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3 teams sit out the anthem


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Posted (edited)

Seahawks, Titans, Steelers stay in locker rooms during national anthem as more players protest



I have not watched a game this year. Nor will I every spend money on the nfl.

Then we have a hero to give us hope.


Edited by RED333
  • Like 2

I was not at all surprised by the Seahawks and Steelers dong this, but the Titans.....didn't see that coming. 

The whole thing is a disgrace. They obviously need to think a bit about what the "N" in that little NFL logo on their uniform represents.


I'll start out by admitting that I know I make no difference in the matter... But the NFL will not be shown on any TV screen in my house...

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Screw the nfl, the anthem means so much to so many, except some ball carrying butt holes that will be broke in 10 years. I'm done w the titans and the nfl, NASCAR wouldn't allow their drivers or teams to pull that crap, NFL should follow suit

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I have decided to sell my tickets each week to the opposing team fans.  They already have my money so its the only way I know to really protest.  Hopefully more do the same. 

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Simply put...I'm very ashamed of the Titans and every NFL team, coach, owner, administrator, and especially the players. And lets not forget Roger Godell( did I get that right?)


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It is not gonna be good for their revenue. 

I didn't realize BHO paid teams to show patriotism starting in 2009. 


most people don't think the flag represents white cops oppressing non white people. 20 years in the military and I never once heard that. This is pure left wing BLM politics brought in to the NFL. 

Disrespectful to say the least!

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I support their right to peaceful protest,  I do not support them. I don't care what they are protesting using the National anthem to do it is just wrong!!!!! It shows an utter disrespect for this country and its veterans no matter what they say about how much it doesn't. I will no longer watch any NFL games or purchase any NFL products, and will do my best not to buy anything that is advertised during the games. 

My way to protest their protest.

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  • Authorized Vendor

There are better ways to show or voice your grievances than alienating the fan base that pays your wages. You think they would be smarter than that but apparently not. Instead of pissing and moaning how about getting in to the inner cities and trying to make a difference. When the fans quit coming, stop buying apparel and TV revenues plummet we will see how much they make in the future. I know they won't be making it from me.

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I don't watch balls games but this is pretty un-American of these players. When I heard of this yesterday,  an old song by Merle Haggard came to mind. Like when he says " when you're running down our country , man , you're walking on the fighting side of me"


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Done with NFL. Standing for flag was always about the men and women in uniform. That was what my dad said years ago when I was a kid. These guys have no idea what sacrifice is all about. There are many poor kids of all colors who have given their all for pennies on the dollar serving this country for less than $20,000/year. If these guys have a grievance, put their money where there mouth is and invest in their communities and not groups who do nothing more than agitate!

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Posted (edited)

I won't turn on anything to do with the nfl. I was already pretty much done with it, but that "social equality" stunt was the last straw for me. The other "professional" sports are just as bad. It is a slap in the face to all of those honored souls throughout the generations who have fought and died for our freedom. These pieces of bovine scattology need to realize that it is because of the freedom they are allowed in THIS country that they are able to make tens of millions of dollars per year while playing with a ball. They need to leave and go try this crap in places like China, Sudan, Iran, etc and see how long they last. It is WAY past time for the American people to take a stand and refuse to pay out ANY money supporting these fools. 

Edited by res308
Posted (edited)

I'm not sure what they're protesting.

Anthem is a reminder of slavery?

Anti-Trump messaging?

White NFL owners (who, but the way, are portrayed as the new slave owners specifically, and professional sports  in general as being modern slavery by the Nation of Islam)

Anyone who supports or dares to agree with anything Trump says or does?

Minorities are viewed and treated as second class citizens by the professional sports industry or viewers?

Minorities are not given the same chance or opportunity as professional game players?

All of the above?

Outrageous my tax dollars were given to an industry of entertainers.

Interesting it was all good when the checks were issued and everyone pretended to play nice under President Obama

Edited by Gotthegoods

If those NFL players taking a knee think I served in the Army, deploying to Afghanistan and Iraq four times over eight years just to give them the ability to make their statement of protest during the national anthem...they're exactly right.

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  • Administrator
  On 9/25/2017 at 2:16 PM, btq96r said:

If those NFL players taking a knee think I served in the Army, deploying to Afghanistan and Iraq four times over eight years just to give them the ability to make their statement of protest during the national anthem...they're exactly right.


You're doing exactly what so many others are doing and, frankly, it surprises me given what I have perceived as being your level of intelligence via so many of your other writings.

What I mean by "exactly what so many others are doing" is confusing, perhaps willfully, the difference between the assurance you have that the government won't forcibly deprive you of your right to free speech (the First Amendment) and the assumption that you are guaranteed the same protection from your employer and customers if you choose to exercise your freedom of speech on their time.

I agree that these morons should have the right to express themselves without fear of reprisal from our government.  That is guaranteed to them and is what you signed up to defend when you took your oath.  BUT when these players choose do so on their employer's (the NFL and the team owners) time, and on their customers' (the fans) time... then those other parties get a say in things.  The employer can choose to terminate their employment if their actions were counter to the company's ethics and values, and the customer can choose to do business elsewhere.

I'm pretty sure you know this and agree with it as well.  But for some reason, you chose to make the other connection.

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Posted (edited)

I don't disagree with their right to take a knee, or hide in the locker room, or stand on their heads eating an ice cream cone, or stomp on the flag if they want and be free of GOVERNMENT persecution. That doesn't mean I have to support them in a PRIVATE business.

Yesterday was the first Titans game since they moved here that I didn't watch, which sucks because it sounds like it was a good game and the team this year is shaping up to be one of the better ones we've had for a long time, but as long as this stuff keeps up, I'll keep tuning out and making sure none of my DVR tuners are caching an NFL game and helping their ratings.

I'd heard the NFL TV ratings were down about 15% this year. I'm betting that next week they'll wish they were only down 15%.


As far as NCAA, I don't see that happening. The boosters would put a stop to that toot sweet, at least in the SEC.


ETA: cross-post

Edited by monkeylizard

I have not watched any NFL, NBA, MBA, or other national sports in a long long time. I got sick and tired of hearing overpaid talent acting just like the hollywood types. Arrogant and childish! What in the world makes these folks think they should be telling others how to live or behave. Get lost already! Most national sports orginizations have a pretty high instance of members with criminal history. Hell, non pc speak would call them a bunch of thugs. Assaults, domestic issues, non payment of support, drug charges, and lots of other things most people would never even consider. 

Enough of the idolizing someone because they have some athletic talent and skill. That does not mean their opinion is worth more or less than any joe shmoe off the street. Only difference is one has an audience due to the skills and the other does not.

I do not miss the sports at all but as for kneeling or whatever during the Anthem is concerned I am of the opinion you have your right to free speech and I have the right to ignore you. Your boss also has the right to either fire you or bench you for unprofessional conduct. They just lack the courage to do so as it will hurt their bottom line. 

At this point they have to determine which is going to hurt worse. People leaving as fans and causing a loss of revenue due to the Anthem issues or fans leaving due to the "Stars" getting fired or benched.

If it was my team they would be looking for a job already. Show your opinion and protests in another way in another place. Disrespecting the Anthem is not the way to do it. Don't like the Anthem? No problem, I am sure they have enough money to leave and go to the cvountry of their choice. If not I am sure there are enough fans piossed at the BS going on we can get them a ticket!

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