a lot of us who arent little old ladies, watching that video kind of pissed me off.

Yea it pisses me off too. I understand that no one wants a gun pointed at them or whatever, but that cop did not have to take her down like that.

I rarely ever second guess police or military tactics, but body slamming that little old lady over that was nuts.

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