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53 minutes ago, monkeylizard said:

My generation learned to drink with Mad Dog, Colt, and MGD.

This generation drinks White Claw.

We are not the same.  😄

Don’t forget Brass Monkey

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1 hour ago, KahrMan said:

Don’t forget Brass Monkey

And Cisco, and Boone’s Farm, and Ripple,  and Thunderbird…..


For some reason in college we got on a bad fortified wine kick (binge) and it did NOT turn out well. 

Edited by Snaveba
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11 hours ago, Snaveba said:

And Cisco, and Boone’s Farm, and Ripple,  and Thunderbird…..


For some reason in college we got on a bad fortified wine kick (binge) and it did NOT turn out well. 

Never really got into the fortified wines.  In high school it was pga, pure grain alcohol(190 proof), and Tahitian Treat fruit punch drinks from the 7-11 that did me in.  

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13 hours ago, Snaveba said:

And Cisco, and Boone’s Farm, and Ripple,  and Thunderbird…..


For some reason in college we got on a bad fortified wine kick (binge) and it did NOT turn out well. 

In college, on Friday night we'd pool our $ & get Drewrys returnable's for $2.19 a case & either Antique or Guckenheimer whiskey, every week one or the other was on sale.

Thank you Lord for keeping me & my friends alive.


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I know the title says 1973. But we used to buy it at some dive grocery stores on the Edge of the French Quarter in 1972...I think 😳

We couldn't afford fine wines like Mad Dog!

Sleep a bit in Jackson Square the next morning. Even the bums wouldn't bother us. 🙂 


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