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"Creek" gun?

Guest Fenris

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1 Week until I take my CCW class.

I like to fish--a lot. I'm thinking it's going to be nice to be able to take a "snake" gun with me when I hit the creeks and such. My question is about wet guns. Sometimes I wade, and I don't usually wade much deeper than waist-high, but sometimes you get a hole, etc. and get a little deeper.

I'm considering a .22 revolver, but I was wondering if anyone else got wet while they fished and if they carried, and what...

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Guest Bronker
1 Week until I take my CCW class.

I like to fish--a lot. I'm thinking it's going to be nice to be able to take a "snake" gun with me when I hit the creeks and such. My question is about wet guns. Sometimes I wade, and I don't usually wade much deeper than waist-high, but sometimes you get a hole, etc. and get a little deeper.

I'm considering a .22 revolver, but I was wondering if anyone else got wet while they fished and if they carried, and what...

You're on the right track in my opinion. I carry a Ruger Single Six in 22LR/22mag convertible cylinder. I carry it in a shoulder rig, where it rides high tucked in my armpit. I sometimes load it with the CCI shotshells. I figure if I'm up to my armpits in water, its probably time to back out anyway! Go get em!

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Its about time to get the winston out and start fishing.For a snake gun,Im thinkin THE JUDGE is gettin wet.I have a 2 1/2" blued and 2 - 3" stainless matt finish.I have shot one and the other has not and will not be.

The 3" that has been shot will be a tool.Maybe a new fishin tool,thanks for the idea.

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You could also look at Bond Arms Snake Slayer. It is a two round derringer type gun, but is fairly significant. Stainless steel, and you can get about a dozen different barrels for it through the mail at about $130 each. They typically come with a barrel that will either shoot .410 shotgun shells, or a .45 long colt round (or one of each). They may cost slightly more than the judge, but they have some cool holsters and I think you can get a shoulder sling that might be just the ticket for your fishing. I fish from a boat, and was thinking about getting a judge for the boat in order to shoot the shotgun shells at varmints, but if I were an "in the creek" fisherman, I might want to look at the Bond Arms Snake Slayer. Good luck, B

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Thanks for the input.

I would love the judge, but at this point, I don't want it to be my primary CCW. This makes it a bit price prohibited since I am just getting into short guns. I need to purchase my CCW first.

That's kind of why I was leaning towards the .22 first. Another reason I was looking at a .22 pistol is that next winter when I am deer hunting and see a squirrel or a rabbit, I can get my small game as well.

Just a thought.

Good to know some of you have guns that can get wet. I guess the key is cleaning them as soon as you get home if you happen to take a dunking.

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That's kind of why I was leaning towards the .22 first. Another reason I was looking at a .22 pistol is that next winter when I am deer hunting and see a squirrel or a rabbit, I can get my small game as well.

1) where are you fishing? Private, state, fed land? All have different legal req's. If a HCL is all that is needed a good 38 snub is a good snake (and HCP in general) gun.

2) if you are deer hunting (in Tn) don't get caught with a rimfire it's only a "little" illegal. There are a bunch of pot loads for various centerfire guns.

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You're on the right track in my opinion. I carry a Ruger Single Six in 22LR/22mag convertible cylinder. I carry it in a shoulder rig, where it rides high tucked in my armpit. I sometimes load it with the CCI shotshells.

Have you ever actually killed a snake with the .22 shotshells?

A guy I used to hunt with tried to dispatch a copperhead with shotshells out of a snub 38 and had miserable results. They just weren't very effective. Not at all what we expected to happen.

I decided right there I'd never carry shotshells.

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I'm sorry, scratch the .22 carry with the deer. I thought that was legal. Perhaps I'm thinking the other way around? Would it be legal while squirrel hunting with a .22 rifle to have a deer gun on my hip?

Thank you for the warning and for setting me straight :up:

If I did carry a .22 I would not carry shot shells. As Buzz said, I have had trouble with stopping power on a snake with them.

As far as where I fish, I fish all over. I fish under a bridge on Nolensville road south of town before you get to Nolensville. I keep a rod and reel in my trunk along with some waders. If you ever see a guy in hip waders and a dress shirt, it's probably me :-)

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Guest Bronker
Have you ever actually killed a snake with the .22 shotshells?

A guy I used to hunt with tried to dispatch a copperhead with shotshells out of a snub 38 and had miserable results. They just weren't very effective. Not at all what we expected to happen.

I decided right there I'd never carry shotshells.

Well, I don't think I've killed any snakes with them, come to think of it. My.Ruger is a 7" barrel, so I think that might help. Killed lots of tweety birds with them, tho.

Good point, Buzz.

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I'm sorry, scratch the .22 carry with the deer. I thought that was legal. Perhaps I'm thinking the other way around? Would it be legal while squirrel hunting with a .22 rifle to have a deer gun on my hip?

Thank you for the warning and for setting me straight :tinfoil:

If I did carry a .22 I would not carry shot shells. As Buzz said, I have had trouble with stopping power on a snake with them.

As far as where I fish, I fish all over. I fish under a bridge on Nolensville road south of town before you get to Nolensville. I keep a rod and reel in my trunk along with some waders. If you ever see a guy in hip waders and a dress shirt, it's probably me :-)

Hey, it ain't easy keeping the game laws and carry laws straight!

You can have a centerfire pistol unless you are on a management area. As for where you fish, it changes depending on where you are. I'm about to the point of keeping a lawyer with me just to keep the rules straight.

Hopefully, this legislature will simplify our life and remove a bunch of potential paperwork felony/misdemeaners.

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Thanks for that clarification. I think I read and thought through it being OK for me to carry a deer pistol while I squirrel hunted, and I guess I inferred that the reverse would be OK. I realize that it could be easy to defend you not shooting small game with a larger caliber a lot more easily than defending yourself about shooting a deer with a rimfire.

My bad :-)

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