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New Speaker of the House: Rep. Kent Williams


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Let's start with "will of the people." I personally haven't seen any polls that asked the entire population of TN which Republican they wanted for speaker. I'm not trying to say Williams is better than Mumpower or vice versa.. but he is a Republican (or at least until they kick him out) and he did replace Naifeh. From what I've seen, that "will of the people" as represented here largely consisted of "get rid of Naifeh." Okay, mission accomplished.

His own party... Okay, I haven't really looked to see what he may or may not have signed.. or the specific wording of the pledge. However, I've read the quote where he said that he was going to vote for "a Republican." He did that. However, it wasn't the Republican the rest of the folks wanted. He is no more guilty of doing something to satisfy his ambitions than Mumpower, Naifeh or any other elected official.

Tennessee in general.. Just saying here... but my take is that all of this us against them is counter-productive. No matter which side your "us" is.. His statement was that he wants to move forward in a non-partisan manner and do the business of the state.

The elections ARE the polls and it was very clear that TN wanted a conservative ideological shift. You are right it is not about Republican vs. Democrat but it is about conservative vs. liberal.

What you seem to fail to see is that only R talk about/try bipartisanship and that is at the behest of the Dems when they are out of power. The Dems for the last 49 years did not operate or try to operate bipartisanly. Actually it was quite the opposite. In fact since 1991 Naife has blatantly lead viciously partisian, not even allowing bills with more than enough votes to even come to the floor or committees for that matter. It makes you feel good to sit there sippin on your java thinking the world is in balance, but this is actually the first time in a long time it has started to come back to balance. People have been walking on such a crooked slope for so long that when the ground flattens out they swear the ground is crooked.

BTW - what Williams did was extremely partisian. He did the will of the Dems despite the will of the people. Voters don't elect Rep to act like a Dem.:shrug: To say he wants to lead bi-partisian is laughable and ignorant in the extreme.

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Should it not be right versus wrong and not Repub versus Dem. What the hell happened to putting the people first?

Should be but that went out with the bath water a long time ago. When we decided right and wrong were a matter of interpretation and not absolutes we let compromise die. It used to be that the vast majority of Americans would agree on fundamental principles and so party differences were based on "trivial" issues. Since the late 60's till the present there has been a shift to "overthrow" those principles and rewrite history, morality, governing principles, the Constitution, etc. As stated in my earlier post when this shift happens their can no longer be compromise. It is in practice and ideologically impossible for either side.

All this too say we need term limits, so that the issues stay on principle instead of long term power struggles. The House vote was not about issues for the Dems it was about Power. Naife even said he wanted to resign when he was ready instead of being forced out. If the the situation was reversed it would be exactly the same. Just look at what happened to the remnants of the Gingrich congress this last year. :eek:

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Guest nraforlife

One could always start a movement to picket and boycott his business. There are other places to eat and with the economy being in the toilet wouldn't take much to get the message across.

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Guest tcampbell
Let's start with "will of the people." I personally haven't seen any polls that asked the entire population of TN which Republican they wanted for speaker. I'm not trying to say Williams is better than Mumpower or vice versa.. but he is a Republican (or at least until they kick him out) and he did replace Naifeh. From what I've seen, that "will of the people" as represented here largely consisted of "get rid of Naifeh." Okay, mission accomplished.

His own party... Okay, I haven't really looked to see what he may or may not have signed.. or the specific wording of the pledge. However, I've read the quote where he said that he was going to vote for "a Republican." He did that. However, it wasn't the Republican the rest of the folks wanted. He is no more guilty of doing something to satisfy his ambitions than Mumpower, Naifeh or any other elected official.

Tennessee in general.. Just saying here... but my take is that all of this us against them is counter-productive. No matter which side your "us" is.. His statement was that he wants to move forward in a non-partisan manner and do the business of the state.

We really didn't get rid of Naifeh..Williams is one of his puppets and Naifeh will still call the shots..in a round-a-bout way. What Naifeh wants, Williams will do.

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That was a very good email. I believe everyone would be best served to put the harsh rhetoric back into their pocket until it's actually earned by Williams. As I've stated before, I think one big problem nowadays is the harshness political partisans use towards each other. Democrats, Republican, Independents.. you'd better look to your bottom line and the things you have in common with each other before picking at the scabs of old wounds and trying to tear each other apart.

It's right and proper to tell him what you expect, what you'd like to see happen in the legislative process.

I've seen some comments on various comment pages saying that his ambition led to him screwing over his party, lying, etc. Let's face it. Every single elected representative in every elected position anywhere.. anywhere.. has the ambition part in spades. Some of them control it better than others. Mumpower's ambition.. what about that? Come on.. whomever tugged the strings and made the play.. well, you don't have to like it, but it was well played. I didn't like the outcome of the Ravens-Titans game either, but the Ravens played better where it counted.

As for the lying.. he said he was going to vote for a Republican - he did.. himself - and he said that Mumpower was going to be the nominee of the Republican caucus - Mumpower was.. Those two statements aren't connected. Williams also didn't say that he was voluntarily switching parties - he said that the Republicans might kick him out. That is a whole different thing from saying something like, "ha ha. Fooled you. I'm going to be a Democrat."

My opinion.. that and a few bucks will get you coffee and doughnuts at Shipleys or Krispy Kreme.

There's a huge difference between wanting to be speaker and getting the support from your party to do so.

Secondly he pledged to support a republican leadership, that is a speaker and speaker pro-tem a powerful position and committees.

Edited by Warbird
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Guest TnDeerHunter

I would like to hear his responce as to why he went to the dems in the first place. He should have to refund the donations to his election efforts. As far as his resturant boycotting would get his attention but it would also hurt his wife and kids who didn't have a dog in this race and are most likely hiding their faces anyway this morning. Myself I will most likely not visit his resturant and I'm sure people in Elizabethton will let him know how they feel.

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The elections ARE the polls and it was very clear that TN wanted a conservative ideological shift. You are right it is not about Republican vs. Democrat but it is about conservative vs. liberal.

What you seem to fail to see is that only R talk about/try bipartisanship and that is at the behest of the Dems when they are out of power. The Dems for the last 49 years did not operate or try to operate bipartisanly. Actually it was quite the opposite. In fact since 1991 Naife has blatantly lead viciously partisian, not even allowing bills with more than enough votes to even come to the floor or committees for that matter. It makes you feel good to sit there sippin on your java thinking the world is in balance, but this is actually the first time in a long time it has started to come back to balance. People have been walking on such a crooked slope for so long that when the ground flattens out they swear the ground is crooked.

BTW - what Williams did was extremely partisian. He did the will of the Dems despite the will of the people. Voters don't elect Rep to act like a Dem.:eek: To say he wants to lead bi-partisian is laughable and ignorant in the extreme.

One point of clarification in your post. Naifeh has not been anti-gun rights since 1991. There would never have a carry permit passed without his help or the positive improvements that were made to the law in several sessions that came after. He later became incendiary toward gun owners rights and passing any legislation through.

Edited by Warbird
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Guest nraforlife
I would like to hear his responce as to why he went to the dems in the first place. He should have to refund the donations to his election efforts. As far as his resturant boycotting would get his attention but it would also hurt his wife and kids who didn't have a dog in this race and are most likely hiding their faces anyway this morning. Myself I will most likely not visit his resturant and I'm sure people in Elizabethton will let him know how they feel.

Sorry if the wife and family got hurt but it would be Kents fault and I really doubt they are 'hiding their faces'. It could either be frick his family or let yours be bend over. So you pick.....

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I would like to hear his response as to why he went to the dems in the first place. He should have to refund the donations to his election efforts. As far as his restaurant boycotting would get his attention but it would also hurt his wife and kids who didn't have a dog in this race and are most likely hiding their faces anyway this morning. Myself I will most likely not visit his restaurant and I'm sure people in Elizabethton will let him know how they feel.

I'm sure his wife knew whats was going to happen that day.

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I don't know if this is true or not, but I heard on WNOX that the reason he did this was to get back at Munpower for coming into William's district and campaigning for and supporting another Republican during the primary. There is apparently bad blood between the two. Vengence can be a B#$%h sometimes!

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Wouldn't suprise me, the limited exposure, like the two youtube vid's and his elitist attitude toward the young Mr. Brian Kelsey, he just seems and comes across as being a total prick. Maybe not, but his actions and words so far seem to say otherwise.

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Wouldn't suprise me, the limited exposure, like the two youtube vid's and his elitist attitude toward the young Mr. Brian Kelsey, he just seems and comes across as being a total prick. Maybe not, but his actions and words so far seem to say otherwise.

I concur. From what I have seen, Mr. Speaker is not a kewl dude. :-\

The Kelsey exchange appeared to me to be........."I don't know the procedures of my new job and I am totally unprepared for what I have just accepted, so my only defense to your good question is to be an a**wipe to you and try to make you look bad in front of everybody".

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Guest canynracer
I just emailed Rep. Kelsey and thanked him. If I ever see him in public, I'm buying his dinner.

Me too!!! LOL...that dude was funny!! "I have a BIG problem with you being speaker"

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According to this article Representative John Litz states that he was one of many Democrats who were searching for an alternative to Mumpower for House speaker interviewed Williams in mid-December and asked him to divulge his positions on firing the state employees and committee chairmanships. http://www.citizentribune.com/news/view_sections.asp?idcategory=67&idarticle=11217

Rep. Litz discusses speaker surprise

By Robert Moore, Tribune Staff WriterRep. John Litz, one of the Democrat House leaders who helped orchestrate the election of Kent Williams as speaker, said this morning that thwarting the election of Republican Jason Mumpower won?t prevent the GOP from accomplishing its landmark goals.

Williams, an Elizabethton Republican was elected House speaker Monday by a 50-49 vote margin. The only Republican vote Williams received was his own.

Litz says he feels certain that Comptroller John Morgan, Treasurer Dale Sims and Secretary of State Riley Darnell, all Democrats, would be replaced by Republicans today.

Litz maintains it would be a "disaster" to replace the highly experienced trio and lose an invaluable part of state government?s finance-related institutional memory, especially at a time when it appears this year?s budget deficit could climb to $1.25 billion.

The comptroller, treasurer and secretary of state are elected by both the House and Senate. Republicans enjoy a 69-63 overall majority.

"Now, all of the sudden, they?re going to can those people, fire those people today, and bring people in here who don?t have an idea what?s going on," Litz said this morning.

Williams, the new speaker, is beginning just his third year in the Tennessee House of Representatives.

Another possible casualty, Litz says, is the state Department of Education?s pre-kindergarten program.

"I don?t think pre-K will survive, anyway," Litz said. "Just because there?s a Republican speaker who?s not the one they wanted ? I think there?s absolutely a bull?s eye drawn on the pre-K plan."

What Democrats did accomplish by throwing their support behind the renegade Republican is prevent the legal, clerical and sergeant at arms staff ? approximately 150 workers ? from being fired Monday.

Litz alleges that Mumpower planned to replace the workers just because they were hired under a Democratic administration.

Litz says that before Williams was elected, he indicated that he would split the 12 House committee chairmanships equally.

Williams said he made no deals in exchange for Democrats? support. Litz agreed this morning that Williams made no deals.

However, Litz says he and other Democrats who were searching for an alternative to Mumpower for House speaker interviewed Williams in mid-December and asked him to divulge his positions on firing the state employees and committee chairmanships.

Williams, who was fired from the Tennessee Department of Transportation in the early 1970s for political reasons, held the same views as the Democrats, according to Litz.

"There wasn?t anything required of him," Litz said.

The Hamblen County Democrat says supporting Williams was a fall-back position. He says the initial goal was to find a tie-breaking vote Jimmy Naifeh, the former House speaker who served for 18 years.

"We needed an alternative plan," Litz said. "The alternative plan was to see if there was another Republican interested in being the speaker ? another Republican besides Jason Mumpower ? that was going to be easier to work with and not make the drastic changes that we had heard were going to be made."

Litz says that while the House was in recess, he contacted approximately 15 other Democrats and nobody voiced opposition to supporting Williams.

Some of the remaining 34 Democrats didn?t learn of the behind-the-scenes plan until Monday morning, according to Litz.

Litz says he was ashamed of some Republicans? reaction to Williams? election, but Mumpower wasn?t among them.

"He?s been a class act," Litz said. "He deserves to be credited for that."

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