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New Years!!!


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Happy 2017 to everyone.  My 2016 was not bad, but I know it was bad for a lot of people especially Gatlinburg citizens. 

BTW, we were able to drive around Gatlinburg yesterday in some of the back roads in the heavily damaged areas.  Just very sad.  Words cannot describe the scenes.    We finally turned around, it was too much to see.

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Happy 2017 to everyone.  My 2016 was not bad, but I know it was bad for a lot of people especially Gatlinburg citizens. 
BTW, we were able to drive around Gatlinburg yesterday in some of the back roads in the heavily damaged areas.  Just very sad.  Words cannot describe the scenes.    We finally turned around, it was too much to see.

I can only imagine, that place had so much beauty to it (and still does). Absolutely ashamed to see some of those places go.

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At my age, new year's eve is pretty boring, so I watched some TV.  On the Univision channel a Hispanic magician performed a trick by covering himself with a blanket and counted, "Uno....dos...." and he vanished without a tres.

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1 hour ago, gun sane said:

At my age, new year's eve is pretty boring, so I watched some TV.  On the Univision channel a Hispanic magician performed a trick by covering himself with a blanket and counted, "Uno....dos...." and he vanished without a tres.

Your evening sounds about like mine. I watched the tube till about 11PM and went to sleep. Woke up Sunday and learned that 2017 came in without me watching. Imagine that...................:wall:

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