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Sig 226 or?


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Posted (edited)

I'm starting my studies on the 226. I've owned one before, but it's been a long time ago. I'm thinking I want another one.

I'm going to gather my Glock 19 FDE and all the crap together at some point and get ready to put it toward a Sig (or?). Looking a while down the road.

I have owned somewhere north of 1,459,726 1/2 Glocks (it seems) of various calibers over the years, and I've been issued Glocks for the last 20 years, and I've gone through the Glock armorer's course. So I KNOW the Glocks. I know there mostly reliable, and I know there have been some problems. (Thought I'd get all that out of the way first) But I am TIRED of them! And I mean really tired of them. So tired that I seem to be developing some kind of angst agin 'em that's been gathering steam for quite some time (years) now.

So maybe it is time for something different.

I like the Beretta's I've owned, and there's certain things about them that I dislike, just like any other gun. Pretty well know the platform. 

I believe I like the Sig 226 or 228 better.

And, of course, when my lustful eye falleth upon a CZ 75 I get a........well never mind that, but I really like them. I'd have to decide between the standard and omega systems.

So, my choice is twixt these three.

I know there are fans of the newer Sigs, and fans of the older west Germans.

Amongst the Sigs, what do I need to look for, and which ones do I need to stay away from? Or would I be better off just concentrating on Beretta or CZ?

Obviously I just thought I'd come here and vent and be considerate enough to allow ya'll to take part in my misery.:angel:


Edited by res308

There is a reason they have named that irresistible urge to buy more than just one Sig, and it is called Signess.  I have 3 West German Sigs, and have many more non-West German, and "I" for one from a technical point of view cannot explain or detect any difference.  I admit the nostalgia of a West German is very high though. 

To me the Sigs are about craftsmanship, and high quality.  They are on the heavy side, which makes any recoil low. 

Sigs are just beautiful guns that will get the job done.   


You need to sow those wild oats before you can ever make a serious commitment to your Significant other. I vote you take a hayride with a couple of Czechs.

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As a CZ fanboy and P226 owner you cant go wring with either,but IMO SIG is way out of line with pricing today.. My P226 cost me 685 just a few years ago and is now over a grand ,they have jumped in price more than any handgun I have ever seen. CZ for me shoots better and has a nicer trigger but thats all preference . CZ and SIG now jumped on the Glock copy bandwagon with theyre P320 and the new upcoming P10c,both get stellar reviews and both in the same price range .. Im waiting for my LGS to have some of the new CZs myself . What to buy?  Buy em all I say .. 


If you like the CZ design and the 226 heft and are interested in something "different," you might be interested to know that a certain shop in Greenbriar has pretty tempting pricing on Jericho kits...


I went through the same thing last year. It was between a CZ75 and a 226. I ended up with a PCR and love it. The only complaint is the grips are just a tad too thick for y hands. So I thought I would go with a single stack. Went back to the range and rented a 239 and put 100 rounds through each again. I liked the trigger much better in the CZ. Just need to get some thinner grips.


I'd pick a Sig hands down. Much easier to find parts for and work on. If it's just a range toy, then I'd pick a Witness Elite Match over a CZ. Better trigger and better reset out of the box.

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I agree with Sig's pricing being out of line. I've had 2 W. German 226's, one of which was my very first handgun. Loved it but I paid $400 for it about 11 years ago. For the money, I would buy another CZ instead of a new Sig 226. The internet tells me that build quality and QC are the reasons why the West German ones are better. Can't have an opinion on that. The last W German stamped Sig's were produced right before my teen years. Beretta's are really nice too. Just go with what fits best in your hand and points well. 


I had a Sig 226 Legion in .40 in my cart on the Gander website.  10% off with NRA discount code.  Went to the bank to move some money around at lunch and came back to hit "buy" and it is GONE.  Not in my cart and disappeared from Website.  Gander Chat site advised they will not be getting in any more before the NRA coupon expires.  I am bummed!


I was all set to join the Sig "Cool Kid" club and everything!  (I already have a 229, 224, 220 in 10 mm, 238, and a Sig AR--but no "Cool Kid Secred Decoder Club" Legions.


My humble opinion but I honestly don't think the Legions are worth all the hype. I would much rather have a Wilson Combat 92G (which I do have and LOVE!) or a customized CZ 75 would be nice. To each, their own.

Posted (edited)

My desire for the Legion is NOT for any hype or for the Secret Decoder Ring.  I like the Beavertail (because I have fat hands and I get the web pinched between the thumb and index finger of my shooting hand), I DEMAND the SRT, and I like the sights.  Other than that, I really do not care about the Legion club--it has NOTHING do do with my decision to buy one.  I just thought that the $130 off of new weapons at Gander was too good to pass up, and they HAD one on the website.  
I have not shot many CZs.  I have read enough to know that many "Sig Guys" are also CZ guys.  Wilson Combat 92G's that I can find are around 2K.  Also I am a .40 guy (I have a really good reason) and I already have the 229 and 224 so the 226 gives me a trifecta of the double stack .40.  In addition, once I get my 226--I will move my 229 from my go-to bedside gun with mounted light to my daily carry rotation where it belongs.  I will likely move on to trying CZs next.  Apparently, the number of handguns that I "need" is not finite.


Edited by ma6907

The trigger reset on the Legions are fantastic if you care about reset. It's as good as the old 3rd gen Smith & Wesson guns. And that's saying something.


@zybysco--that is EXACLTY why I want the Legion.  That is what I meant by the SRT listed above.  I am for some reason practically addicted to it and it is a must have on any pistol that I shoot (in DA/SA which I prefer).  On SA triggers, I am not as demanding of the new SA SRT.  It is nice, but I have no problem shooting a "plain" SA trigger.  I almost can't stand shooting a DA/SA pistol (and will not carry one) without the SRT and the Legion SRT is seemingly better than my Elite and Extreme SRTs that I already have (may be in my head though, I have not fired the Legion yet).  I am guessing if you are not a "Sig Guy", this likely makes no sense, but anyone who is likely is nodding their heads.  For me (for some unknown to me reason) the trigger pull and especially reset is EVERYTHING.  (also important to me as stated above is the Elite Bevertail--but not as important as the trigger) 

  On 1/31/2017 at 12:30 AM, ma6907 said:

My desire for the Legion is NOT for any hype or for the Secret Decoder Ring.  I like the Beavertail (because I have fat hands and I get the web pinched between the thumb and index finger of my shooting hand), I DEMAND the SRT, and I like the sights.  Other than that, I really do not care about the Legion club--it has NOTHING do do with my decision to buy one.  I just thought that the $130 off of new weapons at Gander was too good to pass up, and they HAD one on the website.  
I have not shot many CZs.  I have read enough to know that many "Sig Guys" are also CZ guys.  Wilson Combat 92G's that I can find are around 2K.  Also I am a .40 guy (I have a really good reason) and I already have the 229 and 224 so the 226 gives me a trifecta of the double stack .40.  In addition, once I get my 226--I will move my 229 from my go-to bedside gun with mounted light to my daily carry rotation where it belongs.  I will likely move on to trying CZs next.  Apparently, the number of handguns that I "need" is not finite.



Wow!! $2k for a 92G!?!?! That's absurd! MSRP is around $1500 depending on options. I don't have the action tune done on mine. Kinda want it but I'd rather keep buying more guns. I guess I wasn't paying enough attention to the Legion's that I've held and felt the trigger on. Didn't feel an appreciable difference in comparison to a 226 Extreme that we also had in stock at the same time. Haven't shot one so I don't know how they are exactly. I do have a former coworker that turned me onto CZ's that has an SP01 and a 226 Legion. I'll ask his opinion on the matter. Wish he lived closer to actually shoot them back to back but he lives in NC now.


I stand corrected. He said the reset is shorter than a PPQ. Best trigger reset he has ever felt. He also like's the sights compared to the CZ. Now granted, his SP01 is factory so we aren't comparing standard guns. I'm sure something from CZ's custom shop or one that's been "Cajunized" might be a better comparison to keep things equal. Might have to keep my eyes open for a used 226 Legion now when prices come down.

  On 1/31/2017 at 2:33 AM, Steelharp said:

You guys fascinated with reset really are funny.



Interesting article and thank you for sharing. Admittedly, I don't have any handgun training other than a Sergeant Major giving me a crash course on shooting an M9 and telling me I better qualify or I'll be reassigned to a different mission. One day I would love to take a few courses that some pro's or retired SF guys offer. One can never learn too much.

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  On 1/31/2017 at 2:33 AM, Steelharp said:

You guys fascinated with reset really are funny.



I cannot explain my fascination with the reset.  It may be that it gives me something to fixate on when I am attempting rapid fire or double taps.  I do not fire (necessarily) worse when shooting a weapon with longer reset, I just prefer shorter reset.   Maybe it it something about making the trigger shorrer that causes manufacturers to ensure it is a good all around trigger?  I cannot explain it and shoot about the same (mediocre in competetions.  Win some, lose most) without it, but seem to prefer it?  Since we are not discussing some PROHIBITIVELY expensive upgrade, to me it is as good of a reason as any to pick one fine weapon over a different equally fine brand or model.  I discovered the SRT by accident and did not know what it was or what it was called.  I traded a Sig 229 .357 for a Sig 229 .40 Elite (with SRT).  I did not know what "Elite" meant in Sig Language.  (I subsequently found out it means beavertail and SRT--2 features that I really prefer.)  After firing it a few times I told a knowledgeable friend--I really love this thing.  I don't know what it is about the trigger but I love it.  HE is the one who explained it to me.  Since then I have not looked back.  I have spoken and competed with guys who insist that they slam their trigger finger up against the front of the trigger guard after every shot.  That is fine for them.  Not for me.  (as an analogy, I also play golf.  Gary Player is one of the greatest golfers of all time.  In lieu of shifting his weight like a tradional golf swing, he literally starts walking forward as he hits the ball, shifting his weight with forward motion.  That has worked great for Gary Player.  I would NOT recommend anyone else try it.)

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  On 1/31/2017 at 5:45 AM, Steelharp said:

I wonder what the reset is like on his...

Oh. It's a revolver.

Nevermind. :stir: :rofl:


Steelharp, I have your answer, but, you already know the answer to your own question. But in case you don't I'll be glad to inform you. You see Jerry's finger there? That's it, the one on the trigger. Well see, that finger of his is much like Chuck Norris' beard. That revolver there knows that it has a reset from the factory, then it knows that it's reset has been tuned by Jerry. BUT, it also knows that none of that matters, because it knows that the reset dang well better be whatever Jerry's finger says it is. Otherwise..........well I just don't want to think about that. :bow::bow::bow:

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I think if your goal is to be able to fire ANY weapon that you pick up very proficiently, the sweep trigger method is CLEARLY better, as described above.  Also for DAO weapons (or different names for DAO like Glock (which I like) or DAK on sigs--which I hate), and for revolvers it is clearly better.  Just not my thing.  I think everyone who shoots has something that draws them to a specific weapon, SRT is mine.

  On 1/31/2017 at 3:14 PM, ma6907 said:

I think if your goal is to be able to fire ANY weapon that you pick up very proficiently, the sweep trigger method is CLEARLY better, as described above.  Also for DAO weapons (or different names for DAO like Glock (which I like) or DAK on sigs--which I hate), and for revolvers it is clearly better.  Just not my thing.  I think everyone who shoots has something that draws them to a specific weapon, SRT is mine.


You're gonna keep on til you sway me into a Sig with SRT purchase aren't you?:up:

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