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Open and Concealed Carry- How do you do it?

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IWB.... G17/19/26 in a Crossbreed Supertuck. Been using the same holster for 6 or 7 years and it's functionally as good as day 1.

OWB... G17/19/26 in a DeSantis speed scabbard. Great rention without the thumb break, hugs the pistol close to the body for moderate concealment under a shirt.

Gone through my fair share of holsters, those are the two that work best for me. 

  • 1 month later...

Appendix Glock 19 in a Tier 1 Concealed Agis. Makes it a breeze to conceal a 19 and spare mag! f9e570797bb32965d28b5d3470ee6651.jpg



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Sounds weird maybe, but I really like my G43 in Undertech holster shorts or a belly band at about the 0400 position. I can conceal it easily under anything... even workout shorts. It doesn't try to pull my pants down all the time and is super comfortable with the Undertechs. It also makes a tucked in shirt no problem on days I need to go more business.

If not that, then a G19 in the Undertech or IWB with a crossbreed at 0400 


If I'm in the woods or on the farm, it's a G20 in a Safariland ALS OWB at 0300 with 200gn HC Underwoods.





I carry IWB with crossbread holsters exclusively. Took me a lot of attempts to find the right combo. In the beginning, it all feels like this. 



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  • 1 month later...

I used to open carry a 1911 in a leather holster OWB.  Generally, I wear a polo shirt tucked into either jeans or cargo shorts and with a bigfoot gun belt I found that the most comfortable way to carry.  I still do find this the most comfortable, but after two years of it I got really sick of the attention it draws.  For better or worse, it feels like everyone asks about my gun like that.  After I had the cops called on me while I was shopping for produce at a local grocery store, I decided to rethink my carry method.  Apparently armed robbers like to stock up on strawberries and bananas before they stick up the joint.  The cop was amazing about the whole thing, but I just didn't like the attention.

So I bought one of those "tuckable" IWB leather and kydex holsters and started either leaving my shirt untucked or wearing a light jacket as weather allowed.  At first I was really excited about it.  But more and more I found myself not carrying because this was such a pain to take in and out.  Frankly, it was just uncomfortable.  It dug into my side when I was driving, made me look and feel lumpy and I wasn't confident in my ability to draw from a IWB holster.  Plus (and this was probably just a me thing) my gun would slide loose in the holster when I'd use the toilet, and with IBD that's a big concern.  I tried an IWB Kydex holster but it had many of the same issues (thought, admittedly, had better retention).  

So it was time to rethink again.  I switched to a smaller gun, a Bersa Thunder 380.  Then,  I changed up my wardrobe a bit to wear more shirts I could leave untucked to CC the smaller gun.  I was honestly surprised how even a token effort to cover it up with a T-shirt and a smaller/less noticeable gun stopped the attention.  Especially with a kydex holster.  Call me old fashioned, but I'm not a big fan of the way Kydex looks compared to leather.  Some of the cool patterns you can get on Kydex now make it a bit better, but it will never replace leather for me aesthetically.  But the way a good Kydex holster carries is just amazing to me.  It has a lot of the advantages of a IWB or tuckable holster - stays tight against your side, easily concealed under a shirt, light, etc - but is much more comfortable and outside your waistband, so your pants fit better.  For a while, this became my carry method.  I'd half-a** conceal both the 1911 and the Bersa under a t-shirt or untucked polo everywhere except work.  During that time, I only noticed being noticed (read that three times fast) with a good Kydex OWB "concealed" with a t-shirt over it twice and both of those were while sitting in a restaurant where my shirt rode up a bit.

But I found myself carrying less and less this way.  For one, the Bersa is my wife's gun and she should be carrying it.  The 1911 is heavy and even with a good holster and belt it was a pain in the neck strapping the holster for either gun on after work (where I can't carry).  So I started pocket carrying the Bersa and I really liked it.   This inspired me to buy two small guns that I switch out - a Raven .25 and an LCP.  This has been how I've been carrying the past 6 months or so.  I am amazed it is so easy to toss one in my pocket and go wherever I am going during the week.  Because of that, I tend to pocket CC one of those guns just about everywhere I go.  On weekends or when I'm hunting, I'll still half-conceal either the Bersa, the 1911 or the LCP (in pretty much that order of likelihood) OWB in a Kydex or leather holster but during the week I'm far more likely to toss the LCP in a pocket of my cargo pants/shorts and head about my day.  It doesn't limit my wardrobe nearly as much, I'm not constantly worried about printing (find one tech-savvy 30-something that DOESN'T have weird lumps in his pocket, and I'll show you a Tech-savvy 30-something that's up to something!) and it is far more comfortable than IWB. 

So there's your long answer to CC or Open - I CC but only because it's more comfortable and less hassle than dealing with a confused and skittish populous with a gun on your hip.

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Posted (edited)

@Ronald_55, did you ever figure out what works for you?

To me, it depends a lot on what I'm carrying. For small single-stacks, I REALLY like Remora holsters with the extra mag pouch, but without the reinforced top. They work great for my Kahr PM9, Shield 9, Shield .45, and Glock G43. I can honestly forget about the PM9 when carried at the 4'oclock spot and have to squirm in my seat sometimes to remember if I have it or not. The others are just a bit larger and I can almost forget I have them when in a Remora. the extra mag pouch creates more surface area against my body to keep the whole thing from shifting. I have some w/o the mag pouch and they will move around a bit during the day.

I have a Remora for my Glock G26 and while it's functional, I just don't like it. I never forget it's there. It works, but a double-stack just doesn't work well in an IWB setup for me. I had a Minotaur IWB for an XDsc .40, but got rid of it and the gun. The XD was too much weight for my tastes, but the holster worked well. If I ever decide to go back to IWB with a double stack, I'd look at that or the Crossbreed Supertucks. On the rare occasion I carry a double stack G26 or G19, I go OWB with a kydex Safariland or leather Bianchi Model 82, both with a retention system. I do that maybe a few times a year in the winter. I'm kind of a skinnier guy (but not as skinny as I used to be...working on that tactical gut) so I need a jacket to manage OWB and have any chance of concealing it.

I keep thinking about one of those pocket Kydex ones from Stellar Rigs that Oh Shoot posted earlier in this thread. Snugging the extra mag under the grip like that keeps the whole thing a lot more compact than Remora's solution with the mag pouch added to the "front" of the holster.

I have a Desantis Nemesis for my Ruger LCP. I like it for that gun but I never carry it. My Kahr in a Remora holster is just so stinking concealable that I've never felt the need to switch to the LCP, so it just sits around doing nothing.

I tried an ankle holster once or twice and hated it. It was more obvious than an obvious thing that is not hidden. I chalk that up to my build. Bigger guys can pull them off w/o any issues.

Edited by monkeylizard

I have tried several and so far not been 100% happy. I guess the closest so far is a fobus paddle but that does not work for my all my guns. My spare tire gets in the way of a lot of holsters. I dont love the idea of pocket carry though. I have a lot in my pockets normally and digging it out from even an empty pocket does not seem like as quick affair.

I keep trying styles. Hopefully I find one. The newest Fobus I have for my M&P 2.0 .45 is nice with the release button. Not sure I could conceal it anywhere it was vaguely hot though.

That being said, I do not carry daily because of places I am in and out of. Maybe if  did I would get used to one.


I have 2 holsters I use and both a OWB type. Nothing fancy but get the job done for me. I wear a t-shirt tucked and just throw a light cover shirt over what I am wearing and sometimes don't even have to button it but normally will button two bottom buttons. It surprised my doctors nurse the first time she realized I was armed. She could not tell it till she ask me to remove my light jacket to check my BP and I just worn a light windbreaker jacket with no cover shirt that day. She took it in stride and did her job and when doctor came in she was smiling and told me that her nurse warned her that I was armed and she said he is always armed when he comes here..........:clap:




I have an old Bladetech Phantom (?) and it has done the job for years. I recently picked up a Desantis Invader, and it is more comfortable, but it did elicit some responses from a loud couple at Rural King the other day. Both are with a Glock 19, as if any sensible person carried anything else.


When I don't feel like the hassle I have a Micro Eagle in a pocket holster I will use.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Sig Sauer P938 in a DeSantis Superfly Holster in warm weather, CZ75 SP01 or CZ75 SP01 Compact in a Kirkpatrick Leather shoulder holster when it gets cold (I use a hoodie or vest for cover).

When I'm running, I carry the Sig in a 5.11 holster shirt.

Edited by M1_Garand

Warm weather, business, or "out on the town"... Baggy pants no matter the occasion or dungaree shorts... Pocket holster... 938...238... Glock 43... "j" frame smith...

Winter time or fall... Vest or short coat... Pocket holster...Coat or vest pocket...

I like kydex for the glocks... Leather or DeSantis for the little semi autos and the j frames... Wouldn't turn around for the difference in em...

If ya want ta go big... Get a kydex pocket holster and a subcompact glock... any flavor... I carried a Glock 33 or a Glock 27 in my hip pocket of dungarees or overalls... I ya use dungarees, get a 'real" belt... Ya will need it...

The main thing is ..."...Dont leave home without 'em..."...


  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

I've tried pocket holsters and numerous IWB holsters. I've got a pile like Ronald and none of them work for me.

What I've done is gone to OWB under a untucked shirt or jacket. Sure, it prints but nobody, I mean nobody, has ever "read" me. I can even carry this way out with the wife and she doesn't notice. Now I'm not saying a cop or somebody trained in these things wouldn't pick up on it but I've never been called on it.  These days lots of people have have big i phones on their belt and a smaller pistol doesn't print any different. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to have a gun that jabs into my side, hip, leg, or butt when I sit with a IWB or pocket holster just to keep from offending somebody with a print of my firearm.

As a rule, I'm against all out open carry because I think it just brings unneeded attention to you and your firearm but OWB under a untucked shirt or jacket works for me. I guess I might go though the pain of a IWB if I needed to go deep concealment but the only place I could think of where that would be needed is carrying in a place that is posted or otherwise prohibited. I try to avoid those places or comply by the law and disarm. 


I'm also left handed, which can sometimes make it hard to find certain holsters. 

Edited by m16ty

Since it is getting colder I bought a cheaper shoulder rig to try out. Fits my M&P .45 and CZ P-09. Has 2 mag pouches on other side. I have always seen the shoulder rigs as the best option though they do require a jacket to cover. 

We will see how I like it.

16 minutes ago, Ronald_55 said:

Since it is getting colder I bought a cheaper shoulder rig to try out. Fits my M&P .45 and CZ P-09. Has 2 mag pouches on other side. I have always seen the shoulder rigs as the best option though they do require a jacket to cover. 

We will see how I like it.

I've thought about that myself. I've never tried one but I think it would be fairly comfortable and have the firearm readily accessible. I'll probably pick one up and try it. 

12 hours ago, m16ty said:

I've tried pocket holsters and numerous IWB holsters. I've got a pile like Ronald and none of them work for me.

What I've done is gone to OWB under a untucked shirt or jacket. Sure, it prints but nobody, I mean nobody, has ever "read" me. I can even carry this way out with the wife and she doesn't notice. Now I'm not saying a cop or somebody trained in these things wouldn't pick up on it but I've never been called on it.  These days lots of people have have big i phones on their belt and a smaller pistol doesn't print any different. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to have a gun that jabs into my side, hip, leg, or butt when I sit with a IWB or pocket holster just to keep from offending somebody with a print of my firearm.

As a rule, I'm against all out open carry because I think it just brings unneeded attention to you and your firearm but OWB under a untucked shirt or jacket works for me. I guess I might go though the pain of a IWB if I needed to go deep concealment but the only place I could think of where that would be needed is carrying in a place that is posted or otherwise prohibited. I try to avoid those places or comply by the law and disarm. 


I'm also left handed, which can sometimes make it hard to find certain holsters. 

Most people wouldn't notice if you were on fire. Half of those who would notice, wouldn't do anything about it.  

When I see people printing, or even open carrying, I like to watch the other people around them. It's rare to see anyone react at all, much less negatively.  But I'm still kinda anal about being concealed.  

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This. I watched a guy walk around in a CVS for about 10 minutes with a full cowboy holster setup. The only thing he was missing was a bandolier and he would have looked like he just walked out of central casting. I know none of the other customers noticed and either the clerk didn't either, or didn't care.

  • Like 1
13 hours ago, peejman said:

Most people wouldn't notice if you were on fire. Half of those who would notice, wouldn't do anything about it.  

When I see people printing, or even open carrying, I like to watch the other people around them. It's rare to see anyone react at all, much less negatively.  But I'm still kinda anal about being concealed.  

True, most people these days are just worried about themselves and a oblivious to their surroundings. 

I also think me being left handed helps on my form of "concealment". While the OWB gun does print, most people that see the print don't associate with it being a gun because it's on the left side. Even though I'm left handed, it still looks weird to me when I see other people fire a gun, use a baseball bat, etc left handed. 

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A sturdy purpose-built gun belt is mandatory for any concealed carry to be successful and comfortable.  My go-to has always been The Belt Man (http://www.thebeltman.net) for gun belts but there are competing products of equal quality now too.

With experience gained over time, I moved away from complete Kydex holsters and prefer either complete leather or Kydex/leather hybrids for quality and longevity.  Comp-Tac still makes the Minotaur MTAC holster which is a really good Kydex/Leather hybrid but my preferred holster for IWB carry for the past ten years has been the Mike's Special leather rig from Tim Thurner at http://www.ttgunleather.com .

When it comes to belts and holsters, you really need to buy once and cry once.  Suck it up and buy the best you can afford.  Don't skimp.  Don't spend $500+ on a handgun and then expect that a $40 holster and $20 belt are likely to be up to snuff.  Chances are good that they won't be, that your gun won't ride comfortably or securely, and you're going to be miserable and blame it on the gun instead of the gear that you chose to carry it with.


Posted (edited)

Fwiw.. my everyday carry is a Kahr PM40. It. Sits on my belt at about the 2:00 position. I can cover it with a jacket or a shirt and it's minimally noticeable. Extra mag goes into my pocket. So far I've never been made. I neglected to mention it's in a Mitch Rosen owb holster.

Edited by Raoul
  • 2 weeks later...

I just picked up a Blackhawk Serpa  for my Glock 19. I wore it to Church last night OWB under a untucked shirt. Looking in the mirror before I left, it did print a little but not bad. If anybody noticed, nobody said anything.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

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