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Just Wondering

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My point is, he has risen to the most powerful position in this country, why does he have to label himself as anything other than an American? I can see talking about it occasionally, or when filling out a DL application or something along those lines, but why do we have to hear it all the time? I mean come on, it's obvious he's black, I don't need to be reminded.

My family line is Polish (keep the jokes to a minimum please) but you don't hear me saying it every day of my life (OK maybe if I were anything other than Polish I'd bring it up a little more, JK). I bring it up during specific conversation and that's it. If I went to another country, and someone asked me my nationality, I wouldn't say Polish-American, I'd just say American.

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My point is, he has risen to the most powerful position in this country, why does he have to label himself as anything other than an American? I can see talking about it occasionally, or when filling out a DL application or something along those lines, but why do we have to hear it all the time? I mean come on, it's obvious he's black, I don't need to be reminded.

My family line is Polish (keep the jokes to a minimum please) but you don't hear me saying it every day of my life (OK maybe if I were anything other than Polish I'd bring it up a little more, JK). I bring it up during specific conversation and that's it. If I went to another country, and someone asked me my nationality, I wouldn't say Polish-American, I'd just say American.

It is what gives him validity and power. It is the magic wand to wave in front of the masses so they won't see the the ideology. It's the same with Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, etc. If the problem ever gets acknowledged as fixed they loose their money and power.

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It is what gives him validity and power. It is the magic wand to wave in front of the masses so they won't see the the ideology. It's the same with Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, etc. If the problem ever gets acknowledged as fixed they loose their money and power.

B-I-N-G-O !

I feel like the justice brothers are losing out on this one though. They haven't really seemed to warm up to O. Al did make this statement after nov.4th though. He was asked if affirmative action could now be taken out of the workforce since a black man was voted into office. Al said "no's way" we still need that because the black man (or woman) will always need an advantage when it comes to finding work. I guess he doesn't bother reading stats on how many are unemployeed and choose to be. This also goes for white's who choose to sit and draw a check and hispanic that come over for the check and to pop out 12 kids so they can get checks.

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Guest jackdog

I would personally not care if he was a martian, If he believed in the constitution and the bill of rights. However that is not the case as far as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan and the rest of those black crooks they need a round between their running lights. affirmative action is bull**** and it will probably get much worse. Real simple work for a living and be proud to me an American, If not go to france or some other place.

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Guest theoldguy

All those in the us should consider themselves American PERIOD. if hyphenated names should be used American should always be first. Like it or leave! IMHO

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All those in the us should consider themselves American PERIOD. if hyphenated names should be used American should always be first. Like it or leave! IMHO

Thats my thoughts exactly. This thread got a little sideways, I just wanted ya'll thoughts on why people put [hyphenated country]-American. I can only think of two that do it. {1} African-American {2} Mexican-American.

But this thread has brought another question to mind.....New Thread!

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Guest slothful1
And in the PC world, Negro/Black = African-American.

This is a problem for American journalists, as they have no other words to describe the ethnicity of non-American blacks. For example, your typical moronic American reporter would describe a black Briton descended from Australian aborigines as an "African-American" in spite of being neither.

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My familiy immigrated from South Africa. Years ago when I was applying for college, I was damn near tempted to fill in my race as African American, seeing as how I am a whole lot closer to the "definition" of such, than the fast majority of people who insist on being called that. However, I am AMERICAN. My family consists of AMERICANS!!!!! Do I and my family still care abouth the goings on in South Africa, yes, but the U.S.A. is our home!!!! PERIOD. It doesn't matter what this idiots background or cultural heritage is, and it SHOULDN't matter to anyone else (although all the "oppressed" here in america want to keep making it an issue).

The problem lies in the fact that he is unqualified for the job, and he only got elected because he decided that the 1/4 black that he is, is what he wanted to be identified as, and therefore captured all the votes from the minorities.

End of Rant!!!:screwy::)

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Contrary to popular marketing, Tiger is not completely of

African-American descent. Earl Woods, his father, is half black,

one-quarter American Indian and one-quarter Chinese. Kultida, his

mother, is half Thai, one-quarter Chinese and one-quarter white.:shrug:

Marketing is the key word ..just watch CNN they get an A++++++ in Marketing.:poop:

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