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Message added by Chucktshoes

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1 hour ago, NoBanStan said:

As a kid I had so many toy guns without the orange tip. Though I get why they started....

Every kid had realistic toy guns and none of us got shot by cops or neighbors. I remember coloring over the orange tips later w/ a Sharpie or breaking the tip off with some pliers. Still didn't get shot by cops or neighbors.

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7 hours ago, Snaveba said:

I'm pretty sure I had one of these

I had some kind of nearly life size toy M16 as a kid but pretty sure it was not Mattel.  All I recall is that it had some ratchety, revving sound when you pulled the trigger, like other plastic toy guns of the time.

Edited by Garufa
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3 hours ago, RED333 said:

Tell us this is not you.

It is. Had a bit of a heath scare. Came back negative for cancer on Thursday. I'd just got finished working 18 12 hour days. Took the boys out riding go-carts and a bunch of other stuff the afternoon after the appointment.  I was horse playing with them Thursday afternoon and destroyed my ankle.  I'm 50 years old with 12 and 14 year old boys. I was told they'd keep me young. LOL


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33 minutes ago, Snaveba said:

Great picture but photoshopped. The airstream it the same in both photos. All the same shadows, rust drips, etc. 

Good find.  But I wondering what happened to the original Chevy wheels.

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