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Message added by Chucktshoes

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9 hours ago, Jeb48 said:


Went to some old friends house as it was there last get together in the house they have lived in for 40  years. The game was on, I missed the start, O well. I stayed till just after half time, did not like the show. wandered around talking to others. I "did" see parts of the game but did not "watch" the game.

I gave up on baseball after the 2nd strike for money, nascar after the flag thing, football when some players disrespected the country for not standing for the national anthem and the owners let them with out repercussions.

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13 hours ago, BigK said:

On the way home from church, I asked my wife reckon why there's so many cars parked at our neighbor's house. She told me it's the super bowl.

Super Bowl?  Is that the game they play on ice?

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4 hours ago, NoBanStan said:

Ya know, I've never had one. Or a filet of fish. Feels a bit like gas station sushi for me. I'm just not interested 😄

The Double Filet o Fish is my go-to menu item at McD's. Ignorance is bliss, so I don't wanna know what goes in a McRib, but they're delicious.

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On 2/13/2024 at 10:44 AM, NoBanStan said:

Ya know, I've never had one. Or a filet of fish. Feels a bit like gas station sushi for me. I'm just not interested 😄

tried Mc rib once, as I expected hated it. I don't care for pretty much all of the BBQ sauces around. Oddly, the filet-o-fish commercial came on while I was reading this. Don't like that either. 

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