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Dbl. stack .45 1911 info ?

Guest Rando

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I thought that would get your attention. My Dad has the itch for a .45 Dbl. stack 1911, what winners do we have out there that isnt close to $1000 or more? He really likes the look of the new Taurus but so far hasnt seen it in a Dbl. stack, does anyone know of any plans for one to be put on the market any time soon? What are some good quality 1911's out there now that wouldnt break the bank? He is a retiree and on a fixed income so money is kinda tight!

Thank you for ANY info.;)

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Well.... Para Ordnance makes a bunch in that price range, but there are wildly varying reports of how well they work. STI also makes some REALLY nice ones, but they are expensive.

As for good 1911s that won't break the bank, the Armscor/RIA guns seem to be a great value at under $500. Stepping up, my favs are the Dan Wesson guns which land right near $1,000. Smith & Wesson makes some really nice 1911s just over the 1k mark, too.

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I owned a Para-Ordnance P14 Limited.I wish I never sold it as it was the best 1911 I ever owned,never malfunctioned one time in over 30K rds and that included all bullet types.It was a single action model.STAY AWAY FROM THE LDA MODELS AND YOU WILL BE OKAY!.

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Well.... Para Ordnance makes a bunch in that price range, but there are wildly varying reports of how well they work. STI also makes some REALLY nice ones, but they are expensive.

As for good 1911s that won't break the bank, the Armscor/RIA guns seem to be a great value at under $500. Stepping up, my favs are the Dan Wesson guns which land right near $1,000. Smith & Wesson makes some really nice 1911s just over the 1k mark, too.

I dont believe Dan Wesson makes a double stack model...I carry a Dan Wesson Commander Bob Tail though and its an excellent gun that I trust with my life.

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i have been trying to find it again but i cant, i read about a 1911 with a composite lower that came in a double stack but i cant find it now if some of you guys can find it it just might fit the bill i know its composite like a glock but it looks just like any other 1911 the msrp was around $800 i cant even remember the brand name now.

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Guest bkelm18
i have been trying to find it again but i cant, i read about a 1911 with a composite lower that came in a double stack but i cant find it now if some of you guys can find it it just might fit the bill i know its composite like a glock but it looks just like any other 1911 the msrp was around $800 i cant even remember the brand name now.

This sexy piece of meat? ;)


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Guest bkelm18
does the daly come with a double stack? if it does that looks like it.

Yeah thats the double stack. 13 rounds of man-killing .45ACP. MSRP is like $759.

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ask and ye shall receive! God I love this site. Thank you one and all. Now if he can make it until the next show in the Knox. area. The Daly seems to be right up his alley but the Wilson melts my butter but I have already had one catch my eye and its first name is Kimber O'coarse I wouldnt cull a Colt either. I just have this thing for the .40 and cant seem to let go. There is or was a very nice Colt on the members for sale board but its a might far away I think. I havent had a chance to burn powder through a Para yet but I do like the look of them as well. I will pass all info on to him and see what we can come up with.

Thanks again, Rando:)

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Guest Brian@GunDepot

I have a couple Paras that are rock solid. Most Para problems are in the LDA series, so be sure to check out the PXT series.... probably your best bang for buck hi cap 1911.

Para pxt1445 Big Hawg should run you ~$750 +tax/tics or so....

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