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Message added by Chucktshoes

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From Wikipedia 


By the year 2022, the cumulative effects of overpopulation, pollution and an apparent climate catastrophe have caused severe worldwide shortages of food, water and housing. There are 40 million people in New York City alone, where only the city's elite can afford spacious apartments, clean water and natural food (at horrendously high prices, with a jar of strawberry jam fetching $150). The homes of the elite are fortressed, with private security, bodyguards for their tenants, and usually include concubines (who are referred to as "furniture" and serve the tenants as slaves). America has also adopted the metric system.

It was all the Metric System’s fault. 

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4 hours ago, Grayfox54 said:

Some smart person or company should make some sort of candy/snack bar/cookie in thin. green squares and call it Soylent Green. They'd make a fortune! 👍

I'll buy one! Probably wouldn't eat until the food starts getting scarce though.

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20 hours ago, Grayfox54 said:

Some smart person or company should make some sort of candy/snack bar/cookie in thin. green squares and call it Soylent Green. They'd make a fortune! 👍


19 hours ago, Chucktshoes said:


19 hours ago, Snaveba said:


15 hours ago, hipower said:

I'll buy one! Probably wouldn't eat until the food starts getting scarce though.


Did anyone else watch the little cartoon on their website about it being made of plants (patterned after the ending of Soylent Green)?  Funny, but I'm not that hungry... yet.  😃 

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8 hours ago, mike_f said:





Did anyone else watch the little cartoon on their website about it being made of plants (patterned after the ending of Soylent Green)?  Funny, but I'm not that hungry... yet.  😃 

I'm missing the cartoon. Can you tell me where it is?

I cannot believe this is an actual product! And to use this name! Almost unbelievable. Surely must be some old geezers with a morbid sense of humor behind all this.

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13 hours ago, hipower said:

I'm missing the cartoon. Can you tell me where it is?

I cannot believe this is an actual product! And to use this name! Almost unbelievable. Surely must be some old geezers with a morbid sense of humor behind all this.

"Our founders named the product Soylent, in homage to the novel Make Room! Make Room! by Harry Harrison. It’s a dystopian sci-fi novel that explores population growth and world resources.  (Yes, we know that there is a Hollywood movie that is an adaptation of the book that involves people. See below.)"

Hopefully this is a link to the video:


Edited by mike_f
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51 minutes ago, mike_f said:

"Our founders named the product Soylent, in homage to the novel Make Room! Make Room! by Harry Harrison. It’s a dystopian sci-fi novel that explores population growth and world resources.  (Yes, we know that there is a Hollywood movie that is an adaptation of the book that involves people. See below.)"

Hopefully this is a link to the video:


Thank you mike! I appreciate that. I just didn't see it.

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