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Guns? What Guns?

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Ok, I'm probably just being an A-Hole, but I'm getting tired of the "I sold all my guns" jokes in reference to a coming gun grab.

Stand up and proclaim your ownership.

If a gun grab comes, the only person grabbing my guns will be me. Until then, I plan on proudly proclaiming my gun ownership as an American and doing everything politicaly possible to ensure the same right to future generations.

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Ok, I'm probably just being an A-Hole, but I'm getting tired of the "I sold all my guns" jokes in reference to a coming gun grab.

Stand up and proclaim your ownership.

If a gun grab comes, the only person grabbing my guns will be me. Until then, I plan on proudly proclaiming my gun ownership as an American and doing everything politicaly possible to ensure the same right to future generations.

I guess if/when they decide to grab, it will be a personal decision for anyone involved. My son and I will not surrender anything. This is a right granted within the constitution. Toss this ideal and the 2nd revolution will begin!

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Guest Bronker
Ok, I'm probably just being an A-Hole, but I'm getting tired of the "I sold all my guns" jokes in reference to a coming gun grab.

Stand up and proclaim your ownership.

If a gun grab comes, the only person grabbing my guns will be me. Until then, I plan on proudly proclaiming my gun ownership as an American and doing everything politicaly possible to ensure the same right to future generations.

I too shall NOT "go quietly into that there night..."


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I am with you Poak. I find it idiotic when people say that crap. Although it may be in jest it still gets under my skin as I have posted in a couple of other theads.

I seriously doubt the first person is on the board and does not own guns.

Be proud of your ownership and be ready to man up when the day comes. No slinking allowed, no claiming you sold them to a black man in the hood, no bad fishing trips. Besides, if the day comes they bash in your door to get them does anyone think they will believe that crap anyway?

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Do yall remember in the movie "Unforgiven" when English Bob comes into Big Whiskey, and one of the Deputies comes up to him and say "Sir it is the law here to turn in all firearms while you are staying in Big Whiskey", and English Bob tells him, with the Pearl handle of his revolver showing in plain sight, "I assure you good man, I am not armed". that is not dead accurate quoting, but close enough.

That is where I am coming from, the humorous, FTW stance.:cool:

Now what happened to English Bob after that sucked for him, and is something I don't think anyone here would want to happen or let happen, in the upcoming gun grab. :tinfoil:

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People say things like this, but in real life, when the feds show up at your door you have a decision to make. "Do I want to deprive my wife & kids (or myself) of my income and freedom?" When it comes to it, I suspect that the vast majority will give them up. They'll bitch, they'll sue, they'll organize and protest, but they aren't going to give up their lives and ruin their family.

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People say things like this, but in real life, when the feds show up at your door you have a decision to make. "Do I want to deprive my wife & kids (or myself) of my income and freedom?" When it comes to it, I suspect that the vast majority will give them up. They'll bitch, they'll sue, they'll organize and protest, but they aren't going to give up their lives and ruin their family.

They will not sue or protest or bitch, they will not be able to.

When we lose the right to keep and bear arms, we lose all rights.

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People say things like this, but in real life, when the feds show up at your door you have a decision to make. "Do I want to deprive my wife & kids (or myself) of my income and freedom?" When it comes to it, I suspect that the vast majority will give them up. They'll bitch, they'll sue, they'll organize and protest, but they aren't going to give up their lives and ruin their family.

If we were to let it get that far, we'd deserve whatever happens.

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Remeber what happen in New Orleans after Katrina?

I know we have laws in place to "ensure" that doesn't happen again, but come on, I feel about as safe as I would in a "gun free zone".

I know I will take heat and be told my tinfoil hat is on too tight, but I am playing devil's advocate.

There was a door to door gun grab going on in a US city just a few years ago. Whatever the reason, it happened, and to think it could not or even will not happen again is just plain silly.

Flame away. I am ready.

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People say things like this, but in real life, when the feds show up at your door you have a decision to make. "Do I want to deprive my wife & kids (or myself) of my income and freedom?" When it comes to it, I suspect that the vast majority will give them up. They'll bitch, they'll sue, they'll organize and protest, but they aren't going to give up their lives and ruin their family.

You're right. Am I going to be an American, or an American't. I have neither wife nor child. But I do have a strong love for freedom.

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Guest truthsayer
People say things like this, but in real life, when the feds show up at your door you have a decision to make. "Do I want to deprive my wife & kids (or myself) of my income and freedom?" When it comes to it, I suspect that the vast majority will give them up. They'll bitch, they'll sue, they'll organize and protest, but they aren't going to give up their lives and ruin their family.

I have no immediate family. I'd be more than willing to fight for everyone's rights should the worst happen.

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."

John 15:13

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"Do I want to deprive my wife & kids (or myself) of my income and freedom?" When it comes to it, I suspect that the vast majority will give them up.

I have been giving this quote a lot of thought since reading the post.

I do not want to needlessly die for a vain cause. I really do not think this a vain cause. I think it is a cause worthy of the ultimate sacrifice.

I know in my heart that I would lay down my life for my wife, kids or grandkids. No thought about it. I would do it in a heartbeat. Doing this would be as involuntary as sneezing.

What kind of life will my family have if I die over 2A? I guess they would get along.

I ask myself how it must have been in the 1760's and 1770's when the framers and revolutionaries in this country made their move. Did they think about the consequences and what would come of their families? Surely they did. What would have come of this country if they had not taken action? We would have remained subserviant to a foreign crown at the very least. These people risked their lives for the chance at freedom and democracy. Is it not a worthy cause to risk ours to retain these things?

Sometimes lives must be lost or risked to retain freedoms we feel God has given us. Not even really that. These are rights we have simply because we exist as human beings. I am not so sure I am willing to give them up so easily and without a fight. Even if that fight will cause hardship on my wife, kids and grandkids.

There are greater causes than what is best right now for ourselves and our families.

I hope this makes sense to you who reads it.


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I have been giving this quote a lot of thought since reading the post.

I do not want to needlessly die for a vain cause. I really do not think this a vain cause. I think it is a cause worthy of the ultimate sacrifice.

I know in my heart that I would lay down my life for my wife, kids or grandkids. No thought about it. I would do it in a heartbeat. Doing this would be as involuntary as sneezing.

What kind of life will my family have if I die over 2A? I guess they would get along.

I ask myself how it must have been in the 1760's and 1770's when the framers and revolutionaries in this country made their move. Did they think about the consequences and what would come of their families? Surely they did. What would have come of this country if they had not taken action? We would have remained subserviant to a foreign crown at the very least. These people risked their lives for the chance at freedom and democracy. Is it not a worthy cause to risk ours to retain these things?

Sometimes lives must be lost or risked to retain freedoms we feel God has given us. Not even really that. These are rights we have simply because we exist as human beings. I am not so sure I am willing to give them up so easily and without a fight. Even if that fight will cause hardship on my wife, kids and grandkids.

There are greater causes than what is best right now for ourselves and our families.

I hope this makes sense to you who reads it.


Makes perfect sense, and I consider it an early candidate for POTY.

I'd like to spout off how they can pry them from my cold, dead hands, but I honestly don't know what I'd do. I've talked to my wife about it, and while she's not a passionate gun-owner like I am, she's a strong believer that our right aren't granted by the government, but are God-given rights enumerated in our amazing Constitution and that we should be willing to do whatever we have to to stand up for those rights.

Tough discussion if we let the machismo fall to the wayside for a few moments, but I think/hope I'd do whatever I knew was necessary to protect our GOD-GIVEN rights.

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I have been giving this quote a lot of thought since reading the post.

I do not want to needlessly die for a vain cause. I really do not think this a vain cause. I think it is a cause worthy of the ultimate sacrifice.

I know in my heart that I would lay down my life for my wife, kids or grandkids. No thought about it. I would do it in a heartbeat. Doing this would be as involuntary as sneezing.

What kind of life will my family have if I die over 2A? I guess they would get along.

I ask myself how it must have been in the 1760's and 1770's when the framers and revolutionaries in this country made their move. Did they think about the consequences and what would come of their families? Surely they did. What would have come of this country if they had not taken action? We would have remained subserviant to a foreign crown at the very least. These people risked their lives for the chance at freedom and democracy. Is it not a worthy cause to risk ours to retain these things?

Sometimes lives must be lost or risked to retain freedoms we feel God has given us. Not even really that. These are rights we have simply because we exist as human beings. I am not so sure I am willing to give them up so easily and without a fight. Even if that fight will cause hardship on my wife, kids and grandkids.

There are greater causes than what is best right now for ourselves and our families.

I hope this makes sense to you who reads it.


Very Nicely said. :cool:

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